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Just a month before Xiao Changfeng breakthrough.

The entire Xuanhuang Great World has long been rising winds, scudding clouds.

White Python Secret Realm opened in 100 years, and countless people heard the news.

South Xinjiang.

Heavenly Monster Venerable and Blue Sparrow Saintess are ready to go.

At this time Saintess has a strong breath, but faintly vague and unstable.

But her realm has already reached the 5th layer of Emperor Martial.

“Chinchilla, this time at White Python Secret Realm, you can act rashly, not recklessly. It depends on you how much chance you can get.”

Heavenly Monster Venerable said solemnly.

Although she has prepared a lot of life-saving means for the young bird Saintess.

But this time there are too many Heaven’s Chosen powerhouse in White Python Secret Realm.

Apart from this White Python Secret Realm is not a treasure, it is also full of dangers.

Moreover, Heavenly Monster Venerable breakthrough Heavenly Venerable Realm soon, not eligible in the past, this time is the first time to participate.

Say no to worry that it is fake.

But for the daughter’s future, she had to let the young bird Saintess go.

“Mother, rest assured, daughter should protect himself.”

The young bird Saintess also understands the rare opportunity at this time.

But she knew her strength, so she made up her mind.

After entering the White Python Secret Realm this time, I only wandered around the middle and outer periphery.

Everything is mainly to save small lives.

Heavenly Monster Venerable pondered for a moment and spoke again.

“If you meet Pill Emperor, you can ask him for help 2, but you can’t follow him all the time. Wherever he can go, you may not be able to go.”

Xiao Changfeng now ranks first in the Hidden Dragon List.

Entering White Python Secret Realm this time, not to mention invincible in the whole world, it should be regarded as the top battle strength.

With the friendship between the two sides, it should be feasible to occasionally let them help once.

“Daughter jotted down.”

Saintess nodded, no rejection.

“Okay, it’s almost time, let’s go!”

The instructions are almost the same, Heavenly Monster Venerable will no longer stay.

Suddenly she took the blue tit Saintess into the air.

But she did not go to the West Sea alone.

It flew somewhere.

Soon Heavenly Monster Venerable saw a lot of silhouettes.

Among them, 2 people, including Heavenly Monster Venerable, know Xiao Changfeng here.

It is the young man of Chun people, Chun Man Lou and Heavenly Venerate.

apart from this, Heavenly Venerate, who had a battle with Heavenly Monster Venerable, is also here.

There are 3 Great Heavenly Venerate families in the southern border. In addition to Heavenly Venerate, there are 2 other Heavenly Venerate.

So here gathered 5 Great Heavenly Venerate.

However, there are 6 people participating in White Python Secret Realm.

Every Heavenly Venerate has a quota, and Heavenly Monster Venerable brings the sage Saintess.

Jun Heavenly Venerate is carrying a tall middle-aged man.

After Jun Tianlin’s death, the new son of the Jun family has not yet been selected.

This middle-aged man is the strongest in Emperor Martial territory, so the final place is also on his head.

The other two Heavenly Venerate also brought people.

Only the dead wood Heavenly Venerate with Chun Man Lou and a sprouting girl with big eyes.

There are 3 Great Heavenly Venerate in the Spring, there should be 3 places.

However, one of them was given to Xiao Changfeng by Chun Man Lou.

“Since the people are here, let’s go!”

Withered Heavenly Venerate expression said indifferently.

There are no comments from Heavenly Venerables.

So 5 Great Heavenly Venerate took 6 people, a total of 1 people, and went straight to the West Sea.

East China Sea.

Although Ao Xuan has not recovered, he has also gone out. This time White Python Secret Realm is very important and he does not want to miss it.

The person he brought was also a 9th layer powerhouse in the Emperor Martial environment.

“When I met Pill Emperor at this time, if there was a chance, I would kill him!”

Ao Xuan said coldly.

Martial Emperor had Heavenly Venerate sitting there. He couldn’t do it, but he couldn’t swallow it.

