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In the gray fog, shemales coexist.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng was sitting cross-legged, refining the top grade Spirit Stone in his hand.

The energy in the fog is very complicated. Although Xiao Changfeng can refining, it takes a lot of energy.

It is better to directly absorb Spirit Qi in the top grade Spirit Stone.

The situation within White Python Secret Realm is clearly known to many people.

Therefore, Jun Tian crazy prepared a lot of top grade Spirit Stone in their storage ring.

Plus Yuan Keqiang and the others.

The top grade Spirit Stone in Xiao Changfeng’s hands is also up to 5000 pieces.

However, with the refining of Xiao Changfeng, each top grade Spirit Stone is quickly dim.

Eventually lost Spirit Qi and turned it into a waste rock.

At this time, the battle between Jun Tian and the mad 4 people, Xiao Changfeng is also very expensive.

The Viper King who beheaded Paragon Realm 2 has already consumed 50% of his mana.

Later, he fought fiercely with Juntian and the others, and even exhausted his mana.

Fortunately, the energy used by the Myriad Sword Returning to Origin rune array is Fu Zhuan.

Xiao Changfeng only needs to be controlled by Divine Consciousness, otherwise it is really troublesome.

Of course, there is a drop of true Essence Liquid in the dantian of Xiao Changfeng.

Can restore Xiao Changfeng mana 3 times.

But this drop of Essence Liquid is too important, not when it is as a last resort.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t want to use it either.

After all, although there are still silver thread devouring snakes in the gray fog, it is difficult to find a mature silver snake holy fruit again.

Once this drop of Essence Liquid is used, it is completely gone.

3 days later.

Xiao Changfeng’s all around is full of abandoned Spirit Stone.

Under the count, there are 3000 top grade Spirit Stones.

This shows how magnificent Xiao Changfeng’s mana is today.


Xiao Changfeng spit out one mouthful of impure air deeply.

The eyelids twitched and opened slowly.

The pupils are black and white, and there is an expression that can’t tell the truth.

Besides just this, there is not much abnormal.

“Full 3000 top grade Spirit Stones, and the rest is not enough at one time.”

Xiao Changfeng glanced all around the abandoned Spirit Stone, clear comprehension in his heart.

Although there are a lot of top grade Spirit Stones obtained this time, but such consumption is also huge.

“But it’s no good. My realm has once again improved a bit, and the equivalent to Emperor Martial environment is 8 heavy.”

Divine Consciousness, looking at the change of mana.

Although the mana was exhausted this time, it also broke a small bottleneck.

This made the realm of Xiao Changfeng slightly improved.

A glance at Mo Wenjian next to him.

At this moment, Mo Wenjian’s golden light shone, but it was mixed with a touch of red light.

Apparently Mo Wenjian was still digesting the red scale Treasure Pill’s medical power.

Xiao Changfeng did not say much about this.

He reached out and took out several storage rings.

these all are juntian crazy and the others.

Although they used a lot of treasure and holy medicine before.

But this time their preparation is not inadequate.

There are still many good things in the storage ring.

In addition to top grade Spirit Stone, there are some treasure medicine and holy medicine.

There are other medicines, treasures, maps, scrolls and other things.

But now it is cheaper in Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng did not look at most of the things, but medicine was together.

Of course, what Xiao Changfeng attaches most importance to is the map.

But the maps they carry are not complete, they are just a small area.

But putting together their maps also benefited Xiao Changfeng a lot.


Suddenly a violent breath emerged.

The 100 top grade Spirit Stones placed next to Mo Wen’s body shattered in an instant.

The majestic Spirit Qi is like a long whale sucking water towards Mo Wenjian.

The gluttonous illusory shadow surfaced behind Mo Wenjian.

The gluttonous illusory shadow at this time is clearer than before.

I don’t know if I should ask Jian’s realm promotion or other reasons.


The gluttonous illusory shadow sucked in his mouth.

Spiritual Qi was suddenly swallowed directly.

Immediately Mo Wenjian’s imposing manner skyrocketed.

The fog around all around repels a lot.


Xiao Changfeng’s eyes fell on Mo Wenjian’s body, with clear comprehension in his heart.

Mo Wenjian was in the Peak of the 3rd-layer of Emperor Martial before.

Now with the help of Red Scale Treasure Pill, it finally broke through the bottleneck.

But Mo Wenjian didn’t open his eyes.

The gluttonous illusory shadow behind him also did not dissipate, as if to break through the 2-layer boundary in one fell swoop.


The gluttonous illusory shadow opened his mouth again.

And this time top grade Spirit Stone has been absorbed light.

The gluttonous illusory shadow is engulfing the gray mist all around.

“Gourmet is to devour Divine Beast. Although the energy of this gray fog is confusing, it is not difficult for gluttonous food. However, the cultivation technique of Brother Mo’s cultivation is incomplete.

Xiao Changfeng stood together without stopping.

He had already guessed the ability of “Gourmet Engulfing Gong”. At this time, Mo Wenjian wouldn’t stop Xiao Changfeng since he wanted to break through 2 realms.

The gluttonous illusory shadow swallowed quickly, and in the blink of an eye swallowed a lot of gray fog.

And Mo Wenjian’s face gradually emerged from the pain.

His skin even lightened with a light gray.

“Leiyin golden body method!”

Mo Wenjian’s eyes closed and he drank low.

Suddenly the sound of thunder came from his within the body, and his skin instantly turned into golden color.

The Leiyin golden body method seemed to suppress the erosion of the gray mist.

Mo Wenjian continued to break through the energy of the fog.


An hour later, Mo Wenjian within the body heard a subtle sound.

Imposing manner soared immediately, and the golden body of Lei Yin was golden light, shining in 8 directions.

Emperor Martial is in the 5th layer!

Mo Wenjian didn’t continue anymore, and the imposing manner on his body gradually fell back.

He also understood that it was a fluke to break through 2 levels.

If you want to break through 3 levels, then some crazy people say dreams.


Mo Wenjian’s eyes opened, and the golden light was shining, but the tiredness and excitement could not be covered.

“Brother, I finally broke through, and I still broke through 2 levels, haha!”

Mo Wenjian jumped up and hugged Xiao Changfeng, his face excited.

This result was beyond his expectations.

Now that it is successful, it is natural to find someone to share joy.

“Brother Mo, congratulations!”

Xiao Changfeng also smiled and thanked her.

“The harvest this time is average. When I break the 3rd and 4th level next time, when the time comes, I can catch up to you, younger brother, you must cheer, otherwise I will be overtaken soon.”

After Mo Wenjian was excited, he became proud.

Even the shoulders of pats Xiao Changfeng, still dreaming of his big brother.

But Xiao Changfeng did not care about these.

Now Mo Wenjian’s strength improvement is also a good thing.

Next is to go to Chunmanlou.

This was agreed upon beforehand, and Xiao Changfeng would naturally not go back on his word.

However, 1st Heavenly Layer is so big, and it is blocked by fog. It is not so easy to find someone.

“Hey, brother, look, what is that?”

Suddenly Mo Wenjian looked up.

Xiao Changfeng followed his gaze.

I saw above the sky dome, a huge vortex emerged.

This vortex covers the sky and turns slowly, and the center is recessed.

like a channel.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, Jingmang skyrocketed:

“The entrance appears?”

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