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The Buddha without a face is defeated?

Mo Wenjian couldn’t believe it.

And others are also brows slightly wrinkle.

Although they had expected it before.

But when this result really appears, it is inevitable that if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves.

I saw that in the big pit, the unrelated Buddha at this time was a bit miserable.

His war buddha realm has collapsed and crumbled, unable to maintain, and disappeared.

And the monk’s clothes on him were shabby.

There was a bloody wound in front of him, as if he had penetrated the body.

Although not dead, it was also hit hard.

The big fearless Vajra stick fell aside, and the luster was bleak.

At this time, the buddha’s breath was weak and his injuries were heavy and miserable.

However, these are not the most important.

At this point, he had fallen onto the stone platform, and fell to the ground, according to rules of the game.

He has lost!

The loser has to die.

“cough cough !”

Wu Xiang Fo Zi reached out and squeezed the big fearless Vajra stick, struggling to get up.

He didn’t manage the bloody wound in front of him.

Instead, he slowly raised his head and looked far, looking at the snake Heavenly Venerate.

He knew what his destiny was waiting for.

But he didn’t want to wait for death passively.

His invincible heart and his belief in war Buddha support him not to fall easily.

Even if it is dead, he will fight.

Death in battle is his only appeal.

At this time, he had no regrets and no fear, only a pure fighting heart.

“No Buddha!”

Seeing the gesture of the unrelated Buddha, Mo Wenjian was stunned for a moment, and he seemed to feel the fearless heart of war immediately.

It also changed the name of Little Monk into a Buddha.

At this moment, there was some shock in his heart, and his cynicism was put away.

“If there is only one death, a desperate battle may not be a good result.”

Chunmanlou sighed a little, regretting the innocent Buddha.

This fearless fighting heart, he ashamed of being inferior.

If enough time is given, the future will be the top powerhouse of name shakes the whole world.

Unfortunately, at this time it is to die here.

Chunmanlou didn’t think he could survive after losing.

After all, here is the territory of the Snake Race.

With the cold Xue Wuqing of Heavenly Venerate, I am afraid that it will not give the unrelated Buddha any chance to leave a way out.

“Little Monk!”

Chun Xiaohua was also stunned, his voice sobbing a little.

Although she is unearthly, she likes to pit people.

But in this situation, there is a little bit more sadness in my heart.

Coupled with the tragic fighting intent at this time, it made her feel heavy.

As for Xia Wuxing and the others, it is expression calm.

After all, they have no sympathy for the unrelated Buddha.

And Xiao Changfeng stood quietly, unemotional on his face, unable to see his psychological fluctuations.

“Crack, you did good!”

The only thing happy at this time is naturally the Snake Race.

Shen Nie’s rare opening praised the piebald snake.

After all, this is the first round of the second round. The victory of the tanker is also a great boost to morale.

“Many thanks Great General praise!”

The piebald snake is also in a good mood, at this time holding a long fork in hand, salutes Shen Nie.

“Sure enough, second round is much more exciting!”

At this time the snake Heavenly Venerate also spoke, and as soon as she spoke, everyone’s heart tightened.

This invisible deterrent makes the atmosphere dignified.

Wu Xiang Fo Zi is also a big fearless Vajra stick in his hands, fighting intent in his heart is not reduced.

“Since the fissure wins, someone should die!”

The snake’s Heavenly Venerate’s lazy voice sounded again, without the slightest killing intent.

But it makes people chill.


Soon, a ray of gray erupted from the snake Heavenly Venerate’s pupil, and went straight to the unrelated Buddha.

This gray light was so fast that it quickly approached the unrelated Buddha.

However, Wu Xiangfozi has already made psychological preparations.

At this time, the remaining Spirit Qi within the body was urged into the big fearless Vajra stick in his hand.

He no longer spent Spirit Qi to develop the broken realm of war Buddha.

It’s just that all the power is gathered in this stick.

“Master, disciples are not filial, and you will be at your service in your next life!”

Between life and death, the only person missed by the unrelated Buddha is his Master.

But soon his will was firm.


A roar came from the mouth of the unrelated Buddha, heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

Immediately, the non-faced Buddha was hit with a stick and went towards the gray light.

But this scene fell in the eyes of everyone.

Like moth flies into the flame, self-defeating!

Soon, the big fearless Vajra stick touched the gray light.

The destruction power condensed by the unrelated Buddha on it collapsed instantly.

The big fearless Vajra stick was quickly shrouded in grey light.

This Buddhist Treasure can’t resist the formal power of petrochemical magic light.

Soon petrochemical spread, and will soon fall on the hands of the unrelated Buddha.

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

At this moment, a condensed cold flame fire suddenly fell from the sky.

Hit the big fearless Vajra stick with great speed.

In an instant, the gray petrochemical was frozen by the ice.

The petrified place quickly shattered and turned into a light spot.

In the end, the cold flame god fire collided with the petrified magic light, and both were annihilated.


This abrupt scene made everyone startled.

Who is so courageous and dare to save the unworthy Buddha.

And it’s still in front of the snake Heavenly Venerate and the many serpent powerhouses.

Is this not courting death?

Soon, they saw this courting death.

I saw a silhouette standing tall in front of the unrelated Buddha.

He stood with his hands down, unemotional on his face, as if he had just done an insignificant little thing.

“Pill Emperor?”

“Xiao Changfeng!”

When I saw Xiao Changfeng, who was standing in front of the child of the unrelated Buddha, everyone was startled and I couldn’t believe it.

You know, this is the rules of the game set by the snake Heavenly Venerate.

And the petrified magic light just now was also the punishment of the snake Heavenly Venerate.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng is blocking, isn’t he hitting the face of the snake Heavenly Venerate?

One careless, I am afraid there will be upheaval!

For a time Xia Wuxing and the others were in a heavy mood.

Shen Nie and the three demon saints were furious.

“Sir Wang, crime deserving ten thousand deaths!”

In Shen Nie’s eyes, he was angry, he was within the body of the majestic Spirit Qi, but the right hand was lifted, and he wanted to shoot to Xiao Changfeng.


At this moment, the snake’s Heavenly Venerate’s lazy voice suddenly sounded.

Let Shen Nie right hand, he dare not shoot again.

“Female Sir Wang!”

Shen Nie looked at the snake Heavenly Venerate puzzled, puzzled.

According to his temperament, Xiao Changfeng must be patted into meatloaf at this time, warn others from following bad examples.

But the snake Heavenly Venerate is obviously not such an idea.

Moreover, Xiao Changfeng cannot die!

“This kind of game is more exciting, don’t destroy the interest of this king.”

The snake Heavenly Venerate’s voice cooled down, so Shen Nie brod beaded with sweat, not to speak.

And this time.

Xiao Changfeng’s voice also slowly sounded:

“I will fight for him in this battle!”

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