Northern Plains.

The digitally Heavenly Venerate with their respective Heaven’s Chosen also set off, Zhang Gongyi was awesome.

North Sea.

The powerhouse of the Kun nationality also moved in unison, and Xu Ningqing of Ranked 8th on the Hidden Dragon List became the leader of the juniors.

South China Sea.

The lord of the black shark, Heavenly Venerate, also set off with the crack shark.

Middle Earth.

Spirit Qi is the most concentrated in the Middle-earth, and has the widest area.

However, over the years, very few Heaven’s Chosen have been able to enter the top ten of the Hidden Dragon List.

This is very weird, but most people do not know.

Only the top Heavenly Venerate knows one 2.

However, there are many Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouses in Middle-earth.

In addition to the 5 Great Heavenly Venerate family, there are many hidden Heavenly Venerate.

In the end, 7 Great Heavenly Venerate appeared, leading the team to the West Sea.

Among them, Ouyang Family’s battle with Heavenly Venerate is impressive.

“Ouyang Ye, this time the deity has high hopes for you, remember your first task.”

Fighting Heavenly Venerate look pale, the breath is slightly bleak.

Obviously the injuries after Mount Mang Sect were never completely recovered.

At the beginning of the Battle of Mount Mang Sect, he was injured by Saint Tian, ​​Ouyang was countless beheaded on the spot, with no face.

This made him hate Xiao Changfeng and Tianji Saint both.

However, he can’t move for the time being, so he can only take the surgery with Xiao Changfeng.

“Yes, Junior must kill Pill Emperor to live up to Old Ancestor’s expectations.”

Ouyang Ye is a frost-haired old man. In Emperor Martial territory, battle strength is the strongest.

So this time Heavenly Venerate will choose him.

East domain.

Although Heavenly Venerate has no children and no daughters, it has no discipline.

But this time Bai Di asked for his head.

Not for others, for his eldest son Bai Xi.

Yu Yu Heavenly Venerate considered for a long time and finally agreed.

But he also left behind to protect Martial Emperor.

Fisher Heavenly Venerate was on the road alone.

But this time the Xia family is not small.

Somewhere in the East, above the clouds.

Go out of 5 silhouettes.

Two of them are as coercive as Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse.

The remaining three are the breath of Emperor Martial.

The two Heavenly Venerate looks have several points of similarity, but they are not dealt with.

One person’s hair was as red as fire, and it was scattered on his shoulders, while the other person had a flat head and a scar on his face.

“Have seen Yan Heavenly Venerate, Chi Heavenly Venerate!”

3 people have been waiting outside.

Seeing someone here, salute quickly.

These two people turned out to be the 2 Great Heavenly Venerate of the Xia people.

Among them Yan Heavenly Venerate expression is indifferent and elegant.

Chi Heavenly Venerate is a bit fierce.

Of the three people waiting, one of them is the Heavenly Venerate of the Fang family.

There are only 2 Great Heavenly Venerate families in Eastern Territory.

Now that Heavenly Venerate Han is dead, the Han family is quickly declining.

But this time someone from the Han family came.

“Han Junsheng visited the young god, many thanks the young god gave Junsheng this opportunity.”

A young man similar to Han Zhendong has several points of walk out, bowing down to a red haired man respectfully.

Han Junsheng, the son of the Han family.

At this time, I will go to White Python Secret Realm at great cost.

The red haired man is the young god of the Xia tribe: Xia Wuxing.

Heavenly Venerate Han fell, and the Han family had no places.

Therefore, this time the quota is Xia.

The Xia people have Four Great Heavenly Venerables with 4 places.

After giving Han Junsheng one this time, there were only three left.

“It’s not too late, let’s go.”

The crowd did not delay time.

At this point, the people had arrived, and they set off.


5 domains and 4 seas, all Great Heavenly Venerate dispatched together.

This time, Winds and Clouds Exchange get together, who is going to rise and fall?

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