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“Dead, all dead!”

Looking at Xuan Jingjing being killed by Xiao Changfeng, Xuan Qingyan shuddered and shivered.

She stared at Xiao Changfeng in a daze, but only felt like being in a dream.

This is the 4 famous Paragon powerhouse!

Wu Ling Sha, Xuan Jing Jing, Wu Zi Xuan, Xuan Chun Hong!

Which of these 4 people is not a famous party exists.

It is also a powerful contender for the position of the new God Son.

Except for Xuan Chunyin, they belong to them most promising.

However at this time.

All four of them fell and died on the Channel City.

However, apart from the shock, Xuan Qingyan also quickly reacted.

“The master won, my God, the master won!”

The fall of the Wuling Shark 4 represents the victory of the owner.

The master will be famous for this battle, maybe he has a chance to become a new god son!

Even if he is Human Race, as long as he becomes the new son of Black Tortoise Clan, then everything is not a problem.

Becoming a subsidiary of the Son of God does not seem to be a bad thing!

Thinking of this, Xuan Qingyan stepped out.

Kneel down on the ground respectfully and congratulate Xiao Xiaofeng.

“Congratulations to the master greatly showing divine might, beheading a strong enemy, the position of the Son of God, will definitely be in the Master’s bag!”


Along with Xuan Qingyan’s congratulations.

All around the crowd also reacted.

“Wu Ling Sha actually died? This… how is this possible!”

“This martial arts style is too strong. Wu Lingsha and their team of siegeers are not his opponents. This dark horse may have a chance to hit the Son of God!”

“It’s too strong, too terrifying. His Bloodline concentration is very high. Is it the Imperial Family? But now Wu Ling Sha and they are all dead. The only one who can deal with him is Xuan Chunyin, I don’t know him Between Xuan Chunyin and who will be the ultimate winner!”

Everyone was in an uproar, discussing spiritedly.

The result of this battle was too unexpected.

No one had thought before the war that 4 people of Wu Ling Sha would actually be killed.

This is incredible!


Xiao Changfeng regained the appearance of Black Tortoise Clan and came to the water.

Many onlookers have given way to the road, avoiding it far away, and are horrified.


Xiao Changfeng glanced at Xuan Qingyan, then turned around, crossed the seabed gorge, and continued toward Black-Turtle City.

Xuan Qingyan had a happy face, sweeping away the previous decline.

The silhouette flickered and quickly followed along.

Only the shocked people are left!


The result of the World War I in Channel City, like a tsunami storm, quickly spread out.

Countless Black Tortoise Clan people and sea monster powerhouse have heard of this battle.

For a time, the name of Wu Feng was followed by countless people.

Many competitors who had originally planned to participate in the selection of the new Son of God were scared and flinched.

Killed 4 Paragon Powerhouse in World War I.

This terrifying record made Xiao Changfeng’s road smoother.

No one dared to stop him anymore, so the competitor saw it from a distance to avoid it.

This is a kill god!

At this time, a speculation also spread in the West Sea.

“You said, this Wu Feng and Xuan Chunyin, who can get the position of the Son of God?”

“Wu Feng kills 4 Paragon realms in a row, it must be Wu Feng, his black horse, this time is destined to fly into the sky and create Legendary!”

“That’s not necessarily, Xuan Chunyin was besieged by 3 Paragon realms at that time, and he had beheaded and seriously injured 2 people, even more how that was a record ten years ago. Now Xuan Chunyin must be stronger, I think Xuan Chunyin will definitely win!”

Wu Feng and Xuan Chunyin, are these two stronger and weaker?

For a time, 10000 people expected.

Waiting for the final selection, Xiao Changfeng and Xuan Chunyin can face each other.

At this time, Xuan Chunyin was discussed by everyone.

Has arrived in Black-Turtle City early!

In Black-Turtle City, in a luxurious great hall.

Xuan Chunyin is cultivation here, waiting for the final selection battle.

Xuan Chunyin is in the Black Tortoise Clan, extremely famous.

She was born in a noble family.

From the day of her birth, she has been cared and cared by all clansman.

Because she was born Spirit Physique, and possesses Black Tortoise Bloodline extremely high.

In Black Tortoise natural phenomenon, she was born with black liquid.

Although this black liquid is not as good as the real Black Tortoise black liquid, it is also extremely good.

Controlling Power of Water is unmatched.

If she were not old, and the bloodline concentration after 9 days was high.

I am afraid that the position of the previous Son of God is hers.

Now that she is out of the mountain again, she is determined to gain the position of the new God Son.

And she doesn’t think anyone can compete with herself.

Until the appearance of a man named Wu Feng.

“Young Lady, the outside world is now rumored, that martial arts has become famous after the battle of the Straits City, and it is approaching Young Lady!”

An old servant walked in from outside the great hall, brought a cup of spirit tea, and spoke to Xuan Chunyin.

Xuan Chunyin’s 4 limbs stretched out and lay prone.

Although she is Black Tortoise Clan, she looks beautiful.

The shape is curvaceous and curvaceous.

Wearing a thin crystal Bone Armor, his skin is as fair as jade.

Without ears and hair, hands and feet are a little weird.

I’m afraid it is not inferior to human beauty.

In Black Tortoise Clan, she is a Goddess.

A black liquid with the thickness of a finger, like a long snake, surrounds Xuan Chunyin’s body.

The black liquid one after another, like a black ribbon, looks magnificent.

But no one dared to underestimate, because this is Black Tortoise black liquid!

It is the essence of 10000 water!

Hearing the words of old servant, Xuan Chunyin opened his eyes slowly.

A pair of magnificent eyes opened and there was no black pupil.

But it is like a pearl, bright and shiny.

But this look was indifferent, as if there was no emotion.

“Young Lady, this martial art has suddenly risen this time, and the goal is directed at the position of the Son of God.

old servant cautiously put forward his opinion.

Although he is an old servant in the family, he is also the powerhouse of the 9th layer of Paragon.

Dealing with trifling a Paragon junior, naturally difficult.

He wanted to watch Xuan Chunyin ascend to the position of the Son of God.

Therefore, other threats are particularly valued.

“Trifling a martial art that’s all.”

Xuan Chunyin opened his mouth, and his voice was like water, which was endless, but incomparable.

She held out her jade hand, holding the cup and drinking tea slowly.

“The selection rules issued by Wu Heavenly Venerate are unclear, and the appearance of this martial art is also an opportunity. Since everyone is talking about who is strong with me, I have everyone’s wish!”

Xuan Chunyin walked outside the great hall while drinking tea.

“Young Lady, what do you mean?”

old servant slightly frowned, some guessed Young Lady’s idea, but need to confirm.

“Send me a message, I will fight for martial arts in this Black-Turtle City!

Xuan Chunyin drank the spirit tea from the cup, looked up at the sky, and looked cold.


Xuan Chunyin fights martial arts in Black-Turtle City!

As soon as this news came out, 10000 people were in an uproar!

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