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The empty eyes were filled with puzzles and doubts.

The Kun Family Little Fatty didn’t expect to die, he would fall here.

He is the Heaven’s Chosen of the Kun nationality, although not as good as Xu Ningqing, but also not a general.

Entering White Python Secret Realm this time is also full of ambition.

Want to break through yourself and become stronger.

However, he had not yet reached the end, but died at this time.

He was dazed, puzzled, and puzzled, but not frightened or unwilling.

Because this fist is too fast.

And it’s too unimaginable.

Let him have no time to be afraid and unwilling.


Xiao Changfeng withdrew his fist, and the body of the Little Fatty of the Kun people suddenly fell on his head.

There was only one blood hole in his heart.

There is no life, no more death!

“Xu Mao!”

Seeing that the Kun Family Little Fatty was dead, Xu Ningqing’s eyes widened suddenly, and a sharp scream was made.

Although Xu Mao is not her close younger brother.

But they are from the same race and have a good relationship with her.

This time came to White Python Secret Realm, Xu Mao is also very obedient.

However at this time.

Actually dead!

And still died in front of his own eyes.

This made her unacceptable, her pupils vibrated, and a heart was like a falling abyss.

But soon, grief turned into a monstrous anger.

“Xiao! Long! Wind!”

Xu Fuqing no longer shouted Pill Emperor, but shouted Xiao Changfeng’s name word by word.

Her face is full of baleful qi, and her eyes are burning with raging anger.

She was completely angry, and her previous fears and fears completely disappeared.

Only boundless anger was burning her reason.

“open for me !”

Xu Ningqing roared, and the formidable power of the long knife in his hand rose another 30%.

The field of the Nether Sea is also extremely rigid, even opening the Heaven Overturning Seal directly.

With a single knife, the Heaven Overturning Seal was cut directly.

ding ding dong dong!

In the distance, Flying Sword is still attacking Shark.

The sword glow is horizontal and extremely arrogant.

Shattered Shark had to resist with all his strength.

“Pill Emperor, I really underestimated you. Didn’t expect you have been using me as a bait!”

At this time, after 9 days, his face was gloomy.

Xu Mao’s death, he is also startled.

But after the reaction, he knew that he became a bait.

Without the previous 8 punches.

Xu Mao wouldn’t carelessly in the end, was found an opportunity by Xiao Changfeng and was killed with a punch.

So the anger falling in the heart for 9 days is also very strong.

“Tianjie martial skill: Profound Nether Tianhe!”

After 9 days, the martial skill was finally displayed.

I saw above the sky dome, suddenly as dark as ink.

As if the night came, there were countless stars in this night.

The stars are densely scattered and turned into a long galaxy.

But at this time, the Milky Way was like flowing water, and it was covered with a layer of gray and black gas.

At this time, it fell for 9 days, and the whole body was full of breath, and it seemed to become the master of this galaxy.

And he himself has turned into Black Tortoise.

At this moment, I tried my best.

Suddenly, the galaxy on the sky dome, which was far away from the universe, was suddenly pulled away from the sky.


The Milky Way falls and hits Xiao Changfeng to drown Xiao Changfeng directly.

However, at this time, Xiao Changfeng stood still, but he did not hide.

There was a contempt in his eyes.

“Force of Black Tortoise, it’s not what you use!”

Xiao Changfeng said lightly.

Immediately re-formed into a human form, White Tiger Martial Spirit also dispersed.

Oh la la !

A stream of black water surrounded him.

I saw Black Tortoise Martial Spirit has appeared behind him.

Soon Xiao Changfeng was to display the fusion of Martial Spirit, which turned into a Black Tortoise of ten meters in size.

Like a turtle, not a turtle, like a snake, not a snake.

This is the real Black Tortoise!

When Xiao Torfeng’s Black Tortoise appeared, he felt a tremor suddenly after 9 days.

A coercion from Bloodline made him unable to bear to kneel down on his knees.

At this time, the Milky Way has fallen.

“Today you will see the true power of Black Tortoise!”

Xiao Changfeng glanced indifferently for 9 days.

Immediately opened his mouth to suck.


I saw that the Milky Way that had fallen from the universe was swallowed by Xiao Changfeng, leaving nothing left.

“This… how is this possible?”

After 9 days, his eyes widened, and he couldn’t believe the scene he saw.

This is a martial skill of your own rank!

Was it just swallowed like this?

“Many thanks, let me restore some mana, now you can die!”

After swallowing the Milky Way, Xiao Changfeng’s breath rose a little.

At this time, the mana within the body has been restored to 30%.

For Xiao Changfeng, 4 days out of 9 people is the easiest to deal with.

Because he is a descendant of Black Tortoise, and Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll of his cultivation.

But it can be called the real Black Tortoise.

If not, Xu Mao had to be killed before.

Xiao Changfeng will not ink with him for such a long time.

Now that Xu Mao is dead, Xiao Changfeng will naturally not continue to ink.

“Bloodline is boiling!”

Xiao Changfeng glanced down for 9 days, and after 9 days, he felt that his blood within the body was out of control.

The blood is boiling, it is extremely hot, just like lava in the volcano.

That coercion from Bloodline made the nine days full of fear.

He suddenly discovered that his feelings turned out to be true.

The Black Tortoise transformed by Xiao Changfeng is really pure blood!

And Bloodline is so noble, so old.

It seems to be the ancestor of all Black Tortoise.

Even the true blood Black Tortoise must bow down and bow down.


The endless fear and coercion came, making it difficult to support for 9 days, and finally kneel to the knees.

“9 days, you…”

Seeing this scene, both Li Yuanxun and Xu Ningqing stared at their eyes, ecstatic.

They never imagined that things would develop to this step.

However, Xiao Changfeng ignored the shock of others.

Instead, he continued to stare for 9 days.


The blood that fell within the body for 9 days was boiling, and finally reached a critical point.

Spurt a large mouthful of blood after 9 days, and the whole body’s pores are also splashed with blood.

In the end, the blood was quickly used by Xiao Changfeng.

Inhaled directly into the body by Xiao Changfeng.

In the end, Xu Fuqing and the others were shocked to see that the blood was absorbed by Xiao Changfeng after falling for 9 days.

After 9 days, he turned into a corpse, and he could not afford to fall directly on the ground.

“Blood is also a kind of water!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly, his voice indifferent.

This is where the Force of Black Tortoise is truly terrifying.

Previously, it was just because Black Tortoise Eternal Life Scroll was not strong, so Xiao Changfeng could not perform it.

And this time is because 9 days later is the descendant of Black Tortoise, so Xiao Changfeng can play this trick.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng absorbed all the blood that fell for 9 days.

Refining blood into mana, Xiao Changfeng’s mana is restored to 50%!

At this moment.

Xu Mao and Luo died in 9 days.

Four people besieged, leaving only Shaoyuan Shao and Xu Fuqing.


Xiao Changfeng silhouette flickered and disappeared in place.

When it appears again.

He appeared directly in front of Shaoyuan Shao. The indifferent voice made the pupils of Shaoyuan Shao suddenly shrink.

“Next, it’s up to you!”

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