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Xiao Changfeng had long guessed that ghost monks would stare at the Brahma stupa.

But before he entered the 33rd-layer, he didn’t think much about it.

See Master Kong at this time.

Suddenly divine light flashed in my mind and guessed the true identity of Master Kong.

Heavenly Venerable Realm is 7 heavy, sweeping the ground in Brahma stupa for 1000 years.

In terms of time, it just happened to face the ghost monk and Buddha.

Before 1000 years, the deity monk Buddha served as the abbot of Thunder Sound Temple.

Then the ghost monk and Buddha robbed the treasure of the town temple.

Seeing Master Kong should have appeared at that time.

And its true identity is Avatar, a ghost monk.

Plan 1000 years, just to get Brahma stupa.

At this point, Xiao Changfeng remembered the previous meeting with Master Kong.

He didn’t find anything unusual at the time.

Nor did he see the breath of the ghost monk Avatar.

But now it seems.

He seems to be waiting for himself deliberately, just to get himself into the 33rd-layer.

“I took the bones of Vajra and Divine Consciousness lotus platform. Is this what suppresses the Brahma stupa?”

Xiao Changfeng looked at the Brahma stupa that kept shaking and rising.

Can’t help but guess.

Otherwise, see Master Kong’s plan for 1000 years. Why not do it early or not at night, but at this time.

“See Master Kong, what are you going to do?”

At this time no one is going to follow Xiao Changfeng.

Everyone’s eyes gathered on meeting Master Kong.

Xiao Changfeng just took away Lei Yin’s golden body method.

And see Master Kong, this is to take the Brahma stupa directly!

In an instant, Fanfan Sheng and Dust Buddha Sheng leaped out and went straight to see Master Kong.

In any case, they must stop seeing Master Kong.

“Get lost!”

See Master Kong where will they talk to ordinary people now?

Suddenly waved a broom in his hand.

Space fluctuation spreads out like tide.

Directly hit the body of Fan Buddha and Dust Buddha.

Suddenly, the two people shook their bodies, quickly retreated, and spurt blood.

“Heavenly Venerable Realm!”

this moment.

Lifan and Chenchen both recognized the true strength of Master Kong and couldn’t help being overshadowed.

Seeing Master Kong sweeping the ground in the Brahma stupa for 1000 years, they naturally know each other.

It’s just that Master Kong has never shot, and the atmosphere is extremely restrained.

Therefore, they do not know the true strength of Master Kong.


A horn of solemn appearance sounded.

I saw the statue of Baohua Buddha rising from the sky, with golden light all over his body, and the pressure was shocking.

Although there is a competitive relationship between the 3 temples.

But since he is here at this time, he cannot naturally watch Master Kong succeed.

“Didn’t expect today will see such a miracle. Although Lao Yun does not want to, he does not want Buddhism Supreme Treasure to be taken away by Xiao Xiao.”

The Buddha and the Buddha also rose into the air and met Master Kong directly.

At this moment, only their two Buddhas have the ability to stop seeing Master Kong.

As for Golden Heavenly Venerate.

But he didn’t shoot, he stood beside Mo Wenjian and Xiao Changfeng.

“You just want to stop me?”

See Master Kong at this moment with great pressure and domineering exposure.

He constantly urged Brahma stupa.

Suddenly the Brahma stupa slowly rose and was shrinking.

“Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect !”

Baohua Buddha looked at this with dignity.

He is just Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer, which is weaker than Master Kong.

At this time, I dare not carelessly, as soon as I come up, it is the strongest means.


I saw between Heaven and Earth.

Above the sky dome, there seems to be a different time and space.

There are many Buddha statues in it, and each statue has a different shape.

And its Buddha image is not as fuzzy as the wisdom Buddha.

Instead, it is lifelike, and the Dharma is infinite.

This is the Supreme Buddhist Law of the Golden Light Temple, which is comparable to the advanced martial skill of the Heaven Rank.

