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Xiao Changfeng did not keep his hands, stepped on the sky and punched out.

In an instant, the dazzling white golden rays of light lit from the fist.

The fist traverses the sky for a long time, when it becomes a White Tiger illusory shadow of Fight Heaven and Earth.

The air is oscillating, even if they are far apart.

Everyone on the ground can still feel the terror of this fist.

“His, how could the younger brother be so strong?”

Mo Wenjian sucked in a cold breath.

He also prides himself on Heaven’s Chosen, such as Zhitong Holy Son is first-rate, and he is not in his eyes.

Today, however, he saw two Heaven’s Chosen who are even more talented than himself.

These two people are younger than themselves, but their strength is much stronger than themselves.

He felt that if he did not unblock the seal within the body, he was probably not the opponent of these two.

If there is only the devil’s left hand, he will definitely lose.

“The power of Pill Emperor is naturally impressive.”

Yunshui Saint replied, she also attached great importance to this battle.

Whether it is Xiao Changfeng or the wise Buddha, it is the ultimate Heaven’s Chosen.

Even if she was Saint Boundary powerhouse, she did not dare to despise it.

After all, after a few more years, maybe these two people will also become and become a Saint.

“Yunshui Pavilion Lord, is there a big brother?”

Mo Wenjian now leaned beside Yunshui Saint and asked with a smile.

He has always heard people say what Pill Emperor is.

But what is it that actually makes Yunshui Saint and the Wisdom Buddha and the others so important.

Yunshui Saint pondered for a moment, but finally decided to explain to Mo Wenjian.

And when Yunshui Saint and Mo Wenjian communicated.

Xiao Changfeng’s White Tiger Magic Boxing has arrived in front of the wisdom Buddha.

“Dragon-Tiger defense method!”

The wise Buddha stood on the spot and did not shoot.

The wisdom of Buddha’s radiance bloomed behind his head, and the chanting continued in his mouth.

I saw a golden light bell shadow, as if it were down.

Protected by the wisdom of the Buddha.

The voice of dragon’s cry tiger’s roar came from Zhong Ying.

Slightly saw a Golden Dragon and a tiger, swimming around the wisdom Buddha, above the Golden Dragon, there is also a Luohan riding.

“It is the strongest defensive Dharma in the Golden Light Temple, Dragon-Tiger Defensive Method!”

Shen Mei, the Sacred Eyebrow, spoke with a deep voice, recognizing the Dharma practiced by the wisdom Buddha.

Dragon-Tiger is the Defense Martial Skill of Intermediate Level.

The rumors are created by 2 dragons of Jinlong and Luohu.

The defensive power is amazing, even the holy weapon is difficult to destroy.

At this time, the Dragon-Tiger imperial method performed by the wise Buddha is like a golden Buddha bell.


White Tiger’s fist fell on it, making a loud noise from Hong Zhong Da Lu.

The terrifying fist burst, but the Dragon-Tiger defense method is only golden light fluctuations.

But there is no sign of breaking.

“2nd punch!”

Xiao Changfeng didn’t hesitate, and suddenly 2nd White Tiger punched.

Xiao Changfeng can perform the technique of boxing and superposition, and is capable of 8 punches.

At this time, one punch after another, the sound of Hong Zhong Da Lu resounded over the Nanda Luo Temple.

However, it did not break the Dragon-Tiger defense method.

“8nd punch!”

Finally, Xiao Changfeng made his 8th punch.

In an instant Qi of Slaughter hiding the sky and covering the earth, the white-winged White Tiger is fierce and powerful.

The terrifying fist makes everyone turn pale with fright.

“Not good !”

The pupil of Cimei Buddha’s pupil shrinks suddenly, the formidable power of this fist is too powerful.

I’m afraid I can break the Dragon-Tiger defense method.

“Gold to Buddha!”

Wisdom Buddha is naturally impossible and has been passively beaten.

Suddenly his right hand turned and turned into a flower shape.

Then a gleaming golden lotus flew out.

The lotus became famous in the wind and quickly became ten meters in size.

“Buddha’s Life Source Buddha Treasure!”

