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The Viper King took the lead.

It opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and suddenly vomited.

I saw the dark sludge spewing out of its mouth, just like the sewage of Nine Headed Snake.

But this sludge is obviously not comparable to sewage.

After all, the sewage is the Innate Ability of Nine Headed Snake, and the sludge was only spouted after the Viper King swallowed the sludge in the mud.

“Cold Flame Fire!”

Xiao Changfeng stretched out his hand and suddenly blue’s cold flames roared out.

Suddenly the mammoth mud was frozen by the ice.

Immediately the silt was burned, emitting black poison qi containing highly toxic.

But this poison qi may be troublesome for others.

But Xiao Changfeng has an Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body and ignores it directly.

“si si !”

At this time, many snake shadows emerged from the mire.

They are all black viper.

The viper snake is larger than the silver thread eater, and has a lower chance of spawning.

Therefore, the number of black spotted vipers in this quagmire is far inferior to the fading silver thread snake.

But there are more than 5000.

At this time, the Viper King identified Xiao Changfeng as an enemy and sent out his nest.

“Magic Master!”

Xiao Changfeng did not hesitate, immediately took out the forbidden soul gourd and summon out the Demon Master again.

No way, facing this extremely large number of snakes.

Xiao Changfeng will be involved if it is on its own.

Soon the Demon Master and Yin Yang Ghost will appear again.

At the same time, Xiao Changfeng also took out the evil spirits.

Hong long long !

In an instant, the Demon Master was in contact with the snake group.

The black viper is very toxic, but it has no effect on the demon master and the yin and yang ghosts who have only soul bodies.

But their snake scales were contaminated with gray fog.

Instead, the Demon Master and Yin Yang Ghost will be in trouble.

However, with the bone and evil fire, it can still resist after all.

So come.

Xiao Changfeng only needs to face the Viper King.

“Sword is coming!”

Dark Golden’s sword rainbow screamed out, drawing a beautiful arc in midair.

Immediately cut towards the 7-inch Viper King.

Hit the snake and hit 7 inches!


The shrill golden iron symphony sounded.

I saw Flying Sword fell on the snake scales of Viper King, and a brilliant spark erupted.

Several snake scales were directly cut off by Meteor God Flying Sword, and a trace of blood oozed out.

But most of the power of this sword was swallowed up.

The Viper King was only slightly injured.


However, the Viper King was angry, his breath soaring.

The terrifying breath filled the eight sides, making the air all suppressed.

Oh la la !

A black light burst out from within the body of Viper King.

It is his Strength of Domain.

The Viper King is a realm with 2 layers in the Paragon realm, and the area is also two hundred meters wide.

Poison qi is rich in black light, and it is constantly bubbling.


The Viper King made a roar, and his huge body quickly surpassed the lightning, and instantly came to Xiao Changfeng.

The field of poisonous light is the first to approach Xiao Changfeng, wanting to pull him into the field to fight.

In the field, Viper King is the master.

Can improve a lot of strength, but Xiao Changfeng will be suppressed.

With one positive and one negative, Viper King will naturally have an absolute advantage.

Unfortunately, Xiao Changfeng is not afraid!

“Martial Spirit Melt!”

Xiao Changfeng loudly shouts, soon White Tiger Martial Spirit appeared, integrated into the body.

In an instant, a White Tiger with ten meters in size appeared.

“Tiger claw tear the sky!”

Here comes the sharp tiger claw tearing the world.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng urged the White Tiger mana and White Tiger Vajra.

He will use the White Tiger Vajra of Great Accomplishment to deal with Viper King.


When Xiao Changfeng’s tiger claw broke into the field of poisonous light, the whole field was shocked.

The majestic poisonous light surged and submerged Xiao Changfeng.

Although Xiao Changfeng urges the White Tiger Vajra body, the Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body still exists.

The poison light entered Xiao Changfeng’s within the body, and it was directly minced before it spread.

However, the tiger claw of Xiao Changfeng is tearing the field, making a lot of cracks in the field.

The field is the advanced use of Space Power.

But Xiao Changfeng has the memory of previous life, Space Law’s insight is very deep.

If the legal power is insufficient, he can also exhibit Strength of Domain as Integration Stage.

At this time it is just a fragmented field, naturally difficult.


Viper King felt the shock and cracks in the field, and suddenly a shock appeared in the snake pupil.

next moment A huge snake tail twitched towards Xiao Changfeng fiercely.

“White Tiger Fist!”

Xiao Changfeng was not afraid, but punched.


When white tiger claw and black snake tail hit together.

The whole Heaven and Earth seemed to shake.

With two people as the center, the quagmire boils violently directly, like an earthquake struck.

A tremendous energy burst from the 2 people, spreading out instantly, sweeping up to 1000 meters.

All around the Black Viper and Demon Master and the others were staggered by this huge wave of shock, as if they were in a tsunami.

“Come back!”

Xiao Changfeng exhibited Magical Powers, covered with black liquid Battle Armor.

Immediately fisted and hit again.

And his Divine Consciousness is pulling the Singing God Flying Sword, looking for opportunities to continue to cut 7 inches.

Peng peng peng!

2 people fought fiercely on the quagmire.

Although the Viper King is strong, Xiao Changfeng’s mana is condensed, and the White Tiger Vajra body is already a great Accomplishment.

Moreover, the poison qi and silt that Viper King is most famous for have little effect on Xiao Changfeng.

Instead, the flying god Flying Sword constantly cut to 7 inches.

Let the snake scales 7 inches away from Viper King continue to be cut.

Some flesh began to blur.

The two men fought fiercely, and every time they collided, they made the sound of Hong Zhongda and Lu.

Terrifying battles swept across.

The battlefield on the side of the Demon Master was also greatly disturbed.

Even the little black trees on the hillside in the middle of the lake.

It was also affected at this moment, and the leaves were rattling.

Only Mo Wenjian was still lying under the tree, his eyes gleaming.

“9nd punch!”

At this time Xiao Changfeng tiger claw was blooming with extremely dazzling platinum aura.

The terrifying breath made Viper King’s snake pupil shrink suddenly.

This fist made him feel a crisis.

gu lu lu!

Viper King’s abdomen suddenly agitated, as if there was a little mouse running in the body.

I saw that the bulging part rose from the abdomen and kept surging.

Finally came to the mouth of Viper King.


The Viper King opened his mouth, and a dark poison pearl suddenly blasted out.

This poison pearl is full of poisonous poison, and it condenses half of the strength of Viper King.

Obviously Viper King is also very afraid of this fist of Xiao Changfeng.

However, Xiao Changfeng is indifferent in the tiger eyes.

The next moment, Xiao Changfeng hit the tiger fist.

White Tiger illusory shadow with two wings in the back, came out into the air, like an invincible War God.

The violent force came out violently, and directly smashed the field of poisonous light.

Then it collided with poison pearl.

Although poison pearl resisted for a moment, he was no match for the power of this fist and was shot out.

Then fiercely punched Viper King’s body.


Viper King’s huge body smashed into the quagmire from in midair, splashing the sky of mud.

With a punch, the Viper King was seriously injured!

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