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Xiao Changfeng sat cross-legged, running Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll.

Black Tortoise longevity has been inspired by him, and Black Tortoise Martial Spirit also appeared behind him.

After doing all this, his True Yuan began to go out.

Although Xiao Changfeng is confident that he can absorb the refining 10000 cold years, he does not dare to be careless.

Cold qi is very rare in Netherworld Hell and Yellow Springs.

The 10000 cold and qi is just a general term.

Refers to the accumulation of cold and qi over 10000 years.

But whether it is 10000 years, 30,000 years, or 50,000 years is unknown.

But even the weakest 10000-year-old cold air is terrifying.

A ray can be frozen through 1000 meters of space.

Xiao Changfeng is not greedy at this time, just want to refining a dozen strands to make Black Tortoise the Great Accomplishment.

As for the rest, it is intended to be the same as Fire Lotus, to keep refining in the future, waiting for Perfection Realm or even detachment.


Xiao Changfeng cautiously inspired Profound Nether Hanzhu.

Soon a ray of 10000 cold qi was spurred by him.

Just moments.

I saw the surrounding air instantly condense, and the sky hung one after another black silk rain.

The ghostly atmosphere, which is enough to freeze the soul of human beings, is slowly spreading.

Let a 100 meters radius turn into frost quickly.

As for Xiao Changfeng, the frost has condensed on the surface, and the eyebrows and hair have become white.


Such a strong chill is also a surprise to the cultivation snake Heavenly Venerate black brows slightly wrinkle.

“This is a top-level treasure, where did this kid get such a treasure!”

Although the snake Heavenly Venerate is deeply rooted in White Python Secret Realm, it still has vision.

At a glance, it was judged that Profound Nether Hanzhu was out of the ordinary.

However, for such a treasure, it is very difficult for her to obtain it.

Xiao Changfeng merely a trifling Paragon How is it possible to have one?

For a while, the snake Heavenly Venerate gave a hint of surprise.

But she didn’t ask too much, but focused on Xiao Changfeng while cultivation.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng only felt cold all over the body.

As if you were in an ice cellar!

Even when he absorbed the cold flame, it was not so chill.

But even if it is cold and cold again, he must refining this 10000 cold qi.

Otherwise Divine Physique Great Accomplishment is just empty talk.


Xiao Changfeng sucked in his mouth, and suddenly the 10000 cold-blooded Qi Qi flew quickly and was swallowed into his mouth.

Suddenly the tongue was numb and the teeth were frozen, losing consciousness.

Only with True Yuan can it be swallowed barely.

But even so, 10000 cold qi through the throat, it is frozen into ice.

Then fell into the abdomen, frozen the internal organs into ice sculpture.

this moment.

The blood of Xiao Changfeng within the body is like a river closed in cold winter, completely unable to flow.

Among the flesh and blood, frost condenses and is extremely stiff.

Even jade-like bones are frozen to the bone.

Only the heart is still beating.

However, this 10000 cold cold qi, after all, was inhaled by Xiao Changfeng within the body.

At this time, through the Meridian, it has already submerged into the Dantian.

This is Xiao Changfeng, who owns the Black Tortoise longevity.

Or change a person, even if it is the powerhouse of the 9th layer of Paragon.

If you dare to swallow 10000 cold air like this, I am afraid that it will be instantly frozen into ice sculpture, with no vitality.

Hanming Qi comes from Hell Yellow Springs.

Yellow Springs is also a kind of water.

The Black Tortoise Divine Beast is the god of water, controlling 10000 waters.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng can only use the Black Tortoise longevity to barely block the horror chill of 10000 years.

But swallowing is a problem, and how to refining is also a problem.

10000 It is very difficult to refining Zai Hanming Qi.

After all, this is the energy of supreme Yin and cold.

However, Xiao Changfeng already had the experience of refining cold flames.

Coupled with his Immortal Emperor memory, there are many solutions.

Therefore, neither too fast nor too slow.

“True Essence Liquid, collapse!”

Xiao Changfeng turned his heart across, and a drop of true Essence Liquid in the dantian burst instantly.

The majestic True Yuan flooded out like a flood flood.

Under the control of Xiao Changfeng, he quickly wrapped up towards this 10000-year-old cold air.

Ka-cha !

As soon as True Yuan approached, it was quickly frozen into ice.

However, Xiao Changfeng expression remained unchanged and continued to be washed away with True Yuan.

The horror chill of 10000 cold and qi is displayed vividly and thoroughly at this moment.

No matter how much True Yuan is controlled by Xiao Changfeng, they are frozen by the 10000 cold and dark qi.

In the end, the pure True Yuan transformed by that drop of true Essence Liquid was completely frozen.

I saw it in the dantian of Xiao Changfeng.

There is an ice hockey ten times larger than Nascent Soul.

This ice hockey is completely cold and terrifying.

But this 10000-year-old cold air is completely wrapped by True Yuan.

The next step is refining!


Xiao Changfeng runs Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll.

However, the flesh and blood meridian within the body were frozen by the cold.

Xiao Changfeng had to dissolve the meridian a little bit, just like thaw.

This is a kung fu.

But in this Time and Space Sand leak, the biggest advantage is time.

One day, two days, three days …

It took only 7 days for Xiao Changfeng to refining this 10000 cold and qi.


Xiao Changfeng exhaled a heavy breath.

As soon as this breath came out, it was freezing the void, and it did not disperse for a long time.

At this time, the frost on Xiao Changfeng was gone.

The flesh and blood meridian within the body also re-circulated.

Among his dantians, the surging True Yuan surged again, with a trace of terrifying chill.

Hanming True Yuan flows within the meridian and enters 4 limbs in 100 limbs.

tempering the long life of Xiao Changfeng’s Black Tortoise.

It took another 3 days.

The first 10000 cold qi has been completely refining.

Xiao Changfeng’s Black Tortoise longevity has been enhanced, but it is not small distance away from Great Accomplishment.

“carry on!”

Xiao Changfeng opened his eyes, his eyes bright and full of determination.

He put True Yuan out and once again got into Profound Nether’s cold beads.

Soon the 2nd strand of 10000 cold qi was drawn by Xiao Changfeng.

Profound Nether’s 10000 cold and energetic spirits in Hanzhu are enough for 10000.

So Xiao Changfeng is also in no hurry.

With the first success, Xiao Changfeng has already explored the experience.

Suddenly swallowed 10000 cold qi.

Soon Xiao Changfeng’s body surface was frozen with frost, and became an iceman again.

But with the first experience, this second refining speed is also greatly accelerated.

It took only 8 days from refining to quenching, which was 2 days less than before.

“Come back!”

Feeling the growth of Black Tortoise long life, Xiao Changfeng’s eyes are full of joy.

So he did it in the same way, and once again led a 10000 cold qi, began to refining the quenched body.

“This kid is actually absorbing this cold body refinement, and this seems to be a kind of Divine Beast’s breath. Is he not a human, but a Demonic beast?”

The snake Heavenly Venerate observes Xiao Changfeng while cultivation.

She is also very curious about Xiao Changfeng and wants to understand the origin of Xiao Changfeng through this observation.

However, the more observation, the deeper the doubt in my heart.

Over time.

Xiao Changfeng’s breath is getting colder and colder, and the snake Heavenly Venerate’s consternation is deepening.

Who are you in the end?

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