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Dao of Karma, the most troublesome!

Xiao Changfeng has the memory of Immortal Emperor and knows the importance of cause and effect.

At this time, it is a happy event to settle a cause and effect with 5 Buddha crowns.

And the Wuxiang Buddha no longer meddles in 5 Buddha crowns.

Then Xiao Changfeng can use 5 Buddha crowns to re-establish the cause and effect of the Wisdom Buddha or Garan Buddha.

“Heal your wounds first!”

The ownership of the 5 Buddha crowns has not been determined.

Xiao Changfeng turned and walked towards the Luohan Temple.

Wisdom Buddha’s eyes flashed with wisdom, and some guessed Xiao Changfeng’s intentions.

After all, his cultivation is Dao of Karma.

Just touched the threshold, the formidable power did not show that’s all.

Garan Buddha didn’t say much, took out the Blood Essence Pill and took it directly.

Immediately, he sat cross-legged and started healing quickly.

Seeing this wisdom Buddha also began to take pill to heal.

At this time, it is useless to think more, only to recover from the injury can face the next situation.

As for the Buddha without phase.

At this time, he has put on 5 Buddha crowns and swallowed Blood Essence Pill.

He is about to hit Paragon!


The Arhat Hall has long been dilapidated, and when one foot is stepped on, the stone directly turns into powder.

“It seems that this is somewhat related to the ten 8 Arhats of Buddhism!”

Although Xiao Changfeng did not know the situation of Luohan Temple.

But based on the clues in the ruins, he also guessed it.

The Arhat of Buddhism is also the existence of True Immortal.

Although not comparable to Bodhisattva and Buddha, it should not be underestimated.

The ten 8 Arhats are well-known figures in the Arhat group.

The 2 people who descended from the dragon and fell behind the tiger were not weaker than the ordinary Bodhisattva.

But this time Xiao Changfeng didn’t come to see Luohan.

He walked into the Luohan Temple, looking for Buddha treasures or Buddha medicine.

Generally speaking, Demonic beast will occupy the place where Spiritual Qi is rich, or where there is Heaven and Earth spiritual medicine.

Previously, Xiao Changfeng encountered the Silver Thread Snake Lair and the Black Spotted Viper’s Lair.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng is still looking forward to the Luohan Temple.

In the Luohan Temple, there are collapsed Buddha statues and broken stone tablets.

The former Luohan Temple was brilliant.

However, 4000 years have passed and it has long since become a ruin.

Even in the Western Region, the three characters of Luohan Temple have become a noun that’s all in historical documents.

Da da!

Xiao Changfeng stepped around in the Arhat Hall, Divine Consciousness spread out, looking for treasure.

However, after a lap, there was no gain.

Let alone spiritual medicine, there is not even a low-grade Buddha treasure.

“En? Is there only one 5 Buddha crown left?”

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle.

He searched again with Divine Consciousness, without ignoring every inch.

However, there is still no gain.

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

Xiao Changfeng thoughts move, and immediately displayed Magical Powers.

I saw golden flames burning in his eyes.

Golden Fire Eyes can be used together with Lengyan Shenhuo to possess extremely strong destructive power.

But the most important role of Golden Fire Eyes is to see through the false and point to the truth.

Divine Consciousness can only see the appearance, but Golden Fire Eyes can see the reality.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng exhibited Golden Fire Eyes, looking out inch by inch.

This time.

He is no longer without gain.

I saw that under the Golden Fire Eyes, under a broken Buddha statue, there was a faint Buddha’s radiance.

Buddha’s radiance is faint and invisible, but it cannot escape Xiao Changfeng’s Golden Fire Eyes.

“Actually the seal of “卍”!”

Xiao Changfeng quickly came to the place of Buddha’s radiance, and Golden Fire Eyes saw it more clearly.

I saw an imaginary “卍” floating in the air.

This is the highest seal technique of Buddhism.

