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Xuan Chunyin released the news, offer to fight newcomer dark horse Wu Feng!

Wu Heavenly Venerate issued a Heavenly Venerate order to watch the battle in person and the winner was the new Son of God.

And Wu Feng quickly made a sound, willing to face the battle.

So, inside the Black-Turtle City is the excitement.

Black-Turtle City is large and covers an extremely large area.

The entire Black-Turtle City sits on a seabed mountain range.

It stretches ten thousand meters and looks like a huge Black Tortoise.

In the center of the city, there is a 1000 meters high Black Tortoise statue.

The statue is lifelike and has a mysterious coercion.

This statue is surrounded by black liquid, and you step on You Ming, not angry.

Some people say that this statue contains the real Black Tortoise bone.

It is the worship target of the entire Black Tortoise Clan.

Before the Black Tortoise statue, it was a huge square.

This square is normally used to worship the Black Tortoise Clan people.

But this time is empty.

Because this time the battle between Wu Feng and Xuan Chunyin is located here.

Early November 3.

This is the time of the battle, so early on, countless people gathered around.

The entire Black-Turtle City has 1000000 inhabitants.

Coupled with the news of the powerhouse from all parties, all around the vast crowd was crowded for a time.

But most people stand in the square all around, down to earth.

Because today’s battle is crucial.

And the strength of the warring parties is also extremely strong.

Therefore, only those who are strong enough can dare to stand up and stand above the crowd.

Those who have the ability to step on the water are at least the powerhouse above the 5th layer of the Emperor Martial environment.

As for the powerhouse in Paragon, there are also many.

Although these powerhouses are unable to participate in the selection of new gods because of age or other reasons.

However, he is still full of anticipation and curiosity about the future Son of God.

Even more how Heavenly Venerate will watch the battle personally, and they dare not be negligent.

“Xuan Chunyin has come!”

Everyone whispered.

I saw a beautiful shadow standing under the statue of Black Tortoise, it was Xuan Chunyin.

She is a crystal Bone Armor, graceful figure, is Goddess in countless people’s dreams.

She did not exude a strong imposing manner.

However, standing there makes people unable to bear awe.

That was the coercion from Bloodline.

“Xuan Chunyin’s Bloodline strength is level 7, which is only inferior to the previous 9 days, but it is also very remarkable. You know that patriarch is only level 8 Bloodline that’s all!”

Someone whispered.

In Black Tortoise Clan, Bloodline is highly regarded.

There are already grades, one to ten.

But most people’s Bloodline is thin, only below Fifth Level.

Fifth level and above are geniuses of extraordinary natural talent.

The 7th level is even more terrible. As for the 8th level, the Heavenly Venerate has been reached.

9 days before the fall, it was only 7 and a half that’s all.

As for Level 9 and Level 1, that’s just a concept that’s all.

In Black Tortoise Clan, no one has ever reached it.

Some people say that Level 1 Bloodline can return to its ancestors and become a true pure blood Black Tortoise.

Level 9 Bloodline, also known as Half Blood Black Tortoise.

But these all are legends, until now has never been reached.

Therefore Xuan Chunyin’s Level 7 Bloodline is already very high.

“Lord Patriarch is here!”

There was a cheer in the crowd.

I saw a group of silhouettes, grandiose came.

Although there is no breath to exhale, it is still imposing manner, which is awe-inspiring and 10000 points.

I saw the first person, it is Wu Heavenly Venerate.

Wu Heavenly Venerate wears ink-black Bone Armor. Bone Armor is thick and shaped like a turtle shell.

But it does not appear bloated and bulky, but rather as majestic as Mount Tai.

He is the patriarch of Black Tortoise Clan and the largest pillar.

As long as he was there, other powerhouses would not dare to easily break into the West Sea.

So many clansman are still very awesome to him.

“Welcome to patriarch!”

All Black Tortoise Clan people made a big gift to Wu Heavenly Venerate.

Other Heavenly Venerate they will call it Sir Heavenly Venerable, but Wu Heavenly Venerate has only one name, that is patriarch.

At this time, even the sea monster powerhouse is also known as patriarch, with great respect.

But this time Wu Heavenly Venerate is not coming alone.

There are 2 people beside him.

these two people one man and one woman.

The one on the left is burly, similar to Wu Heavenly Venerate has several points of.

It is the son of Wu Heavenly Venerate.

Black Tortoise Clan has a long lifespan, and there are many descendants of this child.

But this person is most loved by Heavenly Venerate.

“Meet Heaven Martial Saint!”

Everyone saluted the man.

This is Heaven Martial Saint, and it is also one of Saint Boundary’s powerhouses among the descendants of Wu Heavenly Venerate.

He has always been regarded by Wu Heavenly Venerate as the successor.

This time is related to the major event of Shenzi, Wu Heavenly Venerate also brought him together.

The other person is not Black Tortoise Clan, but a sea monster powerhouse.

This is a woman, but her body is a strange sea creature: seahorse!

“Meet the sea horse Saint!”

Many clansman of Black Tortoise Clan saw this woman without any contempt.

Instead, he treated the same as Heaven Martial Saint.

In the West China Sea, Black Tortoise Clan is the most distinguished.

Sea monster is in a weak position.

But seahorse Saint is different.

Although she is a sea monster, she has rescued countless Black Tortoise Clan people in many disasters.

Therefore she was respected by the Black Tortoise Clan.

In the West Sea, it is not a Heavenly Venerate.

Nor are Heaven Martial Saint and Sea Horse Saint 2 Saints.

But other powerhouses each have the task of defending one side.

Therefore, only three people were watching this battle.

But it is enough!

Wu Heavenly Venerate, Heaven Martial Saint, Haima Saint!

The status of these three people is respected and representative.

“The ancestors got a piece of Black Tortoise True God’s broken bones, ground it into powder, and fused it with deep-sea ore to create this Black Tortoise statue.”

“Anyone who is not Black Tortoise Clan will cause a reaction from the statue. As long as the statue recognizes it, then there is no need to go into the origin of the identity of the martial arts!”

Wu Heavenly Venerate glanced at the Black Tortoise statue, which sounded like a line and came out of the ears of Heaven Martial Saint.

It was Heaven Martial Saint who reported to Wu Heavenly Venerate before.

“Yes, father!”

Heaven Martial Saint nodded responded.

“Many thanks patriarch and 2 Saints personally watched the battle to be a witness to the next!”

Seeing Wu Heavenly Venerate and 2 Great Saint, Xuan Chun Yin salutes.

“The battle of today is about the position of the Son of God, you must not be careless!”

Wu Heavenly Venerate encouraged Xuan Chunyin.

Compared with Wu Feng who suddenly popped out, he naturally preferred Xuan Chunyin.

But everything has to wait until the war is over.

Wu Heavenly Venerate, as the patriarch of Black Tortoise Clan, he can’t confirm the divine son’s affiliation according to his own preferences.

“Many thanks patriarch encourage!”

Xuan Chunyin responded respectfully.

Wu Heavenly Venerate nodded, with Heaven Martial Saint and Sea Horse Saint standing next to the Black Tortoise statue, waiting for the battle to begin.

At this time Xuan Chunyin has waited, Wu Heavenly Venerate and 2 Great Saint have also arrived.

Focal point of ten thousands, only another person in this battle came.

“he came!”

A few moments later, the crowd rioted, and a cry of exclamation suddenly sounded.

I saw two figures, who came from a distance, headed by Xiao Changfeng!

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