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The silhouette of Xiao Changfeng moved, and the two dharma bodies came out of the inside.

“What’s going on? Do I look dazzled?”

Seeing the two dharma bodies, Jun Tianmad was stunned.

They don’t think that at this juncture, a few phantoms can confuse themselves.

And it doesn’t seem to be a phantom.

Whether it is breath, appearance or strength, it is exactly the same as Xiao Changfeng.

“Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit, out!”

Xiao Changfeng loudly shouts, the Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit appeared in a flash, blending with one of the dharma bodies.

“Black Tortoise Martial Spirit, out!”

Xiao Changfeng drank again, and this time did not show Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, instead chose Black Tortoise Martial Spirit.

Suddenly, Vermilion Bird darts toward Juntian.

The Black Tortoise dharma body went straight to the stinger mother.

As for Xiao Changfeng’s body, it is a fusion of White Tiger Martial Spirit and went straight to Ouyang Ye.

Over Han Junsheng’s side, although Mo Wenjian was at a disadvantage, he was still able to hold back.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng only needs to solve 3 Juntian madness.

“Heavenly Demon Great Transformation!”

I saw Xiao Changfeng turned into a White Tiger of ten meters in size.

Ouyang Ye did not dare to have the slightest care.

His eyes shone brightly, and the whole person quickly took a breath.

With the inhalation of this breath, the original ricket’s short body, at this time, expanded rapidly as if it was inflated.

But it is not a simple expansion.

He crackled all over, like shedding body, exchanging bones.

In the end, it turned into a 3-meter-sized Little Giant.

The original ricket’s body was straight like a gun.

The thin arms and legs are also very strong at this time, and the muscles are in the shape of strips, like cast steel.

Not only that, his nails quickly grew into sharp claw.

The face also became ferocious-looking.

The whole person quickly turned into a hell demon from a Little Old Man.

This is the trace of Heavenly Demon Blood that he urged within the body of the Heavenly Demon Blood vein.

Although it was only a trace, it was terrifying.


When Ouyang Yegang just turned, he was punched out.

This fist is fierce.

Without fists, all strength is concentrated on the fist.

The space was directly fluctuated by this huge force, as if the calm lake was broken by a small stone.

Xiao Changfeng came out with a fist and collided.

However, this time Xiao Changfeng, even if the Martial Spirit melted, was a bit out of line.

Several meters were beaten out.

“Pill Emperor, you killed my clan son, and killed Old Ancestor under siege by other Heavenly Venerate. Today, the old man will use your blood to commemorate the heroic spirit of the god son.”

Ouyang Ye grinned, fangs sensuous, but the killing intent in his eyes was very rich.


Ouyang Ye stomped violently, guessing the air was fierce, the whole person was like a shell, coming towards Xiao Changfeng strikes.


In Xiao Changfeng’s eyes, the fighting intent is like a raging wave.

The dazzling platinum aura burst on his fist.

At this time, he didn’t just play White Tiger.

His sharp teeth, his tiger’s tail, his tiger’s body, have become a sharp weapon.

Fight with Ouyang Ye at the moment.

2 people Fleshy body is strong, strong collision, also the most dangerous.

Fighting together in an instant.

And the other side.

Vermilion Bird’s dharma body with cold flames, killing Juntian crazy.

The cold flame fire is hot and cold, suppressing the madness of the blade glow formidable power weakened.

The Black Tortoise dharma body also has the upper hand, suppressing the stinger mother.

This time Xiao Changfeng chose Black Tortoise Martial Spirit instead of the stronger Azure Dragon Martial Spirit.

It is because of the stinger mother.

Although the stinger mother is not weak, it is the Demonic beast in the sea.

And Black Tortoise, the god of Sishui, has a natural repressive effect on the stinger mother.

At this time, the Black Tortoise dharma body controls 10000 water, and the defensive power is extremely strong.

Thirteen stings of Stinger’s mother were in front of her and could not break through.

Black Tortoise’s claws fall, this sting that is not tenacious, is even more difficult to support.

For a time.

Xiao Changfeng defeated the enemy 3 and instead gained the upper hand.

Hong long long !

The war has entered a fierce stage.

Up and down the quagmire, everything was overwhelmed by the terror of the fighting.

The boxing is shocking, the blade glow is in the air, the flame is in the sky, and the fist is to the meat.

The mud in the quagmire splashed, and the hillside in the middle of the quake was also shaking.

Even the little black tree was on the verge of collapse.

It seems to be torn apart by battle fluctuations at any time.

“Don’t drag it on anymore, everyone will do your best!”

Ouyang Ye suddenly shouted.

At this time Xiao Changfeng exhibited One Qi Becomes Three Purities, plus Mo Wenjian dragged Han Junsheng.

The plan of the four of them to siege suddenly stalemate.

They got together because they wanted to kill Xiao Changfeng.

However, they were also a bit afraid of each other. They didn’t want to do their best to make a wedding dress for others.

Therefore, although four people did not release water before, it was not a full shot.

They are specially selected by Four Great Heavenly Venerables.

Come specifically to kill Xiao Changfeng, how could there be no means.

“it is good!”

Jun Tianmang responded first.

Xiao Changfeng’s strength exceeded their expectations.

I thought that the Viper King consumed a lot of Xiao Changfeng’s battle strength. They killed 4 of them and should be able to relax.

But didn’t expect Xiao Changfeng showed such terrifying strength.

With one enemy 3, it has the upper hand.

This situation is not what they want to see.

At this time also no longer hesitate.

“The low-level martial skill of the Tier Scale: Blood Rage collapses!”

The imposing manner on Jun Tianmang suddenly rose, causing the air to shake violently.

At this time, the sky suddenly changed, and the sky was full of blood, giving people an extremely suppressed atmosphere.

Ka-cha !

Suddenly a crack appeared in the sky as if it had broken apart.

The sword in Jun Tian’s madness is extremely gorgeous.

Blood light rose to the sky, with the destructive air of heaven falls and earth rends, and suddenly cut towards the Vermilion Bird dharma body.

This blade, crowned Heaven and Earth, attracted the storm.

The horror blade glow hiding the sky and covering the earth was cut towards Vermilion Bird.

“Magical Powers: Golden Fire Eyes!”

The Vermilion Bird dharma body is also a facial expression grave and quickly exhibited Magical Powers.

And the other side.

Stinger is also expression cold.

“Life Source Stinger!”

The stinger mother suddenly opened her mouth, and a scarlet stinger burst from her mouth.

This stinger is several times stronger than the thirteen stinger.

Scarlet as blood, not only sharp and sharp, but also contains highly toxic.

In an instant, the scarlet stinger went straight to the Black Tortoise dharma, as if to pierce it.

“The low-level martial skill of the tier of ranks: Battle the world with anger!”

Ouyang Ye also made a full effort to display the martial skill of the celestial order.

Instantly Heaven and Earth roared, and a battlefield illusory shadow emerged.

Behind Ouyang Ye, there is a real illusory shadow.

His arms illuminate the halo of one after another dark red, and immediately hit the Xiao Changfeng together with the celestial illusory shadow.

Bloody Fury, Life Source Sting, Fury World.

The three of Ouyang Ye’s shots went all out, and the power also broke to the extreme.

Suddenly roaring and shaking, destroying heaven extinguishing earth.


Vermilion Bird and Black Tortoise are back to within the body of Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng also released the Martial Spirit melt and restored human form.

But his look pale was paper-like, and there was a ray of blood at the corner of his mouth.

he got hurt!

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