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Xiao Changfeng’s killing intent makes no secret, and the words are shocking.

This allows everyone to be heart startled.

They thought Xiao Changfeng saw this lineup, even if they didn’t want to escape, they should be afraid of it, cautiously right.

However, such a strong disclosure of killing intent seems a bit unwise.

Sure enough, Xiao Changfeng’s tone barely fell.

Wu Lingsha sneered.

“Kill us? A frog in well not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, don’t think you killed 2 people, you think you are invincible. Today I will teach you how to be truly powerful!”

After that, Wu Ling Sha grabbed his fangs holy knife with his backhand.

Hold the knife in both hands and slash in the air.

Ka-cha !

A giant shark suddenly appeared in the sea.

The dull blade glow merges with the sea water and is 50 meters long.

Even more so, it turned into a giant shark.

This giant shark is lifelike, fierce and fierce, with its fangs wide open, as if to bite everything.

In an instant, the giant shark blade glow swam across the distance of several hundred meters and quickly approached Xiao Changfeng.

The giant shark opened its mouth wide, and the sharp teeth of the sharp blade glow were daunting.

I saw the giant shark falling into the sky and biting at Xiao Changfeng as if to kill Xiao Changfeng directly.

A fierce and violent breath spread.

Xuan Qingyan behind Xiao Changfeng could not bear it at all.

Suddenly Xuan Qingyan’s imposing manner skyrocketed and retreated, all the way to 100 meters.

This barely blocked the terrifying aura of this blade glow.

“Just the breath is so powerful. This Wu Ling Shark is really terrifying. I don’t know if the master is his opponent!”

Xuan Qingyan was horrified, and she saw Wu Ling Sha for the first time.

Although I knew from the information collected before that Wu Ling Sha is very strong.

But didn’t expect is so strong.

Every hundred meters apart, just a blade glow, so horrible.

At this time, Xuan Qingyan looked at the blade glow of the giant shark and fell to Xiao Changfeng, his heart could not help getting nervous.

Others will also look at this time.

They also want to know how much strength this famous martial art has gained.

“hmph! ”

Faced with the blade glow of Wu Ling Sha, Xiao Changfeng coldly snorted, the expression in his eyes was indifferent.

He right fist, punched out immediately.

It is Black Tortoise Divine Fist!


The sea water swarmed into it, turning it into a rotating current.

The fist absorbs the water and quickly turns into a divine might Black Tortoise.

Like a turtle, not a turtle, like a snake, not a snake.

This is the real Divine Beast Black Tortoise.

Xiao Changfeng Although the Black Tortoise longevity is only the realm of Small Accomplishment.

But True Yuan is surging and powerful.

At this time punched out, Black Tortoise fists roared.

Instantly it collided with the giant shark blade glow.


It’s like throwing an egg at a stone.

The fierce and fierce giant shark blade glow, in front of the Black Tortoise fist, breaks with a single blow and disintegrates instantly.


After breaking the blade glow, the Black Tortoise fist continued unabated and continued to fight towards Wuling Shark.

Black Tortoise is the god of water, controlling 10000 waters.

Although here is a seabed of ten thousand meters deep.

But its water pressure and current are more helpful to Black Tortoise.

The power of the water makes the Black Tortoise punch faster.

“Terrestrial intermediate martial skill: cross-cut!”

Seeing Black Tortoise’s fist quickly approaching, Wu Ling Shao complexion changed.

Both of his hands grabbed the sacred fangs, and the surging Spirit Qi fell into it.

Suddenly the fangs sabre burst into bright radiance, and more layers of water wave emerged.

The sword was cut out, and the seawater separated.


Black Tortoise’s fist was cut by the fangs holy sword, but Wu Lingsha flew out more than ten meters.

High judgment!


Everyone sucked in a cold breath and looked at Xiao Changfeng in disbelief.

Wu Ling Sha’s reputation is extremely famous, and its fame is played through battles.

No one would say that he is a silver-like pewter head.

However, the strength of Yiwu Zero Shark actually fell into the disadvantage?

This … this is incredible!

“He is only in Paragon’s realm, but his Black Tortoise Bloodline is higher than ours, and he seems to have a touch of charm, Wu Ling Sha is a bit invincible!”

Xuan Jingjing stood aside, his eyes gleaming, and he could see clearly the temptation just now.

She has spiritual eyes, pupil technique out of the ordinary, and she is of noble origin.

So soon it was determined why Xiao Changfeng had the upper hand.

In Black Tortoise Clan, Bloodline concentration is a very important thing.

The higher the concentration of Bloodline, the higher its innate talent and the stronger its future achievements.

Like 4 of them, the concentration of Black Tortoise Bloodline is actually very high.

But this martial art seems to be still above his 4 people!

But specifically, she couldn’t judge for a while.

But a knife through this temptation.

It is enough to prove that this martial art is not weak, and even slightly stronger than any of his 4 people.

“This person must not stay, otherwise it will be the next Xuan Chunyin!”

Xuan Chunhong also had a heavy complexion at this time, and her killing intent was strong in her eyes.

Xiao Changfeng’s strength was beyond her expectations.

If this is allowed to continue, I am afraid this is the second Xuan Chunyin.

Now one Xuan Chunyin has made them very headache, if another one.

I am afraid that this time, the position of the Divine Son is really nothing to them.

Think about it.

She made a decision quickly.

“Let’s go together, so as not to have too many night dreams, if he does not die, it is likely to be the second Xuan Chunyin!”

Xuan Chunhong rose shouted and immediately reached out and grabbed a mace.

“Terrace Intermediate Martial Skill: Earthburst Bloody Kill!”

Xuan Chunhong roared with a faint bloody mantle.

I saw that the blood light on the mace in her hand was shining brightly, and one after another vague soul appeared on it.

Xuan Chunhong hit with a hammer across the sky, and suddenly the hammer burst into the sea like a bloody meteor.

Quickly across the sky of several hundred meters, and hit Xiao Changfeng.

Hammer passed, the audience only felt trembling, have one’s hair stand on end.

As if there was a evil spirit hovering above his head.

“Forbidden Soul!”

At this time Xuan Jingjing also shot.

Her eyes widened suddenly, and two strange rays of light burst out of her pupils.

The rays of light are half-empty and half-real, and they don’t look real.

But all around everyone felt that their soul seemed to be strangled by an invisible big hand, and it was difficult to move.

And this is just the aftermath that’s all, it can be seen how powerful the formal power of the spiritual eyes is.

“Intermediate level martial skill: Ruthless collision!”

Wu Zixuan also shot, although he was quiet, but killing intent was not weak.

He didn’t use any weapons, but with the body Spiritual Qi running, the whole person suddenly stepped on the ground.


The pedaling water was slammed by him, and his whole person was like a black bear running rushing towards Xiao Changfeng.

Obviously, he will use his heavy and scary fleshy body to directly kill Xiao Changfeng.

On the other side, Wu Ling Sha also stabilized his body, re-tightened his fangs holy knife, and cut it with his knife.

For a time.

4 great expert Qi Qi shot, vowed to kill Xiao Changfeng.

“You all have to die!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes are light flashed, and the whole person is transformed into a long rainbow thread.

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