However, this “卍” seal is obviously not real, but pirated, and the formable power is much weaker than the real one.

But what is sealed with the word “卍”, you don’t have to think about how precious it is.


For the “卍” seal, ordinary people simply cannot open it.

However, Xiao Changfeng is familiar with the Buddhism secret technique, which is just a pirated seal, which naturally cannot help him.

Soon after the mana vomited, the seal of “卍” slowly dissipated.


A strong buddha force assaults the senses, like a wave of heat.

Xiao Changfeng was delighted in his heart, and his mana was released, and he quickly dug deep.

The hard ground was quickly dug into a deep pit ten meters deep.

Then Xiao Changfeng saw a golden golden liquid!

I saw in the deep pit, there is a half-meter square pool.

In the pool, the golden-yellow spiritual liquid flows.

The spiritual liquid is viscous and thick, the golden light is shining, and it is full of strong Buddhist power.

As if going to Spiritual Mountain, I met Tatianagata Buddha.

“Buddha’s radiance liquid!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes reflected the golden light, shining brightly.

The pupil is full of surprises.

This harvest is really beyond his expectations.

Let him be excited to be unable to bear.

The so-called Buddha’s radiance liquid, as the name implies, is Buddha’s radiance liquefied and formed by condensation.

Spiritual Qi is the mildest Spirit Qi between Heaven and Earth, which can absorb 10000 things.

Therefore, Spirit Qi has become the mainstream of cultivation.

However, Buddha’s radiance is different from Spiritual Qi. Buddha’s radiance is the purest energy.

And there are many restrictions that not everyone can absorb.

However, no amount of restrictions can deny the preciousness of Buddha’s radiance.

As for Buddha’s radiance liquid, it is Supreme Treasure.

In the Western Region 3 temple, Xiao Changfeng was not sure if he had Buddha’s radiance fluid.

But even if there are, there should not be many.

At this time, there are at least 10000 drops of Buddha’s radiance in this small pool.

The majestic energy contained in it is even more difficult to estimate.

Not to mention, if so much Buddha’s radiance liquid is given to the three Buddhas.

Then all three Buddhas will break through to Paragon.

If you give a Buddhism powerhouse in the 9th layer of Paragon, you can even ascend and become a Saint.

Even Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse will be coveted.

This pool of Buddha’s radiance liquid is probably the treasure of the Luohan Temple that does not know how many years.

And it was sealed with the word “卍”.

Perhaps even the golden python that has occupied here for 1000 years has not been discovered.

“With this pool of Buddha’s radiance liquid, my immortal grass may be able to mature faster!”

Buddha’s radiance liquid is precious and abnormal, although Xiao Changfeng is not a Buddhism disciple, it can also be absorbed.

But he did not plan to absorb it himself.

Instead, I thought of Buddha palm fairy grass.

What a precious Immortal Medicine, in this world.

I am afraid that only Four Great Divine Clans and few other places can have a few divine medicines comparable to it.

If Xiao Changfeng owns a mature Buddha palm grass, then he holds the key to breakthrough in his hand.

In the future, after reaching the Transcending Tribulation period, you may be able to pass through Immortal Tribulation and rise to immortality.

Therefore Xiao Changfeng did not hesitate.

He reached out and beckoned, that is, he took out immortal spirit soil and immortal spirit.

At this time, the Buddha’s palm fairy grass is still very small, and it can only emit a faint luster, which looks like a baby.

But at this time the presence of Buddha’s radiance liquid was sensed.

Suddenly the Immortelle is slightly trembled, and the two leaves are also curved towards the pool.


Xiao Changfeng didn’t let the Buddha’s palm fairy grass wait, and threw it into the pool together with immortal spirit soil.

Immediately the Buddha’s palm grass quickly absorbed Buddha’s radiance fluid.

“Next, it is waiting, hoping that the Buddha’s palm fairy grass will mature!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were shining and full of anticipation.

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