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7 Sha, Saint Boundary 5th layer powerhouse.

It’s Mo Wen’s perverted, crazy man in the mouth.

At the time, Mo Wenjian once told Xiao Changfeng that if he met 7 Sha, he had to run away as soon as possible.

didn’t expect This sentence was fulfilled.

“It seems that my medicine pill is quite attractive.”

Xiao Changfeng stared at 7 Sha Saint, and some guessed the other party’s intention.

In the auction, 7 Sha Saint directly shouted the high price of 30,000,000 Spirit Stone and took Replenishing-Yuan Pill.

Xiao Changfeng also discovered.

7 Sha Saint has a congenital deficiency.

Obviously what he wanted was Replenishing-Yuan Pill.

It’s just that Xiao Changfeng didn’t expect that he was so crazy.

In the city of Buddha, under Thunder Sound Temple’s eyelids, he dared to shoot directly.

It was crazy enough.

“Old man time is limited, you have to take the risk and blame you for being too eye-catching!”

7 Sha laughed, then reached out and waved.

Suddenly the black hat on his head flew out and quickly grew larger.

Immediately space fluctuation flow.

Mo Wenjian blinked and lost the silhouettes of Xiao Changfeng and 7 Sha Saint.

“Not good, this is the space treasure, 7 Saint Saint pulled the younger brother into the space of different degrees, damn it!”

Mo Wenjian recognized the origin of the black hat and looked extremely ugly.

“Yunshui Pavilion Lord, yes, quickly find Yunshui Pavilion Lord.”

Mo Wenjian was anxious in his heart, but his strength was too weak. At this time, he thought of Yunshui Saint.


Suddenly Mo Wenjian rose into the sky, turned into a long rainbow thread, and went straight to Yunshui Saint.

He exploded at a rapid speed and left in an instant.

And this time.

In a dark space, Xiao Changfeng and 7 Sha Saint stand against each other.

“Ji jié, this is the old man’s black hat realm, which can hide the atmosphere and contain the invisible, Pill Emperor, as long as you obediently and honestly give the old man pill concocting, the old man will save you a life.”

7 Sha smiled strangely.

Although he was crazy, he was not reckless.

I thought about it long before I shot.

Black Hat Realm is a space of different degrees he opened up, which can isolate exploration and breath.

Unless Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse arrives.

Otherwise, no one can find his black hat.

7 Sha Saint knew that he was asking about Buddha City, and he knew that there were other Saints in the city.

Therefore, Xiao Changfeng was deliberately brought into the country.

But he did not intend to kill Xiao Changfeng.

After all, the dead Xiao Changfeng is worthless, and only the living Xiao Changfeng can pill concocting for him.

“I did underestimate your desire for Replenishing-Yuan Pill, but if you want to catch me, you are still not qualified.”

Xiao Changfeng has calmed down at this time, staring at 7 Sha Saint.

The appeal of medicine pill is too great.

There must be someone who wants to take risks.

Xiao Changfeng believes that people who have this idea have more than one Saint.

“In this case, then I will slaughter the saint today to deter those little ones in the dark.”

Xiao Changfeng has a cold killing intent in his eyes.

What about Saint?

Today, I will slaughter the holy to show the world, let those demons and monsters, remember this fear!

“Newborn calves do not fear tigers, now the youngster, really arrogant, wait for the old man to capture you, cut off your limbs, and feed you to serve 4 shameful poison, the old man sees if you have the strength to talk nonsense.”

7 Sha the Saint shook the head, then reach out and grab!


The rich black baleful qi gushing out of him with the body, directly turned into a big meter-sized baleful qi hand.

7 Sha, Saint, has 7 kinds of baleful qi, and at this time, it is just ordinary baleful qi that’s all.

The so-called baleful qi is a kind of ferocious energy.

Ordinary people can’t control it at all, and they will be penetrated into the bone marrow when they are contaminated.

