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“Pill Emperor, this time there were 100000 people entering the field. I prepared the medicine pill before, but it was not enough!”

Yunshui Saint finds Pill Emperor, a look helplessly said.

While in Nanda City, Xiao Changfeng had refined more than 100 medicine pills.

Originally just to open up the market and test the acceptance of the Western Region.

Yunshui Saint at first only estimated about 10000 people.

However, the name of Pill Emperor, plus the appearance of the unrelated Buddha tonight.

The people who participated in auction far exceeded expectations.

100000 people, this is the number of people after Yunshui Saint raised the standard.

Otherwise it will be more.

But there are only more than 100 medicine pills prepared.

an utterly inadequate measure!

“I have refined more than 100 medicine pills during this time. In addition, you will try your best to collect spiritual medicine. I will refine the auction on site.”

Xiao Changfeng thought about it and finally made a decision.

“It can only be like this.”

Yunshui Saint’s face is full of sadness and joy.

The good news is that the auction has not yet started, and the effect is far beyond her expectations.

Sadly, medicine pill is badly prepared.

I am afraid that the effect will not be perfect this time.

Soon Yunshui Saint went to collect spiritual medicine.

Mo Wenjian came over with excitement.

“Brother, this time I…No, you are getting rich, so many people, when the time comes a medicine pill, you can’t sell it at a high price, I’ll show you a face later, I will bring you medicine How about pill?”

Mo Wenjian is a temperament that sees money.

At this time, the popularity of seeing auction was so hot that his eyes were straight.

In my heart, I regret not having obtained the medicine pill from Xiao Changfeng in advance.

Otherwise, you can use this opportunity to make a small fortune.

“Okay, you’ll be my assistant later.”

Xiao Changfeng felt a little funny, but did not refuse Mo Wenjian.

Soon the auction officially began.

Xiao Changfeng boarded the auction, Mo Wenjian followed.

“Pill Emperor is here!”

Many people were excited when they saw Xiao Changfeng.

However, there are also some people who came for medicine pill.

“I also heard about the name of medicine pill. I heard that it is better than ordinary medicine, and it also has magical medicine efficacy.”

“Middle-earth, there is the name of medicine pill, but the specific situation, you have to distinguish yourself, I hope not to disappoint the old man.”

“The rumored Replenishing-Yuan Pill can make up for birth defects, I don’t know if it will appear this time.”

The crowd discussed spiritedly, and countless lines of sight gathered together on Xiao Changfeng.

Mo Wenjian on the side was excited and turned red.

However, Xiao Changfeng expressed calmly and calmly.

He stood in the sky and took a pill bottle from Mo Wenjian in the eyes of everyone.

Then a glazed medicine pill was poured out of it.

“This pill, named Martial Spirit Pill, is of the highest grade Spirit Pill. Take this pill and increase the chance of Martial Spirit awakening!”

Xiao Changfeng operates mana, speaks loudly, and the voice spreads throughout the venue.

For the opening of the medicine pill, Xiao Changfeng chose Martial Spirit Dan.

Not for others, just because Martial Spirit is the rarest existence in this world.


In Xiao Changfeng’s tone barely fell, the crowd was quiet for a while, and then there was a thunderous roar.

“Martial Spirit Dan? I have heard of this medicine pill. It is said that there are many people in Middle-earth who took this pill and awakened the Martial Spirit and became a soul martial artist.”

“Really? Is Martial Spirit awakened by external force?”

“You don’t know yet, I heard that the kid from Li Family in Music Theory City got a Martial Spirit Dan from the martial artist from Middle-earth, and after taking it, he awakened Grade 4 Martial Spirit.”


Many people have already heard of medicine pill.

Others have heard of the medicine efficacy of Martial Spirit Dan.

The hot atmosphere was even more intense for a while.

Countless people stared at the Martial Spirit Dan in Xiao Changfeng’s hands, not to grab it immediately.

“This pill increases the chance of awakening by 1%, no reserve price, bid on your own!”

Xiao Changfeng clarified the medicine efficacy of Martial Spirit Dan, and he started auctioning directly.

And like this fire burst atmosphere.

Innumerable bidding sounds sounded instantly.

“10000 Spirit Stone!”

“10000? What about your dreams, 50000 Spirit Stone!”

“70000 !”


The price of the auction has climbed wildly, but in a moment, it broke the 1000000 mark.

1000000 Spirit Stone, equivalent to a top grade Spirit Stone.

But this is not the end, prices are still rising.

3,000,000, 5,000,000, 7,000,000…

“My mother, this is just grabbing Spirit Stone!”

Mo Wenjian stood aside, his mouth opened like a hippo, and the Harazi almost came out.

In the Yunshui Pavilion, Xiao Changfeng sold 3 Treasure Pills to Lin Guanshi.

Although the price is also high.

But it feels different from what it is now.

At this time, 100000 people were seated, the atmosphere was hot, and the bidding began one after another.

Those pair of fiery eyes, that excited bidding sound.

And that rising price.

All let Mo Wenjian feel the charm of medicine pill.

Of course, what he values ​​is not medicine pill, but Spirit Stone.

“If I had a medicine pill, lie at home and count the Spirit Stone!”

Mo Wenjian was excited, and his eyes were full of Spirit Stone.


The first Martial Spirit Dan.

It was photographed at the sky-high price of 20,000,000 Spirit Stone.

This is equivalent to 20 pieces of top grade Spirit Stone, the price is too amazing.

After all, Martial Spirit Dan is only Spiritual Pill, which is not very useful for many powerhouses.

Of course, Xiao Changfeng knew that this was only because of the first auction, and things were rare.

If the medicine pill business is carried out in the Western Region, the price will return to normal.

But the first medicine pill opened.

It also gave Xiao Changfeng confidence.

It seems that starting a medicine pill business in the Western Region is indeed feasible.

“carry on!”

Xiao Changfeng took the second pill bottle from the hands of Mo Wenjian.

“The second medicine pill, called Replenishing-Yuan Pill, can make up for birth defects.”

Xiao Changfeng tone barely fell, 7 saints in the crowd is to shine their eyes.

“30,000,000 Spirit Stone!”

Before waiting for others to bid, 7 Saint is just talking.

Others did not dare to bid when they saw 7 Saints.

So this Replenishing-Yuan Pill was photographed by 7 Sha Saint.

Mo Wenjian on the side could see his jaw dropped.

He knew how much spiritual medicine Xiao Xiaofeng used to refine this Repeat-Yuan Pill.

Because he was watching from the beginning.

The total value of spiritual medicine used by Replenishing-Yuan Pill may not exceed 1000000 Spirit Stone.

This blink, turned 30 times?

This… this is faster than digging a spirit vein!

Xiao Changfeng glanced at 7 Sha, and then continued the auction.

Pieces of medicine pill were auctioned from his hands, and each one was sky-high.

In the end, more than 2 100 medicine pills were sold out.

Yunshui Saint finally sent a lot of spiritual medicine like rescue.

So Xiao Changfeng pill concocting the scene, making the atmosphere even more popular.

This night, ask the Buddha City boiling like sea.

However, the spiritual medicine from Yunshui Saint is also limited.

In the end, only dozens of medicine pill can be refined.

This made most people not get it, and countless people sighed and regretted it.

Without spiritual medicine, Xiao Changfeng has no way to produce medicine pill out of thin air.

But this auction.

It is also the name of medicine pill that sounded completely in the Western Region.

Famous overnight!

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