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Xiao Changfeng did not know that the Buddha of Wine and Meat had sensed it.

At this time he and the ghost emperor a man and a cat walked deep into the passage.

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness spread out, exploring every inch of all around.

However, a large amount of Extreme Yin water pooled on the 4th wall of this passage.

It made him unable to penetrate Divine Consciousness, so he could not know what was outside the passage.


Xiao Changfeng and Guidi walked 1000 meters away.

“Big…Master, I can’t bear it!”

The Ghost Emperor shuddered, showing pain, unable to move on.

He was injured by the sword of Divine Consciousness.

At this time, the distance of 1000 meters can be reached because of eating a ground rat just now.

But Extreme Yin’s water is too aggressive, and with his strength, it can’t be resisted.

“You stay here and wait for me!”

Xiao Changfeng did not force it, leaving a Divine Consciousness Imprint on the ghost emperor.

Then move forward.

He owns the Black Tortoise longevity, and the Extreme Yin water is not only harmful to him.

Instead, it can absorb refining.

This is also the dominance of Great Five Elements Immortal Art.

Within Five Elements, I am Paragon!

Whether it is spiritual liquid, Extreme Yin water or any other water.

Under Black Tortoise mana, everything can absorb refining.

Moving on, the passage seemed to have no end.

Xiao Changfeng walked out of 1000 meters again, but it was still out of reach.

“Maze? No, it seems to be space distortion!”

Xiao Changfeng did not continue to move forward.

Because he noticed something wrong.

This channel is not really endless.

It’s space distortion, so that no matter how far he goes, he can never go out.

More advanced than the maze.

“The technique of space stripping!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes are soaring, and within the body mana is working quickly.

He lifted the right hand, the five fingers of the belly, and appeared 5 different mysterious runes.

Then he reached out and grabbed, as if grabbing the space in front of him.



The entire channel was also twisted, and Xiao Changfeng stepped out, leaving the endless channel directly.

“Sure enough!”

Xiao Changfeng looked back, and the space behind him slowly recovered.

But at this time he was already in another place.

This is a great great hall.

There are 4 channels all around, the channel is dark, there is no oil lamp, I don’t know where to go.

However, there is a Divine Consciousness text on each of the four channels.

They are “Sky, Earth, Yin, Yang!”

“This is not the main tomb, it seems to be still outside.”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes moved slightly and he speculated in his heart.

His Divine Consciousness is greatly restricted here.

Can’t leave this great hall, let alone probe deep into the passage.

At this time, he did not rush into the four channels.

Instead, stay in place and look at this great hall.

This great hall is also made of bronze, with numerous demons and ghosts carved on the top.

All around hung three Demonic beast bronze heads.

They are Niu Tongshou, Ma Tongshou and Snake Tongshou.

At this time, three Demonic beast copper heads were burning with flames, illuminating the great hall.

“Where is the ground rat’s den?”

Xiao Changfeng glanced, but he didn’t see the trail of the ground rat.

There are a lot of ground rats in the passage, it stands to reason that there should be a nest.

But at this time Xiao Changfeng did not find any trace in this great hall.

Perhaps that channel is also connected to other spaces.

“Intruder, die!”

Just when Xiao Changfeng was thinking.

A metal-like friction sounded suddenly.

Immediately, I saw Niu Tongshou on the high wall actually came alive.

The flame on Niu Tong’s head suddenly skyrocketed.

Immediately turned into a flame body.

Bull head fire body!

Ka-cha !

He reached into the wall and grabbed a huge battle axe.

Tomahawks are double-sided axes, stained with blood.

“Top grade holy artifact!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were serious and he recognized the grade of this battle axe.

It turned out to be a top grade holy weapon.

And the strength of this bull head fire demon is also extremely strong.

It even reached Saint Boundary.

Ka-cha !

The Niu Tau Huo Yao held the battle axe and chopped directly towards Xiao Changfeng.

The space was split in an instant, revealing a black Space Crack.

Space Crack spread rapidly, surpassing lightning, and Xiao Changfeng had no time to avoid it.

“Little 9!”

Xiao Changfeng didn’t dare to hold big, and immediately stretched out his right hand.


Nine Headed Snake rushed out instantly, a tail twitching.


The space trembled in an instant, as if it was about to burst.

The horrible fluctuations swept through, and Xiao Changfeng had to retreat.


Xiao Changfeng was standing behind Nine Headed Snake, while browsing tightly knit.

He could see that this bull-headed fire demon was not a creature, but a special kind of puppet.

This puppet is immortal for 10,000,000 years, and it has such a strong formidable power since the ancient Era passed down.

If it weren’t for Nine Headed Snake, it would be hard to resist.

“Holy Invader!”

At this time, the Bull Headed Fire Demon also felt the existence of Nine Headed Snake.

There was a metal rubbing sound again.

Ka-cha !

At this time, the bronze head of the horse moved on the wall.

Soon it turned into a horse head fire demon.

And he drew a long knife from the wall.

The long knife is also a high-grade holy artifact.


At the same time, the bronze head of the snake also recovered.

Turned into a snake head fire demon.

Take out a serpentine lance from the wall, which is still a high-grade holy artifact.

3 bronze heads, all turned into fire demon at this time.

And their bodies are not animal-shaped, but tall and burly human.

A monster like a demon head human body.

“Saint Boundary 3 4 heavy!”

Xiao Changfeng’s complexion was unprecedentedly solemn.

The horse head fire demon and the snake head fire demon are equally powerful.

Both are Saint Boundary 3 4 powerhouses.

Three people joined forces, and the terrifying Saint coercion filled the entire great hall.

It made Xiao Changfeng feel very depressed.

“Little 9, let’s go!”

In the face of the three Saint Boundary fire monsters, Xiao Changfeng did not dare to stay.

He immediately raised his right hand, planning to perform the space stripping technique again and leave here.


At this time, the 3 fire demon blatantly shot.

The prisoner of war slashed, the long knife slashed, and lance stabbed.

Space Crack is torn out.

It is enough to prove the power of these three fire monsters.


Nine Headed Snake let out an angry roar, and the sewage poison qi and others spewed out.

But in the face of these 3 fire monsters, they were still lost.

Soon Nine Headed Snake was injured.

The hard snake scales couldn’t resist it, and the red blood oozes out and drips on the ground of the great hall.

At this time Xiao Changfeng quickly performed the technique of space stripping, and the space behind him quickly twisted.

However, the three fire monsters joined forces to issue a combined attack.

Ka-cha !

I saw a Space Crack with the thickness of a finger spreading rapidly, as if to cut Nine Headed Snake in the middle.

This Space Crack spreads extremely fast, and Nine Headed Snake has no time to escape.

Xiao Changfeng felt tight.

He immediately decided to use the Flying Sword of the Void to help Nine Headed Snake block one block.


At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in the great hall.

Immediately, a golden silhouette appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.

One finger smoothed the Space Crack and forced the 3 fire monsters back.

The Buddha with wine and meat is now!

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