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The war between Outsider and Chi Lianjun has broken out.

Xiao Changfeng and the three Buddhas headed towards the Wuxu chessboard.

Along the way, they also met the snake trainers and other outsiders.

Some are fighting, and some are only corpses that have fallen in a pool of blood.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not find an acquaintance.

Coupled with his desire to find the villain, he didn’t have much fuss.

Go all the way.

Xiao Changfeng finally came to the Wuxu chess grid.

And along the way, the shock of the hearts of the three Buddhas continued.

Because Xiao Changfeng, by virtue of the chessboard map of the heaven and earth, can really know the land and the law of transformation.

For this reason, even if it is just the unrelated Buddha in the breakthrough Paragon realm.

It is also a tribute to Xiao Changfeng.

In the game of Wuxu, when Xiao Changfeng 4 people arrived.

A bloody battle has just ended.

2 Outsiders fell into the pool of blood.

The three red-trained snake men were bleeding long forks.

“Outsider, kill them, take military power!”

See the appearance of 4 people in Xiao Changfeng.

The three snakemen were startled, but soon the killing intent was boiling.

However, they also know that there are 4 people on Xiao Changfeng, and they are powerful.

So a shot is a combined battle.

“Amitabha, let this poor monk rate them!”

The unrelated Buddha stepped out in one step, Paragon’s imposing manner spread out, and the realm of war Buddha emerged.

“This is a joint battle battle of the Red Army, it needs use point to break surface to break the formation!”

Seeing that Wu Xiangfozi took the initiative to play, Xiao Changfeng did not stop, but opened up the method of joint combat and breaking the formation.


The three snakemen heard Xiao Changfeng’s words, the complexion slightly changed, but at this time they had to go all out.

The combined battle front is really strong, even if the unrelated Buddha has the strength of the Paragon realm.

But it can only prevail, and cannot be killed as easily as outside the Luohan Hall.

But Xiao Changfeng also gave him a way.

use point to break surface!

In the end, the Buddha with a big faceless Vajra hit a weak spot.

Immediately broke the enemy, increased the weak spot, and finally broke the combined battle.

The combination of battle is very strong, after three snake men joined forces.

Can fight 4 5 or more Emperor Martial enemies.

But the realm of the unrelated Buddha is higher and more powerful, plus Xiao Changfeng’s advice.

Finally lost.

Once the combined battle line is broken, the three snakemen are not enough.

It was eventually killed by three Buddhas.

“Amitabha, Chi Lianjun has this kind of combined combat array, and the strength is still above the speculation of the small monk. At this time, I don’t know how many people are going to die.”

The eyes of the wise Buddha shine.

The combination of battles he saw at this time made him afraid of Chi Lianjun.

Like Xiao Changfeng, he also thought about the number of people fighting together.

This time there are only 3 players. If there are 6 players and 9 players in the combined battle, can they resist it?

In addition to the Chi Lianjun, the Snake Race also has 2 teams.

The strength of the Snake Race is too strong.

In this White Python Secret Realm, there is an invincible existence.

“These two people should be from southern Xinjiang, but unfortunately lost their lives here!”

Wu Xiang Buddha Zi glanced at the two Outsiders who were killed by the Snakes before, browse slightly wrinkle.

At this time Xiao Changfeng also came over and recognized these two people.

He Ran was following 2 people on the side of Chunmanlou.

There are 3 Great Heavenly Venerate families in Southern Xinjiang. Apart from Juntian Madness, the other 2 are these two.

didn’t expect actually died here.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Changfeng couldn’t help but worry about Mo Wenjian and Bai Xi.

“Let’s go to Xin Chou check!”

The cruel life-and-death fight kills Xiao Changfeng’s heart slightly.

However, his goal at this time is the villain. As for the others, he can only set aside temporarily.

Nowadays, Wuxu is not a villain.

Then go to the next destination.

The Wuxu checker and Xin Chou checker are not connected together.

And even if Xiao Changfeng mastered the law of transformation, he had to wait for the time to enter.

So it took a day later.

Xiao Changfeng 4 Talent came to Xin Chou Chess.

“The war just broke out, it should not be very long!”

As soon as he stepped into Xin Chou Chess, Xiao Changfeng smelled a strong bloody smell.

This is not where the villain is.

But on the ruined mountain range, there were 3 corpses lying.

These three corpses are all snake trainers of the Red Army.

Three snake men died miserably.

One of them was cut off half of his head, and it looked awkward.

The second one is a blood hole in the abdomen, with a terrified expression on his face.

The third snake man was the most miserable, and the whole person was burned to a black spot.

“Xia Wuxing!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed and guessed the identity of the murderer.

The strength of these three snake men is not weak, but the death is so miserable, it must be a powerful generation.

According to the traces of battle and the remnants of flames, Xiao Changfeng confirmed Xia Wuxing’s identity.

didn’t expect actually met Xia Wuxing here.

For Xia Wuxing, Xiao Changfeng has only a cold killing intent in his heart.

In case of encounter, Xiao Changfeng will never let go.

But at this time Xia Wuxing had already murdered and left.

Xiao Changfeng did not know where to go and could not find after the two sides crossed.

“hmph! ”

coldly snorted, Xiao Changfeng pupil light cold, snorted, killing intent in my heart, has not stopped.

“There are neither the Wuxu checker nor the Xinjue checker, so it is most likely in the Jihai checker.”

Convergence of mind, do not think about Xia Wuxing.

Xiao Changfeng crossed the Wuxu checkerboard and Xin Chou checkerboard on the chessboard of the heaven and earth with a wave.

Like this kind of fork, there are still many on the chessboard diagram.

These are the areas that Xiao Changfeng has searched for and excluded.

Next, there is only Jihai chess.

Xiao Changfeng prayed in his heart, hoping not to go on an errand for nothing.

Otherwise, the clues that are hard to find will be broken.

“Let’s go, let’s go to Jihai check.”

Xiao Changfeng turned around and walked away, and the three Buddhas naturally did not stay.

The Jihai chess pattern is not far from Xin Chou chess pattern.

Under the leadership of Xiao Changfeng, everyone soon arrived at Jihai.


A chill, assaults the senses in an instant, let Xiao Changfeng tremble.

And when he saw all around, the surprise in his heart came up.

I can see Heaven and Earth are clear here, a 100 meters wide forest lake, which occupies most of this open space.

deep water is faint and cold.

In the depths of Hantan, a small tree grew.

There is a red fruit on the small tree.

It is the villain Xiao Changfeng is looking for!

Three goals, after two failed, finally here, see the little man fruit for yearn for something even in dreams.


But Xiao Changfeng was not blinded by joy.

At this time, in his Divine Consciousness reaction, he found a lot of strange atmosphere.

I saw that before the Hantan, there were 2 teams of people facing each other.

One of them is the snake man of Chilian.

But not 3 people, but 9 people!

On the other side, there are 5 people.

Li Yuanjun, Luo 9 days, Xu Ningqing and the Little Fatty of the Kun ethnic group.

The last one, turned out to be the big eye loli who followed Chun Man Lou!

The two sides confronted each other in front of Hantan.

The war is on the verge!

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