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Deep in the West Sea.

Two figures use the current of the water to head towards the vast deep sea.

It is Xiao Changfeng and Xuan Qingyan.

The light in the deep sea is unknown, even dark.

For humans or other Demonic beasts, it may be very unsuitable.

Moreover, the water pressure in the deep sea is also extremely strong, and it is difficult to bear without a powerful fleshy body.

However, Xiao Changfeng has Divine Consciousness and Black Tortoise longevity, so there are some difficulties in this deep sea.

It was nothing to him.

At this time his feet were like fins, swimming like fish.

This is a special way of travel for Black Tortoise Clan people. Since Xiao Changfeng wants to disguise, he naturally has to learn something like it.

“Master, we are almost at Pearl City and only half way away from Black-Turtle City.”

The rich information collected by Xuan Qingyan came in handy.

She provided maps for Xiao Changfeng and provided some information about famous powerhouse.

And she proved for Xiao Changfeng that Xiao Changfeng’s identity can be made more reliable.

“Pearl City!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes moved slightly, and he looked at a translucent map from Xuan Qingyan’s consent.

“Pearl City is one of the 36 cities. Because it is shaped like a pearl, and because of the special terrain, there will be a beam of sunlight, so it is named Pearl City!”

Xuan Qingyan introduced Xiao Changfeng.

In the Black Tortoise Clan, there are 36 cities, with Black-Turtle City as the center, in the form of stars.

Pearl City is one of them.

It is also where they will go next.

“There are not many seabed cities, so every time you go, everyone likes to stay and repair, and ask for news, so there should be many competitors in the Pearl City.”

Xuan Qingyan cautiously reminded.

After Wu Xiangsheng, Xiao Changfeng shot again and killed 7 or 8 competitors.

These all are watching Xuan Qingyan hurt and bullied, want to seize every opportunity.

It’s a pity that they met Xiao Changfeng, and they were basically killed by one stroke.

And the many treasures on them naturally became Xiao Changfeng’s spoils of war.

Xuan Qingyan was also exposed to light, and now his injury has recovered.

But she did not have the heart to escape.

The more contact, the more awe she feels.

Xiao Changfeng’s strength is on the one hand, and on the other hand, Xiao Changfeng disguises Black Tortoise Clan, which is alive and well, with no weak spots.

If she hadn’t seen the changes of Xiao Changfeng with her own eyes, I’m afraid she wouldn’t believe that this was actually a personal disguise.

Especially the breath of Black Tortoise Bloodline is extremely rich, noble and mysterious.

Give her a feeling of seeing the real Black Tortoise.

Apart from this, she also knew that she did not compete for the probability of the Son of God.

Originally she was only holding 1/10000th hope that’s all.

“Kill the past!”

Xiao Changfeng’s indifferent voice has no killing intent, but it makes Xuan Qingyan in ones heart trembled.


Xuan Qingyan responded respectfully.

Soon, 2 people saw the Pearl City.

I saw a beam of sunlight, like a pillar of heavenly light, from top to bottom, as if the Milky Way fell for 9 days.

The whole body of the Pearl City is elliptical and is illuminated by sunlight. The surface of brilliant lights and vibrant colors looks magnificent.

There are many silhouettes in Pearl City, in addition to the Black Tortoise Clan, there are other sea monsters.

Among them are the Sea Horse Demonic Beast, Shark Demonic Beast, Dolphin Demonic Beast, etc.

But in the West China Sea, Black Tortoise Clan is the only master.

Therefore, only the powerhouse of Black Tortoise Clan can participate in the selection of the God Son at this time.

However, it is naturally possible to bring some sea monster servants.

At this time, the silhouette in the Pearl City is quite prosperous and quite prosperous.

But there are also people fighting, and there are a lot of people chasing them.

These all are the competitors who are going to participate in the selection of the Son of God.

Obviously, many people share the same thoughts as Xiao Changfeng. Since there is no rule, they will kill Heweiwei first.

This at least allows Wu Heavenly Venerate to remember that perhaps the success rate can be higher.

“Xuan Qingyan?”

Xuan Qingyan is still a small reputation, and soon someone recognized her.

But everyone’s eyes quickly shifted from Xuan Qingyan to Xiao Changfeng on the side.

“You are Wu Feng? I heard that Wu Gang and Wu Xiangsheng both died in your hands!”

A sharp nose, some thin and tall men spoke, their eyes cold.

The pseudonym of Wu Feng, in recently, is also emerging.

None of the 7 or 8 competitors beheaded by Xiao Changfeng were weak.

Therefore, the name of Wu Feng was subsequently known.

At this time, the arrival of Xiao Changfeng and Xuan Qingyan attracted a lot of attention.

A total of 4 5 silhouettes gathered from all over.

“Master, talking about Wu Chenghuang, and the other three are Xuan Zaofeng, Xuan Qingfeng and Wu Yuan, are powerhouses of the 3th 8th layer of Emperor Martial Realm. They come from everywhere, and their fame is not weaker than Wu Gang.”

Xuan Qingyan spoke in a low voice, but did not cover up the voice.

At this time, he opened to introduce to Xiao Changfeng.

“Hmph, Xuan Qingyan, you really have become a slave girl. Since that is the case, after we cut off this martial arts head, you come to be a slave girl of this Uncle!”

Wu Chenghuang grinned and his teeth were dark yellow.


He took the lead, and a muddy river illusory shadow appeared behind him, turned out to be Martial Spirit.

The river is filthy and dim, full of poison.

“Work together and kill Wu Feng!”

Wu Chenghuang shout out loudly, and immediately the illusory shadow of the big river resembles a water dragon, rolling toward Xiao Changfeng.

This is his killing trick, a killing blow.

He knows the strength of Xiao Changfeng, but he also has confidence in himself.

Want to hit Xiao Changfeng seriously with a blow, and then besieged and beheaded.

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Seeing Wu Chenghuang shot, Xiao Changfeng expression was indifferent.

He also pointed like a sword, and the surging True Yuan was operating within the body, flowing into both fingers.

Immediately and like a sword, a stroke in the sky!

Black Tortoise sword glow reappears!

A force that cut through nothingness, a sword that splits the sea, emerged.

It is also to control the water flow, making the sword faster and more fierce.

The illusory shadow of the big river collapsed and shattered in just an instant.

“impossible !”

Wu Chenghuang roared loudly.

But Black Tortoise sword glow is extremely fast, and immediately came to Wu Chenghuang.

Pu chi!

The sword glow was cut, and Wu Chenghuang’s voice stopped abruptly.

There was only one corpse cut in half.

Emperor Martial’s 9th layer of Wu Chenghuang, was actually killed by a sword?

all around The people were stunned and terrified.

However, Xiao Changfeng shot, but will not stop there.


Xiao Changfeng stepped out in one step, and the water flow suddenly fluctuated, like an undercurrent.

Make all around everyone can not stand, staggering restlessly.

Xiao Changfeng punched out, will Xuan Zao see directly explodes into waste slag.

With one hand, Black Tortoise torn Xuan Qingfeng into pieces.

Stepped out, stepped Wu Yuan all split up and in pieces.


Refers to the sword, the Black Tortoise sword glow reappears, pull out 50 meters, and cross the sky above the Pearl City.

This day.

Everyone in the Pearl City looked up and saw a sword glow across the sea, as if splitting the entire West Sea into two and a half.

The sword glow passed by, and the invincible competitor turned into a cold body.

The name of Wu Feng is remembered!

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