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Shortly after Xiao Changfeng ended the battle, a silhouette flew quickly.

It was Saint Yunshui, and Mo Wenjian, which she mentioned in her hand.

“7 What about Saint?”

Yunshui Saint sees Xiao Changfeng unharmed and relaxed in his heart.

But she did not see 7 Sha Saint, she couldn’t help but wonder.

Could 7 Sha escaped?

“Brother, are you okay, is that madman gone?”

Mo Wenjian also came to Xiao Changfeng in a row, and asked eagerly.

He saw with his own eyes that 7 Saint Saint was holding Xiao Changfeng into the space of different degrees.

Thinking of the cruelty of 7 Sha Saint, he was unable to bear trembling in his heart.

“He is dead.”

Xiao Changfeng said calmly.

What he said was that Mo Wenjian and Yunshui Saint were both hit hard.

“What? 7 Sha Saint is dead? How is this possible!”

Mo Wenjian opened his mouth wide like a hippo and couldn’t believe it.

That’s the 7 Saint Saint of Saint Boundary!

Who can kill him easily?

Could it be the Buddha Buddha? Or is it the 8-faced Buddha of Thunder Sound Temple?

But they didn’t sense the breath of Heavenly Venerate.

“7 I’m afraid Saint is really dead, otherwise his character will never disappear silently.”

Yunshui Saint’s heart is solemn.

Although she was equally shocked, she decided to believe what Xiao Changfeng said.

7 Sha Saint is a lunatic and pervert known to everyone.

Once he is crazy, no one can stop it.

Since he chose to take action against Xiao Changfeng.

Then unless he reaches his goal, he will not leave easily.

Now Xiao Changfeng is safe and sound, and the probability of 7 Saint Saint’s Fall is also greatly enhanced.

“Pill Emperor has a big secret!”

Yunshui Saint looked at Xiao Changfeng, his heart sank.

But she did not intend to delve into it.

After all, she is only a cooperative relationship with Xiao Changfeng, if you touch the bottom line of each other.

I’m afraid I won’t be worth it.

With this in mind, she did not intend to struggle with the life and death of 7 Saints.

“Pill Emperor, are you okay!”

At this time, Xiao Changfeng look pale is paper-like, the breath is very weak.

Although there were no injuries on the surface, Yunshui Saint did not dare to despise.

“It’s okay, it’s more expensive, let’s go!”

Xiao Changfeng waved his hand and then moved on to continue north.

Yunshui Saint and Mo Wenjian were worried, and followed.

Soon 3 people disappeared into the night.

However, this battle is not unknown.

Soon the rumor was quickly spreading in the city of Buddha.

“Just got the latest news, 7 Saint is dead!”

“What? How is it possible, who can kill 7 Sha Saint, is it Thunder Sound Temple shot?”

“No, it is said that 7 Sha Saint went to capture Pill Emperor and was eventually killed by Pill Emperor!”

The gossip was like a gust of wind, and I didn’t know where to start.

But it spread throughout the city in an instant.

Tonight, the unrelated Buddha appeared in the book of war, and the medicine pill on the auction showed his prestige.

The name of Pill Emperor has long been remembered by everyone.

At this time, as soon as this little news came out, it was to bombard everyone’s nerves again.

“It’s true, just in Huaiyin Lane, north of the city, I heard that 7 Saint Saint had pulled Pill Emperor into his black hat territory, but in the end the breath disappeared, disappear without a trace.”

“By the way, I heard that there was a huge black shadow emerging at that time, with the coercion of Saint, perhaps Dao Protector of Pill Emperor.”

“Pill Emperor is Heaven’s Chosen comparable to the three Buddhas. It is normal to come from the Middle-earth to the Western Region. It is normal to have Dao Protector, but I don’t know who it is.”

Everyone is discussed spiritedly.

The rumored news spread more and more violently, but the most important message has not changed.

7 Sha Saint was killed by Pill Emperor!

Although many people do not believe it, no one has ever seen 7 Sha Saint.

For a time, everyone was full of fear for Xiao Changfeng.

And originally, like 7 Saints, he was greedy for Xiao Changfeng and medicine pill.

It also silently erased the greed in my heart.

Even 7 Sha Saint is dead, other people go up, isn’t it die without a whole corpse?

For a time.

Ask Xiao Changfeng inside the Buddha City to shake again.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng had arrived at his residence.

This is a quiet small courtyard.

Yunshui Saint waved away his maid, so only three people remained in the room.


Xiao Changfeng reached out and grabbed, and a cane appeared in his hand.

It is 7 Sha Saint’s weapon.

This is a middle grade holy weapon, formidable power is not weak, and the value is not low.

“Golden Wood Scepter!”

Yunshui Saint recognized the crutch for the first time.

After all, this crutch is a powerful weapon for 7 Saints.

There are 10000 people who died under this cane.

Seeing this golden wood scepter, Yunshui Saint really believed that 7 Sha Saint was dead.

Otherwise, this extremely important golden wood scepter will never be dropped.

Xiao Changfeng reached out again.

Take out 7 Sha Saint storage ring.

He took Spirit Stone and spiritual medicine out of it, and then threw the entire storage ring to Yunshui Saint.

“These things are useless in my hands. I need azure paper, emperor golden paper and 1000 cinnabar!”

7 There are many treasures in Saint.

However, with Xiao Changfeng’s current vision, many things simply can’t get into his eyes.

Even the golden wood scepter of middle grade holy objects.

So he handed it over to Yunshui Saint.

Yunshui Saint was shocked.

Although she was already mentally prepared, she saw that Xiao Changfeng really took out 7 storage rings of Saint.

Still shocked.

“Where is Dao Protector from Pill Emperor?”

Yunshui Saint does not believe that Xiao Changfeng can kill 7 Saints with his own strength.

But from the first time she saw Xiao Changfeng, she had not sensed other powerful breaths.

This made her heart tight.

“It seems that even if this seat doesn’t show up on that day, the Buddha’s eyebrows can’t move you!”

Yunshui Saint smiled bitterly, but he was exploring Xiao Changfeng’s tone.

Xiao Changfeng smiled slightly and did not answer.

However, Yunshui Saint confirmed his guess.

“These treasures are very valuable, and this seat will be determined according to the market price. As for the azure paper, emperor’s golden paper, and 1000 cinnabar, etc., you will try to collect it for you.”

Yunshui Saint is no longer trying.

No matter where Dao Protector is, she only needs to know that there is this person.

Moreover, she and Xiao Changfeng only have a cooperative relationship.

As long as you can’t afford to kill yourself, it’s natural!

“It’s not too early, this seat will not stay much, you have a good rest, don’t forget the 3 temples after 3 days.”

Yunshui Saint saw the pale face of Xiao Changfeng, but also left with an interesting leave.

“Brother, then you have a good rest, I’m next door, just call me for something.”

Mo Wenjian did not continue to stay, also got up and left.

After Yunshui Saint and Mo Wenjian left.

Xiao Changfeng then laid the realm spirit array.

He didn’t suffer any injuries, but the mana cost was severe.

Cultivation can be recovered in one night.

“Tonight’s battle, nobody should dare to challenge me again!”

Xiao Changfeng sneered at the corner of his mouth, and immediately closed his cultivation.

This night.

The whole city of Buddha was shocked by Xiao Changfeng!

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