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“It’s over, it’s over, it’s really over!”

Under the table, Duan Yidao was disturbed by the previous battle fluctuations and had to reopen his eyes.

Seeing this scene at this time, my heart was completely cool.

The evil emperor died, and the night emperor died.

Ghost Emperor is now seriously injured, but fell into the hands of Pill Emperor, I am afraid it is not far from death.

The 3 emperors of the city of burial, this time is completely planted.


Suddenly a familiar scream sounded.

Duan Yidao followed the reputation.

I saw Wang Mazi beheaded by Mo Wenjian, and the bronze sword passed through.

Killed instantly!

“You did good, younger brother, successfully defeated 3 emperors under my guidance, then watch the big brother!”

Mo Wenjian pulled out the bronze sword, moved towards Xiao Changfeng said excitedly.

Although he was shocked by Xiao Changfeng’s power.

But face engineering is still required.

Suddenly holding a copper money sword, all the people killed towards all around.

“The adults are dead, run away!”

At this time, the people of Three Great Influences also collapsed.

Suddenly 4 scattered, Mo Wenjian had to chase up.

Xiao Changfeng didn’t care about these little ones.

His silhouette flashed and came to the ghost emperor.

At this time, the ghost emperor was still rolling, and the houses around all were directly collapsed by him.

It turned into a ruin, and there were even red blood stains.

Obviously, he was accidentally crushed by the ghost emperor.

“acknowledge allegiance, or death!”

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness gushes, filling all around, oppressing the ghost emperor.

He kept the life of the ghost emperor in order to inquire about the whereabouts of the ghost monk.

Conquering is obviously the best way.

“I… I am willing to acknowledge allegiance!”

Ghost Emperor is not a hard bone, and in front of life and death, he also does not raise.

Suddenly hurriedly spoke, willing to acknowledge allegiance.


The silhouette of the ghost emperor quickly shrank and eventually became a half-meter in size, obediently and honestly came to Xiao Changfeng.

At this time he still showed pain and weak breath.

Obviously, the trauma of the Divine Consciousness sword cannot be recovered for a while.

But in order to save his life, he had to respectfully follow Xiao Changfeng’s side.

“follow me!”

Xiao Changfeng did not rush to ask the ghost emperor.

At this time, there was chaos in the city, Mo Wenjian chased and killed him.

However, in addition to the 3 emperors, there are other Emperor Martial powerhouses in the city.

A careless, it is also possible to fall miserably in a very easy task.

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng’s eyes moved, and his mana was suddenly released, turning into a Spirit Qi big hand.

Grab a knife towards the section under the table.

“Sir, don’t kill me!”

Captured by Spirit Qi, Duan was crying in fright.

At this moment he screamed loudly, trembling all over.

However, Xiao Changfeng not at all intends to kill him, but takes him deeper into the city.

Soon Xiao Changfeng discovered Mo Wenjian.

At this time, Mo Wenjian was killing and getting over goods, and he was very happy.

“Brother Mo, let’s go home!”

Xiao Changfeng yelled, and suddenly asked Mo Jian’s eyes suddenly.

That’s right, copy the house!

Good housekeeping, what good things can be done in this group of little ones.

3 The emperor has occupied this place for many years, and there must be many good things hidden in it.

Suddenly he stopped shooting and rose into the air to come to Xiao Changfeng’s side.

“Brother Mo, the evil emperor and the night emperor are dead, you take Duan Yidao to go to the house, I will go to the ghost emperor.

Xiao Changfeng waved Duan Yidao to Mo Wenjian.

Since he agreed to help Mo Wenjian earn Spirit Stone, he would naturally not break his promise.

“Ok, I’ll go find you later that night. Rest assured, your big brother will definitely be reserved for you.”

Mo Wenjian saw that Qian Yan was open. At this time, he grabbed Duan Yidao with one hand and flew away quickly.

Mo Wenjian is not a normal Emperor Martial environment.

He cultivation “Gourmet Engulfing Gong” and Lei Yin’s Golden Body Method.

There are many treasures on his body, plus the devil’s left hand.

Not many people can threaten him in the city.

Moreover, if a war really broke out, he could quickly sense it.

So he didn’t worry too much.

“Take me to your place.”

Xiao Changfeng said, the ghost emperor did not dare not follow.

Soon the ghost emperor took Xiao Changfeng to the Western District.

Needless to say, Xiao Changfeng discovered his residence.

Without him!

There is a huge cat palace in the Western District.

A stone cat statue with high ten meters is very conspicuous.

Obviously Ghost Emperor is narcissistic.

There are still many Demonic beasts and humans in the Cat Palace at this time.

I was shocked to see Xiao Changfeng and Ghost Emperor returning.

But no one dared to say anything and quickly retreated.

In the hall, only Xiao Changfeng and Ghost Emperor were left.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng no longer hesitated and asked directly.

“What is your relationship with ghost monks?”

Ghost monk?

what is that?

The ghost emperor was stunned, somewhat puzzled.

But at this moment his little life was in the hands of others, and he did not dare to have any hesitation.

“Go back to my lord, the younger don’t know what the hell monk, nor have I seen what the hell monk.”

Ghost Emperor’s answer obediently and honestly, but let Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle.

“Be happy, let me check.”

Xiao Changfeng pondered for a moment, then ordered.

The ghost emperor could not resist, so he had to agree.

Soon, Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness was within the body that had not entered the ghost emperor.

Divine Consciousness is like a tide, an inch of exploration.

Before, he felt the breath of a ghost monk, but it was very weak.

After careful exploration at this time, his brows were deeper.

“The breath is very weak, but it seems that the remaining time is not long. Maybe he touched the ghost monk’s things, or he may go to the place where the ghost monk stayed.”

Xiao Changfeng has a judgment in mind.

The spirit of the ghost monk on the ghost emperor is not strong, and it is not deep into the flesh and blood, but only on the surface.

It seems to be contaminated only a little.

“Did the ghost monk ever come here?”

Xiao Changfeng guessed.

He remembered Burning Sky Sect and Yunkun Volcano.

At the time, the ghost monk had also been to Yunkun volcano, and he left the flame emperor and the ground fire in double formation.

Perhaps the ghost monk had left here.

“You have a ghostly monk’s breath. Where have you been recently? Or is there any special place here?”

Xiao Changfeng asked directly.

Ghost Emperor’s eyes flickered, but he finally gritted his teeth and turned his heart across.

No matter how good treasure is, it’s not as good as your own life!

“Reporting back to adult, the younger indeed knows a special place. If the younger one gets some breath, it should be there.”

As a demonic beast, the ghost emperor can become one of the three emperors in this burial city.

Naturally, it also has its special opportunities.

This is his life root, but compared with life.

This secret is not impossible to tell people.

“Take me, if what you said is true, I will spare you not to die.”

Xiao Changfeng said indifferently that the ghost emperor did not dare to hide.

And this special place is just under the cat palace!

Xiao Changfeng followed the ghost emperor through a hidden passage, all the way down.

In the end, they came to a bronze gate.

This bronze gate is 3 meters high, with many ghosts carved on it, and 2 oil lamps hanging on the door.

The faint lights shone all around and the light was dim, looking a little gloomy.

But at this time Xiao Changfeng’s eyes fell on the top of the bronze gate.

There are 5 big characters portrayed by Divine Consciousness:

Diyin Empress Tomb!

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