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Black Tortoise Clan is a descendant of Black Tortoise and has occupied the West Sea for many years.

There must be Supreme Treasure of Water Attribute.

Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll is a piece of my own heart disease.

If it can make the Black Tortoise Longevity Body Great Accomplishment, Xiao Changfeng will naturally be missed.

He also thought about going to Black Tortoise Clan before, but because Black Tortoise Clan is conservative and old.

In addition, I have not been out for a year, and I am worried about any accidents.

That’s why I planned to cross the West Sea and go to the Western Region.

But the selection of this new god child seems to be an opportunity.

How can the ordinary Black Tortoise Clan compare to the god of Black Tortoise Clan?

If you can become a son of God, the resources you get must be massive.

When the time comes Black Tortoise longevity body, it can also break through to Great Success Realm.

The more I think about Xiao Changfeng, the more feasible it becomes.

But Black Tortoise Clan’s patriarch Wu Heavenly Venerate has seen himself.

And entering Black Tortoise Clan as a human is bound to attract attention.

So Xiao Changfeng needs a different look and a different name.

“Transformation Technique !”

Xiao Changfeng runs True Yuan and uses spell.

I saw his pores closed, his hair contracted, and his ears contracted.

In the end, Xiao Changfeng turned into a bald head with pierced ears and a smooth appearance.

Not only that, but his feet are also changing rapidly, becoming like fish fins.

The hands are growing fleshy.

It turned into the appearance of Black Tortoise Clan!

“This this……”

Xuan Qingyan watched Xiao Changfeng’s changes from the sidelines, and she suddenly started and couldn’t believe it.

She rubbed her eyes vigorously.

But it is not an illusion, Xiao Changfeng has really changed from a human to a Black Tortoise Clan.

Not only that, even the breath is very similar.

“Black Tortoise, long life, open!”

At this time, Xiao Changfeng shouted loudly, and suddenly a tyrannical aura suddenly emerged from within the body.

This breath may be only slightly stronger for others.

But for Hyun Ching Yeon, it was as if was struck by lightning.


She knelt down quickly, shiver coldly, in awe.

“How could it be possible that his Bloodline concentration is so high, isn’t he a human, but I am a Black Tortoise Clan?”

Xuan Qingyan screamed in her heart, shocked.

She felt the pure Black Tortoise breath of Xiao Changfeng within the body.

That is the pressure of Bloodline, the fear from in the depth of one’s soul.

Like the common people seeing the emperor, they had to kneel down and worship.

But she had clearly seen Xiao Changfeng as a human before.

However at this time.

Xiao Changfeng has bald head with pierced ears, feet like fins, and hands with long membranes.

The powerful Black Tortoise breathes.

This is simply a Black Tortoise Clan person who cannot be more pure.

And he is also a high-level person with a very high concentration of Bloodline!

This… this is incredible!

Xuan Qingyan only felt that her cognition had been subverted and her imagination had been broken.

At this moment, even she could not recognize self-doubt.

Is this a human being, or a person of the same race?

“Well, this Transformation Technique combined with my Black Tortoise longevity body is enough to be fake, even Wu Heavenly Venerate can’t see it!”

Xiao Changfeng was also satisfied after self-examination.

This Transformation Technique is a common spell of Immortal Cultivator.

However, the effects of different people are naturally different.

And this time Xiao Changfeng is not only blinded by changes.

It uses the power of shrinking bones to completely change oneself.

Coupled with the existence of the Black Tortoise eternal body.

At this time, he is no different from the real Black Tortoise Clan.

“Black Tortoise Clan is conservative and outdated. Bloodline’s elders, like the superiors, can even let Saint commit suicide. At my current Bloodline concentration, even if I can’t do Saint suicide, it is enough to rank above most Black Tortoise Clan. “

Xiao Changfeng once learned the characteristics of Black Tortoise Clan from Kim Heavenly Venerate.

So this time he did not intend to be low-key.

“Divine Physique Great Accomplishment early, go back soon!”

Xiao Changfeng still wanted to land on the ground, for Black Tortoise Clan.

It is also holding a do it quickly mentality.

“Xuan Qingyan, what do you think is the most appropriate name for me?”

The appearance changes, and the name must be changed. Otherwise, the name Xiao Changfeng is too eye-catching, which is not conducive to scrambling for the position of the Son of God.

The names of different races have different habits.

Xiao Changfeng naturally did not know the habits of Black Tortoise Clan, so he chose to ask Xuan Qingyan.

When asked by Xiao Changfeng, Xuan Qingyan was a little surprised, but it quickly came back.

“In Black Tortoise Clan, Xuan and Wu surnames are the most. What do you think of Wu Feng?”

Xuan Qingyan cautiously put forward his opinion.

Wu Feng?

Xiao Changfeng thought about it.

“Okay, then I am called Wu Feng!”

Since the surname Wu is the big surname, then his origins are easier to edit.

And Xuan Qingyan was also a blind cat who met a dead mouse. There is a wind word in his name, and Wu Feng also has a wind word.

Quite appetite for Xiao Changfeng.

“Many Thanks Master !”

Xuan Qingyan Yingying bowed down, but her name changed from an adult to a master.

She already guessed Xiao Changfeng’s idea.

He told him the news of the selection of the new God Son, and Xiao Changfeng turned into the appearance of Black Tortoise Clan.

Its purpose is self-evident, and it must also want to compete for the position of the Son of God.

But he is not a real Black Tortoise Clan, but a human.

If this news is introduced into the family, it will inevitably cause countless powerhouse hunts.

And he is the only one who knows all this.

Xiao Changfeng changed in front of himself without concealment, and even asked himself about his name.

It can be said that I know too much.

Either die or be a slave!

Xuan Qingyan didn’t want to die, so she had to choose the slave.

Xiao Changfeng faint smiled at her.

“You are smart, I hope you can keep this smart all the time, otherwise, I don’t mind having more injustices on hand!”

Xiao Changfeng’s indifferent voice rang in Xuan Qingyan’s ear.

But it made her not surprised.

Xiao Changfeng this remark proves that he will not kill people and kill his mouth, and he can temporarily save his life.


At the same time, Xiao Changfeng reached out his right hand, and the azure glow lighted up.

flicks with the finger, azure glow cut through the sky and flew to Xuan Qingyan.

Xuan Qingyan understands that this is what controls her life, but at this time she has no choice but to be happy and obediently and honestly accepted.

The azure glow is not in the eyebrows, Xuan Qingyan only feels that the Sea of ​​Consciousness is cool.

But she felt it carefully, but found nothing, but she seemed to have something more in her soul.

“As long as you are always obedient, I will not kill you. If you are distracted, you will die instantly.”

Xiao Changfeng indifferently said.

What he just cast is naturally Taoist.

As his strength improved, Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll’s Great Accomplishment.

The formidable power of Tao is also stronger. If Xuan Qingyan has any dissent, Xiao Changfeng thoughts move can wipe her out.

Xuan Qingyan is not a stupid person, at this time has already completely admitted his fate.

Compared with death, loss of personal freedom is also acceptable.

“Master, there are many people fighting for this time. The slave-maid knows a lot of information. The slave-maid made a route map. We can avoid those famous powerhouses along the way and go to Black-Turtle City safely!”

Xuan Qingyan admits his fate and starts planning for Xiao Changfeng.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not have time to waste here.

“No, let’s kill Black-Turtle City directly and stop me from dying!”

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