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Hong long long !

Inside and outside the cold lake, the energy roared like a storm, like a typhoon crossing.

The deep water originally left in the Hantan was completely evaporated.

The bodies of the two cold snakes, Bingling snakes, were already broken and could not be formed.

The bodies of the 9 snake men fell apart all around.

The corpse is everywhere, blood flowing into a river!

This is the Hantan small space at this time.

Sword light and blade glow are intertwined, filling 8 squares, sweeping Heaven and Earth.

At this time everyone and everyone are dead.

Only 3 Buddhas are still struggling on whilst at death’s door.

The unrelated Buddha Zi desperately opened up the realm of War Buddha, resisting the terror of the fighting fluctuations.

The Buddha of Galan and the Buddha of Wisdom are also fighting hard with their Life-Source Magical Treasure.


blade light and sword shadows dimmed.

The energy that splits the heavens and earth also gradually calms down.

“How’s it going?”

Wu Xiangfozi stretched his neck and looked to where Xiao Changfeng was.

He had previously seen Xiao Changfeng struck by Xu Fuqing.

I was anxious and worried.

“I don’t know who wins who loses!”

The wise Buddha looks pale like paper, and the whole person is weak and paralyzed.

But at this time, the same feelings touched, want to know the final result of this battle.


The Buddha of Galan weakly proclaimed the sound of the Buddha, his eyes slightly raised, and he looked into the distance.

Finally, the energy slowed down, and the three Buddhas also saw the final result clearly.


Seeing the distant scene, the three Buddhas were sucked in a cold breath.

His eyes were full of shock and horror.

I saw a large crater like Hexagonal Household Coal Briquette on the ground in the distance.

The small holes of each and everyone are all broken by sword light.

In the center of the big pit, there is a huge silhouette like a sieve.

It is the 100 meters giant kun made by Xu Ningqing.

But at this time Xu Fuqing was dead.

She has large and small countless blood holes.

All are pierced by the golden light sword within the Myriad Sword Returning to Origin rune.

There is a huge sword wound with a length of 30 meters on the back.

The wound was wide open, and Yin Hong’s blood oozed out, and there were faint bones.

And his head was directly nailed to the ground by the Flying Sword.

But what Xu Fuqing saw was the pleasure after revenge.

“Sister Xiao!”

After Xu Ningqing’s death, everyone was shocked but did not pay much attention.

More eyes are on Xiao Changfeng on the other side.

I saw it on the ground.

Xiao Changfeng fell stiffly.

From the waist up, his upper and lower body were cut open.

Blood, internal organs, skeleton are clearly visible.

All the breath is lost.

“Dr. Xiao… dead?”

Wuxiang Buddha Zi sucked in a cold breath, some could not believe it.

He could not have imagined that Xiao Changfeng would fall here.

But the facts are in front of him, but he must not believe it.

“This this……”

Wisdom Buddha is also wide-eyed, and for a time he is speechless, not knowing what to say.

The Buddha of Galan bowed his head and chanted the scriptures, seeming to be superb for Xiao Changfeng.

This battle has three twists and turns.

at first, Xiao Changfeng They just came to snatch the villain.

But sneaked into Hantan together with Chun Xiaohua.

After a fierce battle with the Hanshabingling snake, Xiao Changfeng successfully picked the villain from the front of Chun Xiaohua.

However, Chun Xiaohua actually killed the female snake in revenge.

Xu Fuqing and 4 others took the opportunity to leave.

So Xiao Changfeng and the three Buddhas had to fight with all their strength.

Eventually beheaded the angry male snake, broke the total battle lineup, and killed nine Chilian Snakemen.

I thought the battle ended here.

But didn’t expect Xu Ningqing 4 people wolf child ambition, go back and forth.

With their almost full battle strength, defeat the 3 Buddhas.

If Xiao Changfeng broke out at a critical moment, I am afraid that the three Buddhas are dead at this time.

Then Xiao Changfeng was injured and tired.

Rely on strategy and combat experience.

Successively beheaded Xu Mao, Luo 9 days and Shaoyuan Shao.

But in the end when facing Xu Fuqing.

But he had to go all out.

Eventually perish together!

All this is too unimaginable.

The three Buddhas were also unexpected.

But at this time it seems that only their three people are alive.

“Amitabha, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let us consolidate the body of Lord Xiao and leave as soon as possible!”

This is the end of the matter, and the unrelated Buddha has to save himself three people first.

Among the 3 people, he still has a little strength.

At this time, struggling to get up, walked towards Xiao Changfeng, to consolidate his body for him.

The Buddha of Wisdom and the Buddha of Galan also defaulted on this approach.

After all, people can’t be brought back to life, and they can’t help it.

For this purpose, we can only protect ourselves first and then talk about others.


Just as the unrelated Buddha walked towards Xiao Changfeng.

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng had two upper and lower body, which was slightly trembled.

Immediately a faint azure light lights up.

“this is?”

This abrupt scene made the three Buddhas startled and puzzled.

But the azure light is getting brighter and brighter, and finally the entire body of Xiao Changfeng is lit up.

at the same time.

Xiao Changfeng’s voice also sounded dreamily in between Heaven and Earth.

“Magical Powers: endless life!”


azure light blooms like a big day of azure.

I saw Xiao Changfeng’s upper and lower body rejoined together, scattered all around blood, broken bones, visceral blood clots and so on.

Everything came together quickly.

Finally, Xiao Changfeng floated up, and the bright azure light was like the purest jadeite.

At this time, all three Buddhas felt the vitality of Xiao Changfeng.

“This… what is this means, but it has been resurrected?”

The wise Buddha opened his mouth like a toad.

This scene broke his cognition and exceeded his imagination.

Make him unable to understand and accept for a while.

But Xiao Changfeng was resurrected after all.

Or to restore it!

Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body Awakened this Magical Powers is Xiao Changfeng’s first Magical Powers.

But it is also the strongest Divine Ability.

This strength is not in attack or defense.

It can save lives!

No matter how many injuries, as long as there is a glimmer of survival, it can be recovered.

But this Magical Powers can only be used once in 3 months.

This is the first time Chang Changfeng has performed since Mount Mang Sect.


The silhouette of Xiao Changfeng in azure light is fully presented.

The skin is like jade, and there are no scars all over.

As if the previous battles were false.

But the injury recovered.

The mana within the body is still empty.

However, this is enough for Xiao Changfeng.

At least alive!

“Hu, fortunately with the life-saving Magical Powers, otherwise this time I really have to abandon the Fleshy body, Nascent Soul escapes!”

The azure light gradually converged, and Xiao Changfeng reopened eyes opened.

It was precisely because of this confidence that he dare to work hard with Xu Fuqing before.

But this is his last hole.

At this time he was within the body and his mana was empty, and he needed to find a place to recover as soon as possible.

“This place should not stay for a long time, let’s leave here first!”

Xiao Changfeng turned around and said quickly to the three Buddhas.

However, the three Buddhas have not answered.




A burst of applause sounded out of thin air.

Immediately a voluptuous voice slowly emerged:

“Your servant really watched a good show!”

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