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“Master, is the discipline dazzling?”

Suddenly silent, the Buddha of Galan suddenly spoke quietly.

The wine and meat Buddha’s mouth is also open at this time, and some are unbelievable.

Xiao Changfeng became the Hidden Dragon List first?

This… this is incredible.

Ever since Xiao Changfeng defeated the Son of Unrelated Buddha.

The Buddha Buddha knew that this time Hidden Dragon List update, his name will go further.

But he originally thought that it would be good to be in the top 5.

As for the top 3, it is even more so.

but now……

the first!

It was actually 1st place!

It was too shocking and incredible.

at the same time.

100000000 absolutely creatures in the entire Xuanhuang Great World.

I also clearly saw this Hidden Dragon List.

1st place: Xiao Changfeng!

2nd place: Winter welcomes snow!

3rd place: Xia Wuxing!

4th place: Akami Aoi!

5th place: Chunmanlou!


The top ten of Hidden Dragon List not at all changed.

It was still those ten people.

However, its ranking has changed greatly.

In addition to Xiao Changfeng, the rest of the people have fallen one.

Xiao Changfeng jumped from tenth place to first place.

This huge change has caused shock and shock to countless people.

Know the top ten of Hidden Dragon List.

There are the first Heaven’s Chosen of all ethnic groups, and there are young gods carefully cultivated by Four Great Divine Clans.

However, so many Heaven’s Chosen actually fell under Xiao Changfeng.

The world has not forgotten.

Xiao Changfeng has been on the Hidden Dragon List until now, only 3 years that’s all.

3 times in 4 years!

The first time he first appeared on the Hidden Dragon List, it was ranked 4900 99, squeezed into the top 5000.

And the second time was to kill 2 poison Holy Son, ranking 100.

The third time was the Battle of Mount Mang Sect, which beheaded Ouyang Wuquan, Ranked 3th.

And this time is the 4th time.

3 After the Buddhist meeting, he jumped directly to become the first.

Just 3 years.

For many people, it’s just a blink of an eye.

Even those top Heaven’s Chosen, it is already very good to be in the top ten in 3 years.

This time, it was really a major shell.

The direct explosion of the world’s head is buzzing and dreamlike.

Middle-earth, within Holy City.

Medical Saint and Zhang Jiayang were dumbfounded when they heard the news.

“This, is it really Elder Xiao? President, did I hallucinate?”

Zhang Jiayang’s eyes glared like a bell, and he rubbed his eyes vigorously.

It’s hard to believe what I saw.

That’s number one!

Since ancient times, Wen has not been the first, Wu has not been the second.

The real value of 1st place is much higher than the second place.

And now, Xiao Changfeng has reached the top.

It was shocking and felt a little unreal.

“Elder Xiao is not very human. If this time comes back from White Python Secret Realm, I’m afraid Paragon is expected.”

The medical saint sighed and was shocked by the news.

And Zhang Jiayang heard the second sentence.

Paragon is expected?

Xiao Changfeng seems to be only 19 years old this year.

It’s actually going to break through to Paragon.

Isn’t this the same as yourself?

I have been diligently cultivation for 100 years, and this is what I have today.

Thinking of this, Zhang Jiayang showed a bitter smile.

the rear waves of the long river drives on those before, the front waves die on the beach!

Not only is it Holy City.

Iron Hammer City, Star Land Holy Land, Wuling City, Soul City…

There are many places in China that are related to Xiao Changfeng.

Everything was shocked by this.

Some people are happy, some are sad.

In Lingfengzong, a small city.

Dao 3000 and Lu Wenji are staying here.

“Xiao Senior is almost the same age as me, but the gap is really big!”

Dao 3000 laughed bitterly, and only felt the words Xiao Changfeng on the Hidden Dragon List were dazzling.

In the Heavenly Chance Sect, he also had a discussion with Xiao Changfeng 2 1.

This is just over a year ago.

His ranking did not rise but fell, ranking twenty in the Hidden Dragon List.

However, Xiao Changfeng reached the top all the way to the top.

This huge gap makes his Dao Xin slightly trembled.

And he believes in his master.

Never change the ranking indiscriminately just because you know Xiao Senior.

Putting it that way, Xiao Senior really has the strength to claim the younger generation Number One Person.

“Master is the descendant of the Fairy Fairy, trifling Hidden Dragon List first, natural difficulty difficult.”

Lu Wenji was very excited.

For the result of this 1st place, apart from at first a little shocked, it was quickly relieved.

He followed Xiao Changfeng at the earliest time and became an official disciple.

Therefore he knows Xiao Changfeng’s power and out of the ordinary better than outsiders.

For him, Xiao Changfeng made rapid progress, and it should be the first to reach the Hidden Dragon List.

Even if one day, Xiao Changfeng soars into a god, he will not be surprised.

“Master has become stronger. As the Head Disciple of Master, I can’t lose Master’s face.”

Lu Wenji’s fighting intent is boiling, his eyes are like fire.

Xiao Changfeng’s summit also made him more eager to become stronger.

“Let’s go to Lingfengzong to find the auspicious Holy Son and learn from each other.”

Lu Wenji pulled 3000, and it was impatient who was going to Lingfengzong.

It is not only in Middle-earth, but also in southern Xinjiang.

“Master, I will definitely become a barbarian!”

Man 2 looked up at Hidden Dragon List, his eyes flashing.

Now he has gathered more than 1000 Barbarian Race warriors, and he has also reached the strength of Heaven Martial.

He constantly hunted wizards, only to complete the tasks left by Xiao Changfeng.

In China, Heavenly Monster Venerable is working for Saintess enlightenment.

“Blue Sparrow, Pill Emperor has reached the top of the Hidden Dragon List. First, this time White Python Secret Realm is very important to you. I am enlightenment for you now, so that you can become an Emperor Martial environment before the beginning of September 9th, when the time comes to have the opportunity to compete with others.”

Heavenly Monster Venerable has a serious look.

The young bird Saintess is just the strength of the Sovereign Martial environment.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to spend a lot of treasure, forcibly pushing the young bird Saintess into the Emperor Martial realm.

As for whether there are repercussions in doing this, Heavenly Monster Venerable has been unable to take care of much.

White Python Secret Realm is about to open. If you don’t fight it once, there will be no chance for Saintess next time.

There are not many thinkers like Heavenly Monster Venerable.

Many people are taking advantage of the present to quickly improve the strength of their juniors.

I hope to get a better chance in White Python Secret Realm.


The White Python Secret Realm at this time will surely be the gathering of Heaven’s Chosen and the gathering of powerhouse.

East domain.

Martial Emperor also saw the words “Xiao Changfeng” in the golden light at the top of the Hidden Dragon List.


Martial Emperor did not speak, but laughed loudly, without concealing his inner joy.

Now that Da Yuan is gone, the Eastern Territory returns to Dawu.

His son became the first Hidden Dragon List again.

It’s double happiness.

Being able to have this child, Martial Emperor is extremely proud of himself.

“9 Your Highness, really… really amazing!”

Grandpa Hong also wept with joy, and his speech was stuttered.

The entire Great Martial Dynasty is immersed in the excited ocean.


Early July 6.

Xiao Changfeng hits Hidden Dragon List First, the world shakes!

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