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Inside and outside Hantan, it was devastated.

This place was originally a treasure land, but successive battles have made it on the verge of ruins.

The bodies of 2 Hanshabingling snakes still fell in the cold lake.

The bodies of the 9 snake men are 7 horizontal and 8 vertical.

And this time.

Wisdom Buddha coughed up blood and was weak.

The Galan Buddha was chased by the Kun Family Little Fatty to nowhere, unable to enter the ground.

The strongest unrelated Buddha, was also severely injured by Xu Fuqing.

A scar in front of him spread from the neck to the abdomen.

His golden Buddha’s radiance was also bleak, as if it might go out at any time.

3 Big Buddha, first of all, a joint battle with Chi Lianjun.

Another battle with Xu Fuqing and the others.

After all, he lost, and was completely defeated.

“If you are Peak, we can’t win so easily, it’s a pity!”

Xu Fuqing’s cold eyes glanced at the three Buddhas.

But the killing intent is not weakened.

Today, the three Buddhas must die.

Xiao Changfeng must also die!

Only in this way can the harvest be maximized.

“Pill Emperor, you are the first invincible posture of the Hidden Dragon List, and the powerful strength of your sword-cutting demon snake, why is it so weak, it really disappoints me!”

The arrogant laughter of Shaoyuan Shao sounded.

I saw that Shaoyuan Shao was constantly swimming around Xiao Changfeng.

Every time you swim, a blade glow merges with the faint light, turns into a vortex, and attacks Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was trapped by vortex and could only support it.

This scene made Li Yuan Shao refreshing.

Seeing this, Xu Ningqing also sneered, very proud.

“Pill Emperor, you have today!”

During 1st Heavenly Layer, Xu Fuqing was seriously injured by Xiao Changfeng.

If there is no hate, it is false.

Xu Ningqing is Heaven’s Chosen of aloof and remote.

He was beaten seriously and fleeed.

This made her resentful.

At this time, the resentment accumulated in the heart was finally able to vent.

“Crack the shark, don’t rub it, do it quickly, so as not to have more nights!”

Although his heart was refreshing, Xu Fuqing was not blinded by victory.

“Okay, let me unscrew the head of the wise Buddha!”

Shaoyuan Shao hasn’t responded yet. It takes 9 days to squeeze the bones with both hands and creak creak sounds.

With a fierce look on his face, he walked towards the wise Buddha.

Let’s bombard the wisdom Buddha first.

The Buddha on the other side is now staggering to the ground and is also on the verge of danger.

Xu Ningqing was a silhouette, and he once again killed towards the unrelated Buddha.

They want to kill the three Buddhas first.

Cut off after suffering!

“Just rely on you ants, you think you can kill me?”

During the killing operation of the black shark, Xiao Changfeng suddenly looked up, his eyes extremely cold.

It seems to be the stare of death.

This made the Shaoyuan Shao suddenly tremble, and an invisible fear spread out.

“Sword is coming!”

Xiao Changfeng roar towards the sky.

A bronze sword light flashed out of Xiao Changfeng’s mouth.

Youguang vortex, in front of this sword, was cut directly.

And the sword glow of the Chongxiao is like a divine sword that has been split for 9 days. It is unprecedented, according to Supreme, above heaven under earth, all split in front of this sword.

As soon as the sword came out, everyone was frightened!

This is not the Flying Sword, but the Life-Source Magical Treasure of Xiao Changfeng: Flying Sword!

This sword was cast by Xiao Changfeng with void crystal iron.

Later, the bronze sword soul recovered from the lost.

Ever since he got the cold flame fire, Xiao Changfeng has been putting it in the dantian for sacrifice.

Before that, it was only used once.

And now, Flying Sword appears again.

The Flying Sword formidable power at this time is stronger.

It is only one line away from the top grade magic weapon.

Because of the sacrifice of the cold flame fire and Xiao Changfeng’s Life-Source Magical Treasure.

Not weaker than the top grade holy tools.

Pu chi!

Flying Sword of the Void slashes through the vortex of the glorious light, and it instantly disappears.

When it reappeared, it was standing on the body of Shaoyuan Shao.

Shaoyuan Shao’s fleshy body is tough, but it can’t resist the cutting edge of Flying Sword.

Suddenly, a bloody wound was cut, and the blood spilled into the sky.

And lost the control of Shark.

The split-sea holy halberd is also shiny and dim, and the gloom disappears immediately.

Black shark killing, break!

This sudden change made everyone startled.

He stopped for 9 days and turned his head to surprise.

The Kun Fatty Little Fatty is also the figure of the stopped pursuit, looking at Xiao Changfeng in surprise.

Xu Xuqing’s face was even more ugly.

Her heart sank, and she felt that the worst had happened.

Xiao Changfeng is very strong, very strong.

As early as 1st Heavenly Layer played against her for the first time, she knew.

And this time she designed to frame.

Both Han Sha Bing Ling Snake and Chi Lianjun’s snake man were dead.

This further proves the strength of Xiao Changfeng.

In the past, four of them shot, in order to kill everyone without leaving a mouth.

But Xu Fuqing was didn’t expect.

In this case, Xiao Changfeng still has such a strong strength.

One sword breaks vortex, the sword cuts the shark!

This gave her a hint of invisible fear.

This fear was like a big hand, fiercely clutching her heart.

“No, never let him turn over!”

Xu Ningqing shook his head vigorously and immediately looked at Xiao Changfeng.

The emergence of fear made her killing intent more intense.

Only by killing him can this fear be completely wiped out.

So she abandoned the unrelated Buddha directly.

The huge body rushed directly towards Xiao Changfeng.

“Don’t let him die while he is ill. Never let him escape this tribulation, otherwise we will all die!”

Xu Fuqing growled loudly.

In her eyes, a Xiao Changfeng threat is 3 times and 100 times stronger than the three Buddhas.

At this time, the three Buddhas have been seriously injured and are not serious.

And Xiao Changfeng obviously still has the power to fight back.

In this case, he teamed up to kill him.

death ends all one’s troubles!

“I also want to feel the taste of killing Pill Emperor!”

After 9 days, his eyes were cold, and there was a touch of play in the corner of his mouth.

Immediately he abandoned the wise Buddha, turned into a black light, and went straight to Xiao Changfeng.

“Holy fruit, medicine pill, all are mine!”

When the Kun Family Little Fatty heard Xu Ningqing’s order, he glanced at Galan Buddha annoyedly.

But soon it was aimed at Xiao Changfeng.

The three buddhas who were seriously injured and dying are not sufficient.

Xiao Changfeng must die!

“cough cough !”

Wu Xiangfo Zi struggled, but pulled the injury, and suddenly his face turned white, and he coughed up blood.

He held the big fearless Vajra stick tightly and looked up at Xiao Changfeng.

Within the body fighting intent, he wanted to help Xiao Changfeng.

But the injuries on his body are not allowed.


The Wisdom Buddha whispered the sound of the Buddha, and closed his eyes slightly, as if he did not want to see Xiao Changfeng’s miserable results.

Galan Buddha was still silent, but his eyes were trembling and his mind was hard to calm.

3 The Great Buddha is unable to fight anymore.

Xu Fuqing and others went to Xiao Changfeng Qiqi and vowed to kill it here.

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes are cold, with 3 killing words, showing killing intent in his heart.

this moment.

Xiao Changfeng fought to the madness with one enemy 4!

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