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“Yeah, Mo big brother won!”

Seeing the silver ring snake man fall into the ground outside the stone platform, Chun Xiaohua was not stingy about his cheering.

And everyone’s tense heartstrings are a little loose.

In the first battle, Mo Wenjian won after all.

This also provides confidence to others.

The victory in the first battle is naturally gratifying.

Even Xia Wuxing loosed her face.

On the stone platform, Mo Wenjian breathed heavily.

Retracted the demon’s left hand with difficulty.

Immediately smiled at Xiao Changfeng and Chun Xiaohua and the others.

Finally, finally won!


At this moment, Shen Nie’s scolding sounded.

I saw that outside the stone platform, the silver ring snake person corner of the mouth flow blood struggled to climb up from the ground.

His injury is not too heavy, after all, his realm is above Mo Wenjian.

But according to the previous rules of the game, he was defeated.

Because he has landed!

Landing or death means failure.

“I lost all the faces of the Snake Human Race!”

Shen Nie Teleport appeared in front of the Silver Ring Snakeman, waving his big hand.

Suddenly, the Silver Ring Snakeman was pumped out by him, and the crackle crackle sounded suddenly.

I saw the silver ring snake man rolling on the ground, and the final injury was heavy, and the soft collapse collapsed beyond 100 meters.

See this scene.

Mo Wenjian and the others are heart startled.

Although the Silver Ring Snake Man is defeated, after all, it is Heaven’s Chosen powerhouse of the Snake Man Race.

They saw clearly that Shen Nie didn’t keep her hand at all.

The Silver Ring Snake was directly wounded seriously.

However, as the leader of the Blood Python Army, the Blood Python Demon Saint said nothing.

The other snake people also did not speak.

Because all snake people know.

Shen Nie is not punishing the Silver Ring Serpent, but saving him.

But how can this be saved?


Just at this time.

A gray rays of light came from the laser, incredibly fast.

Directly penetrated the void and hit the Silver Ring Snake Man.

Immediately everyone was horrified to see that the Silver Ring Snake Man was quickly wrapped in gray.

In the end, the Silver Ring Serpent turned into… a stone?

That’s right, it’s stone.

At this time, the Silver Ring Serpent, like a stone carving, was set in place without Life Aura.

If not everyone saw it with their own eyes.

I am afraid that this is a stone carving.

But just a few seconds ago, this was a living life!

When Xiao Changfeng and the others first entered this place, they saw a lot of stone sculpture statues.

At that time, everyone thought it was a special craft.

Now it seems that this is not the case!

“Innate Divine Ability!”

At this moment Xiao Changfeng is also eyes slightly narrowed, looking at the snake Heavenly Venerate.

What he saw just now is very clear, that gray light is exactly what the snake Heavenly Venerate exerted.

And it burst out of her eyes.

This is not a martial skill, not a spell, but Magical Powers.

And this Magical Powers Xiao Changfeng is no stranger.

“Middle grade Magical Powers: petrified magic eyes!”

At a glance, 10000 things can be petrified.

This is the petrified magic eye, formidable power is extremely strong.

However, compared with Xiao Changfeng’s Golden Fire Eyes, it is naturally not as good.

But the snake Heavenly Venerate is the powerhouse of the Venerable Realm 9th Layer.

And Xiao Changfeng is in the late stage of fit.

Although the grade of Golden Fire Eyes is higher than that of petrified magic eyes, the formidable power is not comparable now.

But this Magical Powers Xiao Changfeng knows, but others don鈥檛.

At this time, Xia Wuxing and Chun Manlou and the others were shocked.

“Petrochemical, it is completely petrochemical, not a surface ban, what is Magical Powers?”

Chun Manlou clearly saw that the Silver Ring Snake Man turned the whole person into stone.

Skin, flesh, skeleton, etc., all turned into cold stones.

This is simply too terrifying!

“The loser is not qualified to live.”

At this time the snake Heavenly Venerate’s lazy voice slowly sounded.

This voice full of sinking meaning, at this time, let everyone heart trembled.

Like the coldness of the ice field blowing in my heart.


Very ruthless !


At this moment, no one dares to doubt the words of the snake Heavenly Venerate.

The Silver Ring Snake is obviously her clansman, and Heaven’s Chosen is not weak.

But because of defeat, he must die.

Before Shen Nie, ruthless seriously wounded the silver ring snake man.

In fact, in order to let the female Sir Wang see that he has been punished, and spare his life.

Unfortunately, the Silver Ring Snake was still dead.

Although Shen Nie was sad, she did not dare to have any unusual feelings.

At this time, the Silver Ring Snakeman was swept aside.

Immediately complexion is gloomy staring at Mo Wenjian.

He did not dare to blame the snake Heavenly Venerate, but added all the resentment in his heart to Mo Wenjian and other outsiders.

In his opinion, if these outsiders do not come, then their clansman will not die.

In the battle just now, if Mo Wenjian was defeated, then the Silver Ring Snakeman did not have to die.

So he blamed everything on Mo Wenjian and other outsiders.


Mo Wenjian was stared by Shen Nie’s scalp and numb. He suddenly rose into the air and flew back to Xiao Changfeng and the others.

At this time all around the snake man surrounds, only the same kind can make him a little relieved.

“Second battle, lot 2 and lot 47!”

Shen Nie’s somber voice sounded.

But this time, it was 2 snake men.

This made Shen Nie’s face even more ugly.

After all, regardless of the outcome of this battle, a clansman will die.

But no one dared to break the rules of the game set by the snake Heavenly Venerate.

The two snake men quickly boarded the stone platform and began to fight.

It is a matter of life and death.

In the end, the Snakeman of the Rattlesnake won.

The other snake man was also petrified by the snake Heavenly Venerate’s petrified magic eye.

Victory and defeat, life and death!

This game is getting more and more thrilling.

“War 3, lot 3 and lot 40 6!”

Shen Nie continued to gloom in front of referee.

At this time, it was a snake man and an outsider.

2 people are the strength of Paragon.

Hong long long !

No one wants to die, so one shot is a trick.

In an instant, the battle entered a fierce stage, and the means of both sides emerged endlessly.

The entire stone platform was roared by vibration.

If it weren’t for Shen Nie’s martial skill, it might have been destroyed.

The battle was fierce and fierce, but in the end it ended with the Snakeman slightly better.


The petrified magic light appears again, and the loser is directly petrified.

And this is also the first Outsider in this game to be petrified.

But this is definitely not the last one.

The battle is still going on.

Shen Nie faithfully executes the rules of the game of the snake Heavenly Venerate.

It’s just that every time a snake man dies, the shadow on his face is a deeper point.

One person died in a battle, the first round came down, I am afraid there are only 24 people left.

Cruel and ruthless!

Snake Heavenly Venerate lay on the deck chair and took all this in the entire scene, only to feel fun.

“Tenth War, Lot 39 and Lot 1!”

Shen Nie continued to referee.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng glanced at the bamboo stick in his hand and immediately moved towards the stone platform.

He is holding the No. 39 pick!

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