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Originally Xu Fuqing and the others engaged the nine snakemen of the Chilian Army. Although they could not overcome it, they could also hold back.

But they have a normal relationship with Xiao Changfeng.

Even more how I gathered here this time, I wanted to compete for the villain.

Now that the villain has been obtained by Xiao Changfeng.

They also don’t want to stay here to continue to help Xiao Changfeng block the snake people.

After all, Xu Fuqing and Xiao Changfeng still have hatred.

Xiao Changfeng had seriously injured her, and she almost collapsed.

As for the 9-day falling and Shaoyuan Shao, although you do not have to take orders from Xu Fuqing.

But obviously I don’t want to make a wedding dress for Xiao Changfeng.

So Xu Fuqing said to them that they agreed.

As for the Little Fatty of the Kun ethnic group, naturally listen to his sister.

So Xu Ningqing left instantly.

Leave three Buddhas to face the nine snake men of Chi Lianjun.

For Xu Fuqing they left, Xiao Changfeng expression was calm, without anger and sorrow.

He has long understood that this is only a joint of interests.

As for their departure, Xiao Changfeng has already made psychological preparations.

The only accident.

It is the male snake that runs away.

“Help me drag one minute.”

Xiao Changfeng did not manage Xu Ningqing, but Divine Consciousness sound transmission to 3 Buddhas.

At this time the male snake runs away, and he desperately wants to fight with himself.

You must solve the male snake first, but then you can deal with the snake man who trains the red army.

3 Big Buddha has no spare time to reply, but they all tried their best to resist the attacks of the snake people.


At this time, the male snake came to Xiao Changfeng, opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and wanted to swallow Xiao Changfeng in one bite.


But the snake teeth fell and bit on the black liquid Battle Armor, but it couldn’t bite at all.

Black liquid Battle Armor is the defense of Magic Powers of Water Attribute.

Now in this cold lake, there is deep water as the support, and the black liquid Battle Armor’s defensive power is stronger.

And Xiao Changfeng at this time, although the Black Tortoise longevity is being performed, the Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body and White Tiger Vajra still exist.

fleshy body strength is stronger than the male snake.

It is obviously not so easy to hurt Xiao Changfeng.

“Sword is coming!”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness gushes out and controls Flying Sword.

Suddenly the flying god Flying Sword roared, turning into a dark golden sword rainbow connecting to heaven penetrating the earth.

Jianhong traversed the sky, dragging a long tail of light, and cut off with a sword.

Pu chi!

At this time, the male snake attacked Xiao Changfeng madly, without even thinking of resisting it.

Suddenly the Singing God Flying Sword cut directly on the male snake.

The snake scales shattered and sharp sword glow cut into it.

But it was blocked by the snake bone.

The male snake has been cultivation in this cold lake for 100 years, and his body has been nourished by cold.

Especially the snake bone is extremely hard.

Even if it is the Flying Sword, it is not so easy to cut open in a while.

But this sword made the male snake’s injury worse.

It was struggling frantically, and the redness in his pupils gradually became blood red.


The male snake was covered with cold light, as if squeezing out the last trace of power.

Cold light quickly condenses in its mouth.

In the end a sorrow came out.

This cold, unprecedented condensate.

Directly translated into substance, condensed into a lance.

The lance is ten meters long and has a metallic luster throughout.

The biting cold light manifests itself on the lance.

The space around all around was stained with thin frost.

Tear off!

Hansha lance squirted from the male snake’s mouth and thrust straight towards Xiao Changfeng.

From a distance, it looks like a lightning across the sky.

The sky dome must be divided.

That terrifying breath is not weaker than the top grade holy weapon.

It can be seen that this time the male snake is really desperate.

In the face of this cold lance comparable to the top grade sacrificial lance, Xiao Changfeng also dare not have the slightest care.

At this point he took a slight breath and the pupil light was bright.

“Magical Powers: One Qi Becomes Three Purities!”

Xiao Changfeng was full of mana, and suddenly 2 magical bodies came out of him within the body.

As soon as the dharma came out, the Martial Spirit melt was directly displayed.

Suddenly Azure Dragon Martial Spirit and Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit appeared.

“Water Fire Azure Lotus!”

Xiao Changfeng was firm in his mind and immediately exhibited Azure Lotus.

Cold Flame Shenhuo and Black Tortoise black liquid spew out together.

Azure Dragon mana is also shining,

Soon, three kinds of mana interweave in midair, turning into a 3 meter-sized Azure Lotus.

Water, fire, leaves, and Aoki, Taiwan.

Ten or eight lotus leaves turn counterclockwise.

Like a grinding disc spinning.


Xiao Changfeng reached for a finger.

Suddenly Azure Lotus greeted Han Sha Lance away.


2 The two collided and immediately exploded.

Han Sha lance clangs, and Azure Lotus is constantly wiped out.

The 2 forces are constantly colliding in midair, as if the 2 Ancient Spiritual Gods are fighting.

Space is shaking, deep water is boiling, air is surging.

The wave of terror turned into a gust of wind, and roared away.

Even the Chilian army’s combined attack was forced to resist at this time.

For a time, the entire land of space was filled with this explosive wave.

Peng peng peng!

In the deep water, the body of the female snake was also swept up by the battle fluctuations. The snake scale exploded and the body was exploded into several segments.

The male snake is not much better.

It squeezed out the last trace of strength, and exhibited this cold lance.

It was hit by Heaven Overturning Seal and Flying Sword before, and was also seriously injured.

At this moment, the explosion wave swept through.

Suddenly the whole scale of the snake shattered, flesh and blood rolled up, and a blur.

There are also several wounds, directly flesh and blood flying, exposing the white bones.

Azure Lotus and Hansha lance are still colliding constantly.

Water Fire Azure Lotus Although the grade and method are higher than Han Sha lance.

But this cold shame lance is a desperate blow of the male snake, and its strength is extremely strong.

2 Those are not equal, birds of a feather.

In the end, in the constant roaring collision, they spent time with each other, and finally turned into a huge mushroom cloud.

The mushroom cloud rises, covering the sky.

The wave of terrifying explosions swept away like a storm.

If there is no space barrier here, I am afraid that it will sweep to other spaces.

As a result, Azure Lotus and Hansha Lance both disappeared.


A black silhouette emerges from the mushroom cloud.

It is Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, the 2 dharma bodies have been recovered.

And Xiao Changfeng has also transformed into a humanoid.

But he was covered by black liquid Battle Armor.

The black liquid Battle Armor’s defensive power is not weaker than the top grade holy weapon under the blessing of deep water.

Also successfully blocked the previous explosion wave.

Oh la la !

The black liquid flows, and Xiao Changfeng’s face resurfaces.

I saw Xiao Changfeng look pale, some collapsed.

But his eyes were still as bright as the sun, and he stood on the air at this time, calmly.

“Sword is coming!”

Xiao Changfeng whispered, and suddenly a dark golden sword rainbow whistled and fell into his hands.

It is the Flying Sword.

At this time, in front of Xiao Changfeng, a dying male snake was seriously injured.

Its power has been completely exhausted, and his body has been seriously injured, unable to fight anymore.

But it was still struggling, eyes red, full of resentment.


Xiao Changfeng’s eyes are unemotional, his hands rise and fall.

The dazzling Jianhong traverses Heaven and Earth, killing the male snake with one sword.

this moment.

Xiao Changfeng dressed in Battle Armor, holding Flying Sword, like an invincible War God, a sword and a dragon!

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