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This brand is very large, with a height of 2 meters, so it stands in front of Xiao Changfeng and Xiao Yurong, blocking their way.

Obviously, this is intentional!

In an instant, this brand attracted everyone’s attention.

“Yo, waste and dog, really interesting, Yun Hong, is this your gimmick today?”

The opening of an oil-faced teenager eccentric.

“Young Marquis, shouldn’t this brand come out to show me!”

A juvenile in Jinyi and Qiubao had a cold eyebrow and sharp eyes.

Hearing these two teenagers, Yun Hong laughed and explained.

“Chaoming Young Master, Third Young Master, you are my dignitaries. I am too respectful. It’s too late. Of course, this brand is for our first waste in Kyoto!”

Yun Hong’s eyes glanced, and suddenly everyone saw Xiao Changfeng.

“I said, it turned out to be our 9 crowned princes!”

Hearing Yun Hong’s words, Zhao Ming Young Master’s gaze turned and fell on Xiao Changfeng’s body, his face suddenly showing a weird smile.

“It turned out to be the 9th prince, and heard that he returned to Beijing, didn’t expect to be true.”

“It is said that he interrupted Lu Wenli’s legs? I don’t believe it, because of his wasteful character, even if I beat him, he would not dare!”

“Today is Liu Young Lady Yiyi’s first show of singing and dancing. What is he doing? Is it ugly?”

Everyone around you laughed at me.

Those who came here today are the elite children in Kyoto, most of whom know Xiao Changfeng.

And there are many people who have bullied Xiao Changfeng with Second Prince and Third Prince.

Therefore, after recognizing Xiao Changfeng, he stood on the side of Yunhong with a cold eye.

“Waste and dogs, Yun Hong’s brand is very suitable for this kind of waste, but also want to enjoy singing and dancing with us?”

Chao Ming Young Master laughed heartily, without concealing his contempt.

The side of Yun Hong is also proud of his face.

Waste, still want to miss my woman?

Today I will step on you!

Wait, the show is just beginning.

Yun Hong has been helping Liu Yiyi all these days and has not paid attention to other things at all.

If he knew that Xiao Changfeng had killed 8 princes and 1 Second Princes in the Imperial Palace, he would have been sincerely afraid.

However, the news inside the Imperial Palace was blocked, and few outsiders were able to know.

Therefore, neither Yun Hong nor other powerful children know the major events that occurred in the Imperial Palace.

“Yunhong, you are too much!”

Xiao Changfeng hasn’t spoken yet, but Xiao Yurong on the side is unable to bear, roaring out like a roar of Hedong.

This roar immediately shocked the audience, making everyone’s attention on Xiao Yurong.

devastatingly beautiful, beautiful and alluring peerless!

For a moment, everyone’s breathing stopped.

“9 prince, didn’t expect you actually will a golden house to keep one’s mistress!”

The change of Xiao Yurong was so great that Yunhong didn’t recognize it and thought it was Xiao Changfeng’s female companion.

“Hiding you a ghost, Yun Hong, don’t you even know your old lady?”

Xiao Yurong clenched his fists and directly smashed the brand in front of him with a fist. He was domineering.

This is the true face of Xiao Yurong.

“3 ……3 Princess?”

At this time Yun Hong finally reacted, opened his mouth wide, and couldn’t believe it.

In his impression, Xiao Yurong has always been a savage with long hair.

Although wearing Princess’s identity, he is rude and overbearing, and looks scary.

However, Xiao Yurong in front of him was breathtakingly beautiful.

This… this is a big change!

At this time, Zhao Ming Young Master and others were also started.

They all knew Xiao Yurong, knowing that she had a strange disease since childhood, and she was covered with hair like a savage.

So it was not recognized before.

“Yunhong, today is the first show of Yiyi’s song and dance. You dare to make trouble here and get out of my sight!”

Xiao Yurong was coldly snorted, his face angry.

In her mind, Xiao Changfeng is the closest person.

And Yun Hong and Chao Ming and the others dared to be so insulted, making her angry.

If it wasn’t for this is Yi Yi’s singing and dancing venue, she would have been so hot.

At this time, fists clenched, like a angry lioness, may choose someone to eat at any time.

“3 Princess, you are distinguished, and a friend of Young Lady Yiyi, naturally a VIP, but today’s song and dance party invites celebrities from all parties. As the organizer, I have to consider it for everyone. Any cat any Put all dogs in.”

Yun Hong also returned to peace at this time.

“Today’s song and dance party is sponsored by me. My friends from all sides are also invited by me. I have the right to decide who can participate and who should leave!”

Yun Hong made up his mind today to fiercely step on Xiao Changfeng.

Even if Xiao Yurong threatened, he was not afraid.

Now he takes the care, if Xiao Yurong dares to take the shot, then he will benefit.

Even more how, today he did 10000 full preparations.

“Yes, 3 Princess, you are golden branches and jade leaves, the pearl of Your Majesty’s palm, why should you be willing to be together with such waste!”

At this time, Chao Ming Young Master also spoke again, standing on Yun Hong’s side.

He is the loyal henchman of Second Prince. Naturally, Xiao Changfeng is insignificant. If he can bully Yi 2, it is still very fun.

“You two can’t vomit ivory in your mouth, courting death!”

Xiao Yurong was furious, full of Spirit Qi, stirred, fist looked towards Yunhong and fought.

Xiao Yurong is a martial artist in the Earth Martial realm, and cultivated 9 Sun Scriptures.

This fist shakes the sky, pulling out white ripples, even a big tree can be interrupted by the waist.

However, this fist did not hit Yunhong.

A silhouette, stopped in front of Xiao Yurong, blocked this fist.

Earth Martial 9th ​​layer martial artist!

“3 Princess, today is an important day for Young Lady Yiyi, so I also specially found several people to maintain order, sorry for you!”

Yun Hong’s face was in his hands.

He had taken this situation into consideration for a long time, so he arranged people nearby.

“Oh, yes, 9 prince, you are a prince after all, if you kneel down and plead with me now, I am not unable to give you a face, otherwise, I can only let you get out!”

Yun Hong raised his eyebrows and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Yurong is still afraid of 30%, but is this waste prince not kneading?

Today, I’m going to step you down fiercely, let everyone know, offend me!

At this time everyone looked at the lonely silhouette with pity and sarcasm.

this moment.

Xiao Changfeng was in the eyes of endless mockery, as if he had fallen into the abyss.

But at this moment, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.


The proud Hongyun was directly fanned out. He was pumped like a gyro, flying across the sky. He knocked down several people all the way and fell to the ground, looking half dead.

Everyone can even see that Yun Hong’s left face was swollen by the fan’s height, I am afraid that the entire face bone was broken.

Everyone looked incredible towards Xiao Changfeng who withdrew his hand.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng’s voice just started:

“Trivial ant, dare to shout in front of me?”

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