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A gloomy chill filled the 8 sides instantly.

It seems that from the hot summer to the twelfth lunar winter.

An extremely Dangerous feeling rise in the mind.

Xiao Changfeng responded extremely quickly, and teleport disappeared in place.


Almost at the same time that Xiao Changfeng teleported away.

A large piece of gray light fell from the sky, fiercely hit in place.

Earthquakes are like an earthquake.

The ground was eroded into a huge deep pit.

If Xiao Changfeng did not escape just now, I am afraid that he will be seriously injured if he does not die.


Beyond 1000 meters, the silhouette of Xiao Changfeng resurfaced.

At this time his eyes were slightly narrowed, and his eyes fell solemnly on the huge silhouette in front of him.

“Snake King!”

Xiao Changfeng guessed the identity of this silhouette.

A common silver thread bite snake is only one or two meters long, with a maximum arm thickness.

But the silver snake eating the snake in front of him is 100 meters long and the bucket is thick and thin.

The whole body is dark gray, and the silver thread on the back is very conspicuous.

The silver thread bite snake does not have snake scales, so does the king of snakes.

But the bulges on his body were like strong muscles.

At this moment, the snake king’s cold triangular eyes were staring at Xiao Changfeng.

Relentless, cold-blooded, killing intent.

This is the eyes of the Snake King.

And the strength of this snake king is also extremely strong.

It turned out to be the first priority of Paragon!

“si si !”

The vomiting sound also quickly sounded.

I saw from the lake, crawling out of the silver thread to eat the spirit snake.

In an instant, the ground is occupied by gray.

At a glance, there are at least 15,000 silver threads to eat the spirit snake.

Obviously, Xiao Changfeng’s estimated 10000 entries are still missing.

this moment.

The Yinxian biting snake swarmed out of the nest and quickly approached Xiao Changfeng.

“Fire is coming!”

Xiao Changfeng facial expression grave, the silver snake holy fruit, he is determined to get it.

And these silver threads eat the spirit snake, he can provide him with silver light True Yuan.

So he backed down impossible, and he would not back down.


The cold flame god of blue turned into fire sea, and went towards those ordinary silver thread to eat the spirit snake.

“Bone Evil Fire!”

Xiao Changfeng reached out with his left hand, and the black bone-melting evil fire suddenly rushed out.

Lengyan Shenhuo and Bone Evil Fire left and right, towards the two groups of snakes.

But the silver thread eats the spirit snake too much.

These 2 flames alone cannot be completely destroyed.

Unless the Fire Lotus in Xiao Changfeng refining within the body dantian masters all the cold flame fire.

“Forbid soul gourd!”

This time Xiao Changfeng is not prepared to keep his hands in order to get the silver snake holy fruit and silver light True Yuan.

Suddenly, the forbidden soul gourd was taken out by him, directly shot, summon out of the demon master.

“Kill these silver thread devouring snakes!”

Xiao Changfeng didn’t say much, referring to a group of snakes.

The demon master immediately answered.

Soon he was going to kill the snake group with Yin Yang ghost.

Their three people are comparable to the powerhouse of the Emperor Martial environment.

And there is no entity, only soul.

It will be easier to deal with the silver thread to eat the spirit snake.

The war broke out in an instant.

Cold flame fire, bone wicked fire, plus Demon Master and Yin Yang ghost general.

Deal with 15,000 silver thread bite snakes.

And Xiao Changfeng is to deal with this snake king.


The Snake King spit out the snake letter. Although he cannot speak human’s words, his wisdom is not low.

But it involves the silver snake holy fruit, and the security of the territory.

He will never let go.


In an instant, the Snake King was like a flash of lightning, biting towards Xiao Changfeng.

2 dagger-like fangs exude cold glow.

“Martial Spirit Melt!”

Xiao Changfeng loudly shouts, summon White Tiger Martial Spirit, directly melt.

Suddenly it turned into a White Tiger of ten meters in size.

Not only that, for the sake of insurance.

Xiao Changfeng also directly exhibited Magical Powers: black liquid Battle Armor.

Turned White Tiger into a black tiger.


When the Snake King rushed, Xiao Changfeng was a claw without hesitation.

The rumbling sound sounded like a dull thunder.

2 Everyone went backwards.

Xiao Changfeng has a White Tiger Vajra body and a black liquid Battle Armor. Both the attack power and the defensive power are extremely strong.

But this snake king is not weak.

The fleshy body is extremely strong, and the energy within the body is also a major threat.


After a trial, the Snake King also knew that Xiao Changfeng was not an ordinary person.

Immediately without leaving his hand, he directly exhibited his own field.

I saw a gray mist, quickly spreading around him.

However, he is only one of Paragon’s realms, and the scope of the field is only 100 meters wide.

But in this field, his battle strength can be greatly improved.

“White Tiger Fist!”

In Xiao Changfeng’s eyes, the fighting intent is like a raging wave, surging.

His tiger claw clenched and turned into a fist.

Countless platinum auras poured out of him within the body, and finally gathered on the fist.

Turned into a killing platinum fist.

The fist is like a fist like a tiger, which turns into White Tiger illusory shadow.

Immediately fiercely hit the Snake King’s field.

The field suddenly shook, but the Snake King was not injured.

His cold triangular eyes stared at Xiao Changfeng with a spit.

In a flash of gleaming gray light came lasing.

Like a laser, it penetrates the air and destroys everything.

Xiao Changfeng had no hard resistance, and the silhouette flickered, avoiding parts.

The rest is resisted by the black liquid Battle Armor.

“2nd punch!”

Xiao Changfeng continued to shoot, punching and punching.

His White Tiger magical formidable power can be superimposed.

Plus Xiao Changfeng’s condensed mana and powerful fleshy body.

Even the king of snakes in Paragon’s realm is gradually unable to support it.

The area of ​​100 meters is on the verge of collapse.

“9nd punch!”

Xiao Changfeng’s fine eyes flashed in the tiger’s eye, and the ninth punch strikes out.

This fist, at first, even the unrelated Buddha could not resist.

even more how this snake king.

Suddenly, the huge body of the Snake King was beaten with flesh and blood, and flew out.

However, the silhouette of the Snake King turned and flew into the gray fog outside.

I saw the gray fog pouring, and the snake king swallowed in a big mouth.

And his injury recovered quickly.

Less than a moment later, he swallowed a lot of gray fog, but his injury recovered to Peak.

This makes Xiao Changfeng brows tightly knit.

The gray mist all around is very rich, if the Snake King has been like this.

It was a war of attrition.

Even if you own an Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body, it’s a bit of a gain.

“It seems to do it quickly!”

Xiao Changfeng made a decision in his heart.

For the silver snake holy fruit and silver light True Yuan, it is also worth consuming some mana.

Suddenly he directly displayed the Nascent Soul fit, increasing his strength by 3 times.

“Sword is coming!”

Xiao Changfeng vomited, and this time he decided to use Flying Sword.


3x strength Flying Sword under the urge of emptiness, the illusory light of the indefinite light burst out in an instant.

A slice of 10000 was cut, and Life Aura skyrocketed.

“si si !”

At this moment, the snake king’s triangular eyes emerged with fear.

He opened his mouth and spit out gray light that was twice as powerful as before, as if to submerge Xiao Changfeng.

However, Xiao Changfeng stood at the same place, but the expression was calm, but just uttered a word:


Nothing can describe the sharp edge of this sword!

This sword was cut out as if even Heaven and Earth could be split into two segments.

The sword glow easily broke through the surging gray light, and then cut off the giant head of the snake king.

Sword the Snake King!

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