At this time, Baohua Buddha Zun Shi exhibited, just like a Buddha Country coming into the world, to collide with this world.

“Everything is a false Buddha, only me is true!”

See Master Kong without fear, but face revealed disdain.

At this moment he was holding a broom, and he suddenly waved.

The people looked up.

I saw a huge mountain beyond description.

This mountain is not real, but illusory shadow.

But the coercion contained in it puts out all the space.

One after another black’s Space Crack spread like a spider web quickly.

It fell from high altitude.

I saw that there are several gold and jade in glorious splendour Buddhist temples in Thunder Sound Temple, which were directly split into two halves by Space Crack.

Many Buddha statues were sucked into the void and disappeared without a trace.

“Spiritual Mountain!”

Seeing the illusory shadow of this mountain, the Buddha of Wine and Meat exclaimed in disbelief.

According to rumors, the only real Buddha cultivation site is Spiritual Mountain.

There is the beginning of all Dharma.

It can also be called the source of 10000 Buddhas.

See Master Kong turned into Spiritual Mountain illusory shadow.

This all proves how profound the other party’s Dharma accomplishments are.

But at this time, Baohua Buddha was too late to marvel.

Because Spiritual Mountain illusory shadow has crashed into Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect.

10000 Fo Qi Qi shot, golden light sky, want to block.

But Spirit Mountain illusory shadow is extremely powerful, with a great will to suppress everything.

He even crushed a statue of Buddha directly.

In the end, the entire Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect was smashed by Spiritual Mountain illusory shadow.


Baohua Buddha’s face was white, and he suddenly spewed blood and flew out.

Obviously suffered a lot of injuries.

“Pudu sentient beings!”

At this time, the Buddha of Wine and Meat also shot.

He also exerts the strongest means.

Like the Myriad Buddhas Makes A Pilgrimage Toward Sect, Purdue sentient beings are the Supreme Buddhist Law that can be cultivated by the abbots of Jiming Temple.

At this time between Heaven and Earth, countless illusory shadows emerged.

That is innumerable living beings.

At this time, the Buddha of Wine and Meat is going to meet the Spiritual Mountain illusory shadow of Master Kong with innumerable living beings.

All beings raised their hands and seemed to prop up the entire Heaven and Earth.

The Buddha of wine and flesh was covered with Buddha’s radiance.

Time and Space Strength is overflowing.

Make the formidable power of all sentient beings stronger.


I saw that all beings raised their hands and blocked the Spiritual Mountain illusory shadow.

But the space burst quickly.

A large area of ​​Space Crack spread, which caused the destruction of the Buddhist temples in the Thunder Sound Temple.

The ground cracked one after another huge crack, forming an abyss.

The air is also cracked, engulfing everything.

Wu Xiang Bu Zi has now rescued the Thunder Sound Temple’s discipline.

Wisdom Buddha and Galan Buddha also rushed to help.

Today, for Thunder Sound Temple, it is definitely a disaster day.


The wine and meat Buddha clenched his teeth, and his face was hard to see.

But still go all out, with the hands of all beings, blocked the Spiritual Mountain illusory shadow.

However, the Brahma stupa has rapidly shrunk.

Eventually it was held in the hands of Master Kong.

“Not good !”

Seeing this scene, everything and everything are complexion greatly changed.

If the Brahma stupa was taken away.

Then the two of them are the sinners of Thunder Sound Temple.

Suddenly, 2 people ignored the injury and took off again, and wanted to hold back to see Master Kong.

“Greater teleportation!”

It’s a pity that Master Kong doesn’t want to get entangled at all.

Suddenly the space fluctuation of the whole body was distorted, and the practice of morality was required to escape from this place.


Just at this time.

A thunderous voice, a voice as loud as Tianwei, sounded.

Immediately a golden fist protruded from in the sky.

Fiercely hit Master Kong.


See Master Kong fall from the sky and hit the ground.

This scene shocked everyone!

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