Seeing this golden turn Buddha, the gracious expression of the eyebrow of Buddha Tzumei.

I saw that this lotus flower has 9 lotus leaves, golden throughout, exuding Golden Buddha’s radiance.

This is not a metal weapon, but a real lotus.

But it is also the Life Source Buddha treasure of wisdom Buddha.

Jin Zhuan Buddha will become stronger as the wisdom Buddha becomes stronger.

And can feed back the wisdom Buddha.

It is a comprehensive Buddhist treasure that integrates functions such as cultivation, attack, defense, and trapping people.

This kind of Buddha treasure is extremely rare, and only one of the whole golden light temples.

The abbot at the time was out of the crowd and gave wisdom to the Buddha.

Now Jin Zhuan Buddha has become famous after following the wisdom Buddha.

In the region of the Western Region, no one knows this treasure of the wise Buddha.

At this time, Jin Zhuan Buddha flew out slowly.

Its speed is not fast, but it seems to lock the White Tiger fist, making it impossible to avoid.


Chapter 8 White Tiger’s fist collides with Jin Zhuan Folian.

Just a moment, the white-winged White Tiger illusory shadow collapsed and could not resist.

And Jin Zhuan Fo Lin continued to fly towards Xiao Changfeng.

The speed of the golden turn to Buddha is not fast, and slowly, it seems to be able to dodge easily.

However, Xiao Changfeng’s eyes narrowed.

He felt that no matter how he dodged or avoided, he could not avoid this golden turn to Buddha.

“A magic weapon of cause and effect? ​​Interestingly, the wise Buddha originally took Dao of Karma.”

Xiao Changfeng recognized the special place of Jin Zhuan Buddha.

This is not an ordinary treasure, but an extremely rare causal magic weapon.

Cause and effect, cause and effect cycle.

And the Buddha of Wisdom is also the Buddhism Dao of Karma.

This way is extremely difficult, but the Buddha of Wisdom is the reincarnation of a line of wisdom Buddha’s radiance.

Plus this life he concentrates on cultivation.

So I also touched the threshold of Dao of Karma.

“For Dao of Karma of Small Accomplishment, I am really helpless at present, but now, it is not enough.”

Xiao Changfeng pupil light lights up and immediately stretches out his hand.

In a flash, the Flying Sword, a meteorite, turned into a dark golden sword rainbow and rose into the sky.

The sharp sword energy spans 8 squares, and directly cuts off many flowers and trees in the Nandara Temple.

“Middle grade sacred artifact!”

Cimei Buddha saint heart startled.

The middle grade holy weapon is extremely rare. Even him, he inherited the abbot position before owning a middle grade magic weapon.

I didn’t expect Xiao Changfeng at a young age, I had such a treasure.


Meteor God Flying Sword roared out, slashed Heaven and Earth, and slashed golden light.

Eventually collided with Jin Zhuan Buddha.

In an instant, the harsh sound of Jin Tiezheng echoed in 8 directions.

I saw that Jin Zhuan Folian couldn’t support it, and was defeated by the flying god Flying Sword.

But the wise Buddha is not surprised at this time.

I saw him stretch his hand, jade lips open and close:


Buddha Chrysostom, Buddha turns.

I saw that Jin Zhuan Buddha turned slowly.

It turned out that the Flying God Sword was constantly going backwards, and finally the Flying God Sword was flying away.

“You have a lotus, and I also have a lotus. Take me a record of Azure Lotus.”

Flying Sword was shot, Xiao Changfeng is not discouraged, but instead smiled.

Next moment.

He exhibited Magical Powers One Qi Becomes Three Purities.

Before everyone was shocked, it was the fusion of water, fire and wood 3 Martial Spirit.

Immediately the 3 forces merged into a 3 meter-sized Azure Lotus.

“what is this?”

Cimei’s eyes were raised, and a sense of crisis appeared in his heart.

As for the others, it is even more shocking.


Xiao Changfeng didn’t care about others, and his heart moved.

Suddenly, Azure Lotus flew out, directly enveloping Golden Buddha and Wisdom Buddha.

I have a lotus that destroys all beings!

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