However, 7 Saint Saint is specialized in baleful qi to suppress with Dharma.

Only this, although he gained a strong force.

But he is getting worse.

With his realm in Saint Boundary, his lifespan can reach 1000 years.

But now he is only over 100 years old, but he feels that time is limited.

That’s why he shot Xiao Changfeng.

Hope to solve this problem with the power of medicine pill.

“Little 9!”

Faced with 7 Sha’s attack, Xiao Changfeng dared not care.

Suddenly the right hand reached out and summon the Nine Headed Snake.


Nine Headed Snake turned into a black light, directly greeted the baleful qi big hand.

In the next moment, the baleful qi big hand was broken like a firework, and the baleful qi 4 dispersed.

“Dare to hurt my master, damn it!”

Nine Headed Snake roared, and his body immediately rose, revealing the huge real body of seven hundred meters.

“Demon Saint? You actually carry a demon Saint with you!”

Feel the Saint prestige on Nine Headed Snake.

7 The shock of Saint’s little eyes.

Nine Headed Snake cultivation True Dragon 9 changes, the breath is empty, and 7 Saint has never felt before.

However, the battles that Saint Sa experienced went from 7 to 1000.

Soon it stabilized.

Instead of looking at Nine Headed Snake, she looked at Xiao Changfeng.

“No wonder you dare to come alone to the Western Region. It turned out that there was a demon saint protecting himself, but unfortunately you will all die if you meet an old man.”

The last dead word exit, 7 Sha Saint has already rushed over.

The crutches in his hands were now shining with a bright black glow, and a deep, mountainous atmosphere emerged.

“Intermediate level martial skill: Danshan stick!”

7 Shaved dish of Saint dishevelled hair, with a cane in his hand, he suddenly fell down.


The space is oscillating, and the terrifying pressure is like a mountain.

It seems that Xiao Changfeng will be smashed into meat.

“Divine Dragon Moving it’s Tail!”

Nine Headed Snake was already ready to go, and the thick snake tail pulled out suddenly, greeting 7 Sha Saint.


Like a thunder and thunder, a white cloud emerged in midair.

Nine Headed Snake and 7 Sha Saint are both going backwards quickly.

Nine Headed Snake fleshy body is strong and powerful, but this blow is only comparable to 7 Sha Saint.

It can be seen that the mountain stick method of 7 Sha Saint is also very terrifying.

“Demonic beast with thick skin and thick meat is really annoying. Old man is going to peel and cramp today, and make you a snake soup!”

7 Saint’s eyes stared at Nine Headed Snake.

Although he is a Saint Boundary 5th layer, but he is a Fleshy body, but he is no better than Nine Headed Snake.

At this time, Nine Headed Snake’s huge body resisted. He wanted to be close to Xiao Changfeng, which was also a little troublesome.

In this case, then kill the demon first.

When the time comes trifling a Pill Emperor, it is a piece of meat on his own knife board!

“7 Sha realm, open!”

7 Sha Saint is no longer nonsense, to display his own field.

Suddenly centered on him, a field of 5000 meters spread out, and there were 7 different types of baleful qi.

Black Sha, Yin Sha, Poison Sha, Fire Fiend, Thunder Sha, Wind Sha, Yang Sha!

Every baleful qi is extremely rich.

“Shahai Realm!”

Nine Headed Snake is also spreading its own 1000 meters field.

And his is also baleful qi, but compared with the 7 kinds of 7 baleful qi of Saint, it fell directly into the disadvantage.

“Terrestrial advanced martial skill: 7 Sha Yunyan Palm!”

7 Sha Saint stands in the center of the field, just like the emperor of baleful qi.

At this time, his imposing manner skyrocketed, and seven kinds of baleful qi quickly turned into a giant palm under his control.

Slap towards Nine Headed Snake.

At this moment, the war broke out.

Whether it is Tu Sheng or captured, it depends on this battle!

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