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Xiao Changfeng won, and outsiders were thrilled, but Xiao Changfeng himself did not have much mood swings.

Although this life is only 18 years old.

But previous life was an absolute year of life and experienced 100000000 million 10000 battles.

As in today’s battle, if it is someone else, it may be ecstatic.

But he was calm and composed in his heart, not moving at all.

This calmness, falling in the eyes of everyone, also gave him a second glance.

“Victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged, this state of mind can be defeated without loss.”

Drinking meat and drinking Buddha, drinking and eating meat, but looking at Xiao Changfeng.

Galan Buddha is also temperament firm, calm and abnormal.

But compared with Xiao Changfeng, it is still inferior.

The Buddha of Wine and Meat is the master of the Buddha of Galan, and he understands this better.

Baohua Buddha is still silent, like a stone Buddha statue.

But after the wise Buddha pressed down the shock, the color of wisdom in his eyes became stronger.

At this time, on the Buddha’s stage, it was very quiet.

Only the subtle sound of the healing of the unrelated Buddha.

Everyone does not say a word, it is the dust Buddha, at this time also did not continue to announce the 3rd item of the 3 Temple Buddha Association.

Because everyone has already learned the agreement between Xiao Changfeng and Wuxiangfozi.

Thunder Sound Temple will not regret it in the large public.

After half a day.

Wu Xiangzi’s injury recovered almost.

“Dr. Xiao, the injury of this poor monk is not serious, and the promise can be fulfilled.”

Wuxiang Buddha returned to his futon again, facing Xiao Changfeng.

At this time everyone’s eyes gathered on Xiao Changfeng again.

Everyone is curious, I don’t know which three questions Xiao Changfeng will ask.

“First question, do you know a ghost monk?”

Xiao Changfeng stared at the unrelated Buddha, without concealing, and directly expressed his biggest problem.

And this question was asked in front of the two Buddhist saints of Fan and Chen, and everyone else.

When the word Ghost Monk sounds.

Xiao Changfeng keenly discovered that Fan and Duchen, the two pupils of Pupil light, shimmered.

And the unrelated Buddha is slightly startled.

But he did not hide, but nodded and said:

“The ghost monk in Lord Xiao Shi’s mouth should be my abbot of Thunder Sound Temple in 1000: Lord Ghost Monk!”

Ghost Monk Buddha?

The abbot 1000 years ago?

Xiao Changfeng was a little stunned, but he didn’t expect the ghost monk still has this identity.

“Ghost Monk Buddha is a forbidden name in the history of my Thunder Sound Temple. Although I don’t know how Lord Xiao was informed, since Lord Xiao asked, this poor monk will say something to say.”

Wu Xiangfozi spoke slowly, explaining to Xiao Changfeng.

“According to historical records, before 1000 years, the ghost monk and Buddha Zun took the position of abbot, but then reversed their actions and stole the treasure of the town temple of my Thunder Sound Temple and escaped.”

“I have been going up and down the Thunder Sound Temple for 1000 years, and I don’t want to recapture the treasure of the Zhen Temple, but the ghost monk and Buddha are powerful and have hidden secrets. I have been unable to find them.”

The words of the unrelated Buddha, let Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle.

Did the ghost monk steal the treasure of the Thunder Sound Temple?

What is that treasure, even the ghost monk is unable to bear?

However, Thunder Sound Temple has not been successful for 1000 years, indicating that the ghost monk is hiding deep.

However, this result is very different from what Xiao Changfeng wanted.

He originally thought that Thunder Sound Temple was passed down by ghost monks.

Now it seems that this is not the case.

“Although I don’t know why Xiao Shi is looking for ghost monk and Buddha, but if there is news in this poor monk, when the first time tells the donor, I hope that the same will happen to the donor.”

Wuxiang Buddha said again.

Xiao Changfeng is nodded, but he is not sure whether true or false is said by the unrelated Buddha.

