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Outside rising winds, scudding clouds, but in White Python Secret Realm, it is still calm.

However, Shen Nie and Chi Lianyaosheng and the others were uneasy.

“Female Sir Wang, who is guilty, has never kept those outsiders!”

In the Snake Castle, Shen Nie and the three demon Saint Qi Qi kneel down on the ground, petitioning the snake Heavenly Venerate.

At this point the snake Heavenly Venerate lay lazily on the throne.

The pale-gold’s snake body wriggled slightly, making a subtle clang.

“Ben Wang deliberately let them go.”

The snake Heavenly Venerate’s mysterious voice sounded, causing Shen Nie and the others to be surprised.

Suddenly he jumped in his heart and didn’t understand what Sir Wang meant.

“We used to erase the outsider’s memory in order to protect ourselves, so as not to be known by the outside powerhouse, but now it is not used, they can’t come in, and naturally don’t need to worry.”

The snake Heavenly Venerate seems to be in a good mood, and there are actually a few words of interest and Shen Nie and the others.

You must know that she is the only master of White Python Secret Realm.

In the past, her actions were never explained to others.

However, this remark made Shen Nie and the others even more puzzled.

no need to worry?

How is this going?

Be aware that the seal left by the White Python gods has gradually loosened over time.

In this way, I am afraid that Paragon and Saint Boundary’s powerhouse can also enter.

In the end, Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse will come in. This is definitely a genocide for the Snake Race.

Therefore, although Outsiders have entered in the past, they will erase the memory of the Snake Race.

In order to protect the snake people from the outside powerhouse.

But at this time, the snake Heavenly Venerate did not erase the memories of Chun Man Lou and the others.

And deliberately let them escape.

This… what the hell is going on?

Shen Nie and the three demon saints are puzzled, but they dare not ask too much.

If it makes the female Sir Wang unhappy, I’m afraid there is a danger to her life.

But their eyes are quietly glanced aside.

Maybe it has something to do with this stone statue!

I saw a stone statue of one person standing on the ground.

This stone statue is all stone gray, but its face is lifelike.

It is Xiao Changfeng!

But the petrified magic light of the female Sir Wang is basically mortal.

Is this Outsider still alive?

Confused in Shen Nie’s heart, he remembered that he shot angrily at the time and wanted to smash the stone statue and bombard Xiao Changfeng completely.

But the female Sir Wang stopped her move and moved the stone statue here.

At this time the snake Heavenly Venerate did not explain to Shen Nie and the others again.

A pair of pale-gold snake pupils are looking forward to the stone statue transformed by Xiao Changfeng.

“Come on, let Ben Wang see if you really deserve that adult’s attention!”

The snake Heavenly Venerate held a jade-like jaw with one hand and looked at the stone statue, waiting patiently.

At this time in the stone statue.

Xiao Changfeng has not been completely turned into stone. His Divine Physique is powerful, and he has Azure Accomplishment’s Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body.

The Destruction Strength in Petrified Magic Light is resisted by the majestic vitality of Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body.

Only the strength gap between Xiao Changfeng and Snake Heavenly Venerate is too big.

The vitality of the Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body, like a ray of candlelight in the strong wind, may be blown out at any time.

But the vitality is still there, and Xiao Changfeng will not die.

At this time in the dantian.

The majestic mana is constantly running, Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll in Great Five Elements Immortal Art, which stands for wood, has the ultimate vitality.

“Petrochemical Demon Eye, just middle grade Magical Powers, I have Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body, which can wipe out the petrochemical Destruction Strength in it.”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness has not slept or dissipated.

At this time, he was condensed by Divine Consciousness and fully operated the Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll, turning the remaining mana into Azure Dragon mana, flowing in 4 limbs and 100 skeletons.

He felt his body stiff without any consciousness.

However, with the continuous operation of Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll, his vitality is getting stronger and stronger.

“Sea of ​​Consciousness, heart, dantian, these three places are the most important places, as long as these three places are not destroyed, I will not die!”

Xiao Changfeng knew in his heart that the vitality was mainly concentrated in these three places at this time.

“Nascent Soul, open!”

At the same time, among dantians, Nascent Soul’s eyes were also opened, his hands pinched, and he was also resisting petrochemicals.

The snake Heavenly Venerate did not continue to display the petrified magic light, nor did it allow Shen Nie and the others to break the stone statue.

Therefore, the energy of petrified magic light in stone statues is limited.

With the constant resistance of Xiao Changfeng, the petrochemical formidable power gradually weakened.

“Snake Heavenly Venerate did not intend to kill me, otherwise her fleshy body can be killed with only one finger with her strength, and Shen Nie Great General and the others also have this strength, but I am now in addition to the petrified magic light , Not at all was injured.”

Thinking while running Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Scroll to restore life.

Xiao Changfeng was deeply puzzled.

He thought about a few guesses but couldn’t prove it.

“That’s all, it is imperative to restore freedom first, if it is not possible, you can only give up Fleshy body, Nascent Soul away!”

Xiao Changfeng was decisive, and encountering the snake Heavenly Venerate was an accident this time.

If at the last moment, he had to give up fleshy body and escape with Nascent Soul.

In this way, at least it will not really die, but it can also regenerate body possession.

Only in this way, your cultivation base will be completely lost, and the four kinds of Divine Physique will no longer have.

Ka-cha !

In the Snake Fort, the stone statue transformed by Xiao Changfeng suddenly cracked a small crack.

This change attracted the attention of snakes Heavenly Venerate and Shen Nie and the others.

Ka-cha !

2nd crack appeared, and the sound of cracking was clear to the ear.

“Can he really escape from the petrified magic eyes of female Sir Wang?”

Seeing these two cracks, Shen Nie jumped in her heart and couldn’t believe it.

But soon, there were more and more cracks, and the ka-cha sound was like a firecracker exploding, endlessly.

In the end, the densely packed stone statues were covered with cracks.

It’s like a porcelain that is about to crack.


A piece of stone fell off, exposing Xiao Changfeng’s skin.

Soon the second and third stones fell off.

In the end, a silhouette leaped out of the stone statue, azure light was as bright as the sun, and it was unusually bright.

“It really escaped alive!”

Feeling the breath of Xiao Changfeng in azure light, Shen Nie turned pale with fright and couldn’t believe it.

The same is true of the 3 Chilian Demon Saints, except that the snake Heavenly Venerate has a slightly raised mouth and a smile.


Feeling the breath of the snakes Heavenly Venerate and Shen Nie and the others, Xiao Changfeng did not rush to escape, but brows slightly wrinkle.

“Xiao Changfeng, Ben Wang knew you could escape!”

The snake Heavenly Venerate got up from the throne, his hands clapped gently, his voice echoed in the great hall.

However, Xiao Changfeng frowned even more.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. He has never understood the intention of the snake Heavenly Venerate. At this time, he did not immediately escape. He also wanted to know the real intention of the snake Heavenly Venerate.

The next sentence of the snake Heavenly Venerate, let Xiao Changfeng instantly understand.

I saw the snake Heavenly Venerate’s eyes were bright and her lips were light:

“After all, you are valued by Master Martial Goddess!”

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