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Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle.

The sudden appearance of this young man surprised him.

Just now he was killing 3 silver thread devouring spirit snakes.

Therefore, Divine Consciousness relaxes, and no youth is approached.

At this point the body fell to the ground, holding the storage ring in his hand.

No wonder young people think so.

This young man’s strength is not weak, and Emperor Martial is 8th.

I don’t know what treasure is in his hands. Even in this fog, I can still find his younger brother.

“You damn it!”

Before Xiao Changfeng speaks, the youth is gruesome and killing intent is monstrous.

I saw him reach out and grab a steel fork, and then killed Xiao Changfeng.

“Since you killed my younger brother, you should bury him!”

The youth roared, his eyes red.

It seems that he has a good relationship with his younger brother.

At this time, I didn’t want to listen to Xiao Changfeng’s excuses.


This steel fork is not a mere thing, but a top grade holy vessel,

At this time, the young man shot angry, and the majestic Spirit Qi poured into it.

It made the cold light on the steel fork buzz and buzz.

There is a strong destruction of aura emerged.


Holding a steel fork in his hand, the young man directly cut through the gray fog and stabbed at Xiao Changfeng.

Take the 8-fold realm of the young Emperor Martial realm, plus this steel fork.

Not many people in the Emperor Martial realm can fight him.

But this time he met Xiao Changfeng.


I saw a dark golden sword rainbow roaring out, blocking the steel fork.

It is the Flying Sword.

“Terrestrial intermediate martial skill: Suppress the cracking and breaking the sky!”

It is clear that young people are already psychologically prepared.

At this time, the martial skill is displayed, and suddenly the aura shines on the steel fork.

Turn into 3 auras, and pierce Xiao Changfeng again.

Each of these three auras contains the destructive power of incomparable.

Even an iron mountain can be penetrated.


Xiao Changfeng right hand Make a fist, punched out.

Suddenly these three auras were shattered into pieces, slowly dissipating.

“I don’t care who you are, dare kill my younger brother, I want you to die today!”

Young roar, hair stands up in anger.

And Xiao Changfeng is cold-eyed.

The corpses on the ground died of gray fog and silver thread devouring snakes.

But this young man has identified himself as the murderer.

At this point Xiao Changfeng was too lazy to explain.

Provoking me, kill without mercy!

“Water Demon Martial Spirit, come out!”

The youth loudly shouts, suddenly there is a blur of black shadows behind.

It is his Martial Spirit.

And his Martial Spirit is also very special, actually a water demon.

I saw a cloud of water vapor, which was hazy and fuzzy, and turned into a humanoid figure, rushing towards Xiao Changfeng.

This water demon Martial Spirit contains resentment qi. If it is hit by it, the resentment qi will enter the body, which will affect the spiritual power of the person.

While the water demon Martial Spirit shot.

The young man also held the steel fork in his hand and killed him again from the other side.

“Sky level low-level martial skill: 7 magic strangulation!”

The youth knows that Xiao Changfeng’s strength is not weak, and at this moment it is also directly displaying the martial skill of the heavenly rank.


I saw the silhouette of the youth 7 times in the air, 7 illusory silhouettes emerged.

These 7 illusory silhouettes have their own strength.

At this time, 7 illusory shadows came from all directions.

Equivalent to 70% strength.

Plus the youth itself.

This blow can be used in Paragon Powerhouse.

“act recklessly !”

Xiao Changfeng coldly snorted, cold eyes are thicker in the eyes.

The platinum aura of his body skyrocketed, urging the White Tiger Vajra body.

Since the Great Accomplishment of White Tiger Vajra.

Xiao Changfeng only fought with Mo Wenjian.

At that time he only used 30% of his strength.

At this time, he did not keep his hands in the face of this tumultuous young man.

Directly used 100% strength.


7 phantoms burst like bubbles in an instant.

Under Xiao Changfeng’s fist, simply unable to support.

As for the water demon Martial Spirit, Xiao Changfeng did not care at all.

Let it fall on yourself.

And at this time he right hand fist.

“White Tiger Fist!”

The dazzling platinum aura lighted up from Xiao Changfeng’s fist.

Like the same round of small sun.

The palpable sharp breath is all around.

The fog has been pushed back a lot.

A White Tiger illusory shadow emerged from his fist.

Once the White Tiger came out, the fighting spirit of Fight Heaven and Earth was even more intense.

A look of surprise in the eyes of the youth.

But he was too late to close.

Xiao Changfeng punched out at the moment.


The fist collided with the steel fork, and a piercing sound of gold and iron clashes broke out.

The terrifying battle was turbulent.

Push the fog around all around quickly, revealing a large blank area.

But these fogs are engulfing.

Although the battle fluctuates strongly, it is gradually swallowed by the gray fog.

Therefore, it did not cause much damage.

But the youth flew out quickly, flew out to 100 meters, and fell heavily on the hard ground.


a mouthful of blood, squirting from the mouth of the youth.

The steel fork in his hand was slightly curved.

In contrast, Xiao Changfeng.

There was no injury above his fist, not even scratching the skin.

You know, this steel fork is a top grade holy weapon!

“Your Fleshy body is so strong.”

The youth is also shocked.

He has confidence in his strength.

But just now he displayed the martial skill of the heavenly order, and shot with a steel fork.

Actually lost.

And he was injured, but the other party was unharmed.

This is enough to prove the strength gap between the two sides.

But how is this possible?

I am an Emperor Martial realm with 8 layers.

It also has a top grade holy weapon and masters the martial skill of the heavenly order.

Although many people entered this time.

But so few are so young and so powerful.

4 The great young god name shakes the whole world, the person in front of him is not.

So who is he?

Unfortunately, Xiao Changfeng did not give him time to think.

At this time, the sole of the foot stomped, the whole person swooped out, and opened his fist again.

As for the water demon Martial Spirit, hit him before.

It has no effect at all.

It can influence Spirit Power’s resentment qi, which is directly submerged by Divine Consciousness.

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Changfeng is full of brilliant platinum, and his invincible power is contained in one punch and one foot.

The young man did not dare to carelessly, constantly holding back with a steel fork in his hand.

Other holy objects were taken out of the storage ring.

But his strength gap with Xiao Changfeng is too big.

Even if he tried his best, he could only be beaten.

Gradually, the bending of the steel fork became deeper and deeper.

The youth’s face is getting paler.


Xiao Changfeng punched the youth again.

At this time, the youth was shocked by this great force, and he couldn’t even hold the steel fork in his hand.

The steel fork disengaged his hands and sprayed blood.

The youth has suffered a lot at this time.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not intend to let him go.

If One Doesn’t Cut The Grass At Its Roots, Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More!


Xiao Changfeng rushed towards the youth again, and the White Tiger magic boxing appeared again.

And this time.

Divine light flashed in the youth’s mind and finally guessed Xiao Changfeng’s identity.

“You are Pill Emperor!”

So young and so powerful.

Except for the 4 young masters, there is only one person.

That is the first Pill Emperor Xiao Changfeng of the new Hidden Dragon List!

“You know it is too late!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes are indifferent and punched out!

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