“Question 2. How did the inheritance of Thunder Sound Temple come from?”

Xiao Changfeng asked the second question.

For the origin of Thunder Sound Temple, he originally thought it was related to ghost monks, but now it seems that it is not.

But Buddhism here is somewhat similar to the cultivation world, and he is also curious.

“Amitabha, let this question be answered by Lao Kun!”

Suddenly, the Buddha Buddha said suddenly, and Buddha’s radiance glowed on his round head.

“My Thunder Sound Temple has been 50000 to 1300 for 15 years since it was established. The inheritance is from Vajra Buddha, the first Buddhism Venerable in this world!”

Vajra Buddha is a divine powerhouse, famous for Ancient Era.

Later, Heaven and Earth changed greatly, and he also disappeared with Ancient Era.

But he still has inheritance, so the latecomers cultivated his Dharma and became stronger.

Eventually, Thunder Sound Temple was created to honor Vajra Buddha!

The same is true of the golden light temple, which is honored by the golden light Buddha of Ancient Era.

The only difference is Jiming Temple, which was founded by Buddha Jinji.

“For more than 50000 years, my Thunder Sound Temple has witnessed the changes of the world and the glory and ending of countless powerhouses. This Brahma stupa has existed since the temple was established. It is my Thunder Sound Temple’s First Layer treasure! “

Once again, the Buddha Sacred Buddha spoke again, proud of Thunder Sound Temple’s long history.

And his words fell.

The numerous disciplines of all around Thunder Sound Temple also have a proud face.

Obviously proud!

But Xiao Changfeng was a move in his heart.

“The Brahma stupa has existed for more than 50000 years and is the first layer treasure of the Thunder Sound Temple. The ghost monk even stole the treasure of the town temple. This Brahma stupa may not have no mind.”

Xiao Changfeng looked sideways, looking at the Brahma stupa, with speculation in his mind.

No matter how strong the ghost monk is, Loose Immortal is only top-notch.

Compared with real powerhouses such as Vajra Buddha and Golden Light Buddha, it is far inferior.

Perhaps Thunder Sound Temple, Golden Light Temple and Jiming Temple are not related to ghost monks.

But in order to break through the shackles, he became a Buddha and immortal, so he looked for ways.

3 Has he ever been to a temple?

Xiao Changfeng guessed in his heart, and this kind of guess seems to have great probability.

“True or false, if you climb the Brahma stupa, you might know it.”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes flashed, and he looked at the Brahma stupa, with a decision in his heart.

“Question 3, what is the origin of the Zhenmo Pagoda?”

Xiao Changfeng pondered and asked the last question.

3 Outside the temple, the most important thing he wanted to know was the Zhenmo Stupa.

Does this stupa rumored to suppress demons and ghosts have anything to do with the five ghosts of the ghost Immortal Sect?

“The town of demon pagoda has a long history, no one knows its origin, but the world has some speculations, suspected of ancient things!”

The dust Buddha was replied.

The origin of the Zhenmo pagoda is longer than that of the 3 temples.

Even historical records have never been recorded.

It seems that it has existed since Ancient Era, but it is a real treasure of the ancients!

“The countless Demon is suppressed in the demon stupa. I reached a consensus in the 3 temples and sent people to guard the town. Now it is the Lord Fumo Buddha who has been sitting in the town for 1000 years!”

The dust Buddha said again, providing Xiao Changfeng with a lot of information.

There is indeed a Buddha seated in the Zhenmo pagoda.

Although this Buddha Lord Buddha does not know the origin, it must be strong.

“Many thanks, Xiao Xiao has no problem!”

Xiao Changfeng salutes.

He no longer asks more, these 3 questions have made him understood a lot of news.

And he knew that even if he asked again, the other party would not necessarily answer.

However, Xiao Changfeng confirmed these three questions.

Ghost monk Buddha, Brahma stupa, town demon stupa.

There must be a connection between these three!

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