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“Xuan Chun Yin is dead?”

Looking at the body of Xuan Chun Yin who was torn in half in the square.

Everyone was stiff and could not believe what he saw.

Although Xiao Changfeng was strong before, everyone already had some expectations.

But really seeing this scene is still somewhat difficult to accept.

This is Xuan Chunyin!

Born powerhouse, comes with black liquid natural phenomenon.

Bloodline concentration is as high as 7 levels, very rich.

Paragon Realm 4 heavy, tsunami field, Flood Dragon holy whip, and extremely difficult Black Tortoise true body technique!

All these are enough to prove the power of Xuan Chunyin.

If the previous Wu Ling Sha 4 people besieged her, I am afraid that she will be killed by her.

However, it is so powerful existence.

At this time, it turned into a cold body.

die without a whole corpse, life is gone!

This… this is incredible.

However, the shock caused by Xuan Chunyin’s death was soon replaced by another shock.

Everyone looked sideways, looking at Xiao Changfeng above the square.

Xuan Chunyin’s death represents the rise of another Heaven’s Chosen powerhouse.

Wu Feng!

This previously unknown name.

This time is the name of Xihai.

Because he won and killed Xuan Chunyin, he was about to become the new god son.

Rich Bloodline, strong strength, and invincible resources.

Let him look like a new round of sun, rising splendidly, illuminating the entire West Sea.

The old times are over.

From today, Xihai and Black Tortoise Clan will usher in a huge change.

The source of the great change is Wu Feng!

“Master won!”

Xuan Qingyan cheering excitedly, his face ecstatic.

Xiao Changfeng really won, so he can live for a while.

And as a witness, Xuan Qingyan’s shock was even stronger.

this moment.

She suddenly felt very curious about Xiao Changfeng’s true identity.

“Who is he? Why own Black Tortoise Bloodline, is he really human?”

The body of Black Tortoise, senior Bloodline, made Xuan Qingyan doubtful.

When she first saw Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng is human, but soon changed to Black Tortoise Clan.

Which one is true?

Or is he originally a Black Tortoise Clan, but has become a human being and experienced in 5 domains?

Xuan Qingyan was deeply puzzled, but could not get an answer.

But she knew that Xiao Changfeng became famous this time.

The position of the Son of God must be his.


Xiao Changfeng silhouette flicked, contacted the Martial Spirit melt, and regained the appearance of Black Tortoise Clan.

His face was as usual, and there was no injury on his body, which was very different from Xuan Chunyin.

Everyone heart startled, guessing that this may not be his full strength.

However, Xuan Chunyin, who had killed Paragon Realm 4 with Paragon Realm, had yet to exert his full strength.

If it is a full shot, how powerful should it be?

For a time, everyone was shocked, and it was difficult to calm down.

“Young Lady !”

A wailing voice came from the crowd.

I saw a silhouette flying out quickly, it was Xuan Chunyin’s old servant!

The old servant quickly swam to Xuan Chunyin’s body.

He held the corpse, tears of old tears, but his eyes turned, and when he looked at Xiao Changfeng, he was full of hatred.

“Life and death duel, each destiny, retreat!”

Feeling the hate in the old servant’s heart, Wu Heavenly Venerate spoke.

old servant Although I can’t wait to change Xiao Changfeng chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

But there are Wu Heavenly Venerate and 2 Great Saint at this time.

He knew his anger would only kill himself that’s all.

So he didn’t go overboard and bowed his head to confine Xuan Chunyin’s body.

Finally, holding the body out of Black-Turtle City.

The crowd dispersed and let out the road without obstruction.

Finally, the old servant took Xuan Chunyin’s body away and disappeared into the vast sea.

However, Xiao Changfeng knew that the old servant would never let this go.

But what about that.

As long as you get the treasure of Water Attribute, you can practice Black Tortoise to Great Accomplishment.

An old servant in the 9th layer of Paragon, who wants to kill himself, is simply wishful thinking.

So Xiao Changfeng did not worry much.

Instead, he turned to look at Wu Heavenly Venerate.

This showdown is a showdown between Xuan Chunyin’s life and death.

It is also the battle of belonging to the Son of God.

Wu Heavenly Venerate released the news before, saying that the winner will become the new God Son.

Now Xuan Chun Yin is dead, he won!

Next, it is time for Heavenly Venerate to honor his promise.

Wu Heavenly Venerate obviously also knows Xiao Changfeng’s thoughts.

At this moment a slight smile, under the focal point of ten thousands, began to speak.

“This battle is splendid. My Black Tortoise Clan is weak and needs to resist the invasion of alien enemies, so I hope more powerhouses can stand up.”

“The journey of White Python Secret Realm fell for 9 days, and the position of the Son of God is vacant. In the battle today, the new God Son was elected, and now the results have come out!”

The people held their breaths and waited for Wu Heavenly Venerate to make the final decision.

He is the patriarch of Black Tortoise Clan, and only he can determine the candidate of the Son of God.

“My new son of Black Tortoise Clan is Wu Feng!”

Finally, Wu Heavenly Venerate spoke.

Confirmed the identity of Xiao Changfeng’s newly appointed son.

“See the Son of God!”

The crowd boiled in an instant, and the 1000000 people prayed together. The sounds of mountain cry out and sea howl spread out.

The whole Black-Turtle City trembles.

Divine Son Wufeng!

This name will spread throughout the West Sea in the near future.

It will spread to 5 domains and 3 seas, let other forces know the existence of martial arts.

Xuan Qingyan is also in the crowd, respectfully, overwhelmed by emotions.

“The birth of the Son of God, the deity will invite powerhouses of all ethnic groups to come to witness the coronation ceremony of the Son of God!”

Wu Heavenly Venerate spoke again.

This is the tradition of Black Tortoise Clan. The birth of the new Son of God will be held at the coronation ceremony.

One is to let Xihai clansman know, 2 also want to use this to deter other people.

But Xiao Changfeng hurried back, how could he waste time on such a thing?

“Lord Patriarch, I am dedicated to cultivation. I hope these common things can be eliminated. As long as I am here, the other people will not dare to despise!”

With the tide, Xiao Changfeng said patriarch, opened the mouth and said his own ideas.

The Son of God is not his goal.

After becoming a god son, he gained a lot of resources, which is what he valued.

Hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, Wu Heavenly Venerate pondered for a moment.

But finally agreed.

“In this case, the deity will agree to your request!”

The coronation ceremony is a major event and cannot be easily avoided.

But Wu Heavenly Venerate also thought of falling 9 days and just falling a year.

Other Great Influence also fell a lot in White Python Secret Realm.

If a coronation ceremony is held this time, it may be counterproductive.

Therefore, Heavenly Venerate has no entanglement and agrees.

“Wu Feng, you are the new Son of God. When you enter the ancestral library, you will get a treasure, and you will be included in Profound Nether Secret Realm!

The new God Son has a chance to enter the ancestral library.

Wu Heavenly Venerate is also not stingy.

And this is in line with Xiao Changfeng’s wishes, and naturally he is willing to promise.

Soon, Wu Heavenly Venerate took Xiao Changfeng away.


Wu Feng beheaded Xuan Chunyin and became the new God Son.

This news, like a storm, swept across the West Sea in an instant!

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