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Xiao Changfeng’s voice was like a thunder on the ground, blasting away.

Everyone’s scalp numb.

All eyes looked at the black carriage in an instant.

They wanted to see who actually ignored Yunhou.

Yunhou, starting at the end.

Started as a soldier, experienced, climbed up step by step, and eventually became a General.

One hundred years ago, there was a small country, Qin Yan, who disrespected the Great Martial Dynasty and repeatedly violated it.

Yunhou led soldiers to 30000 and chaosed Qin Yan, which became one of the Nine Provinces in Yanzhou.

In order to commend Yunhou’s merits, Martial Emperor was specially named Hou.

Such a General is a great character in Kyoto.

Moreover, in the military, even if he is a member of Grade 1, he dare not easily offend him.

However, at this time, someone dare to disrespect Yunhou?

Really ate the bear heart leopard gall!

da da da!

The black carriage stepped forward and immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

each and everyone is so eloquent and want to see through Xiao Changfeng in the carriage.

But in front of Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness, they could not see anything.

But they can see Lu Wenji driving.

“Well, so bold, how dare to disrespect Yunhou!”

Two slaves on Kuanqiao also reacted at this time.

Their eyes fell on the black carriage, and they did not find any big Aristocratic Family logo.

Suddenly, he was furious and his face was somber.

Dignified Yunfu, famous for its military and military, is the famous Great Family. Someone dares to challenge?

Act recklessly !

“He who humiliates my cloud house, die!”

One of the servants looked grimacing and pulled out a long knife from the back. The Spiritual Qi operated at once, slashing at Lu Wenji.

This long knife is a standard combat knife in the army. It has a thick back and a sharp blade. It uses Hundred Refinements steel essence.

Although it is a low grade Sovereign Item, its formable power is comparable to a middle grade Sovereign Item.

And the strength of this slave is not weak, but it is Spirit Martial 3rd-layer.

Although the cultivation grade is only the Yellow Grade cultivation technique of staple goods, but one trick is one, it is a tiger.

At this time, the whole person was like a tiger, eating a long knife, chopping a 3-meter-long snow glow blade glow, cold and sensation, and splitting the sky.

With a knife, he chopped into the air and cut to the driving Lu Wenji without leaving his hand.

“It is worthy of being a servant of Yunfu, and the strength of innate talent far exceeds that of ordinary martial artists.”

“It is rumored that the servants of Yunfu are all strictly trained in accordance with the specifications of the military, and the battle strength is extraordinary. Seeing today, it is really good.”

“This teenager is in danger. He is just in Spirit Martial Realm 2. That’s all.”

Seeing this blade, everyone at Qiaotou was immovable, and there was a low voice of discussion.

“Teacher is alive, dare to stop, kill!”

Lu Wenji drove in one hand and showed no signs of stopping.

Lu Wenji raised his head when the slave slashed with a knife.

In both eyes, the golden light burst, slamming the slave.

Magical Powers: Bodhi Golden Eye.

In an instant, the slave only felt thunderbolt exploding in his mind, and his headache was splitting, and his eyes were even unable to bear closed, but blood and tears came out.

The Bodhisattva Golden Eye, combined with Divine Consciousness, can destroy the spirit and formidable power is endless.

If Lu Wenji is stronger, he can play the hell phase, which is even more terrifying.

But by this time the knife-serving servant was already loose.

The blade glow formidable power in the hand was greatly reduced, Lu Wenji raised a hand, flicks with the finger.

Just listen to the bang, 3 meters blade glow inch by inch broke apart.

At this time, Lu Wenji’s palm straddled the sky, and a punch hit the knife-serving chest.

For a moment.

The slave holding a knife, if struck by a sledgehammer, flew out in an instant, smashed on the wide bridge, and collapsed all along the bridge.

It was when the sky spewed out countless blood, crawling all over, and the bones did not know how many pieces were broken and suffered heavy damage.

Divine Physique is a one of the eight Divine Physiques.

One punch can smash a boulder, even more how is a knife servant with only the strength of 3rd-layer in Spirit Martial.

But in the eyes of others, it is incredible.

How can this be?

This scene in front of us makes everyone sucked in a cold breath.

The eyes are full of incredible.

This knife servant, but Spirit Martial 3rd-layer, is a realm higher than Lu Wenji.

Moreover, he has a sophisticated style, with a long knife in his hand, which cuts out a 3 meter blade glow.

In the same realm, no ordinary martial artist is his opponent.

Was it defeated by Lu Wenji with a punch?

And it is not an ordinary defeat, but a direct injury.

This is totally crushed!

For a time, everyone looked towards Lu Wenji’s eyes changed.

However, this is not to be proud of Lu Wenji.

He was taught by Xiao Changfeng, and after cultivation of Hell Bodhi, his strength increased greatly.

Later, he helped Xiao Changfeng go to the Qing State to summon, and also experienced many battles along the way.

He dissipated his original cowardice, leaving only capable and decisive.

Not to mention a trifling servant, even if he is the son of Yunhou, he can fight.

Know that he has not used martial skill yet.

And he also has Martial Spirit.

da da da!

Lu Wenji drove the carriage and continued on without any sign of pause.

At this time, another slave on the wide bridge, also face changed, fearing Lu Wenji’s strength.

However, he still had no choice but to let it go, but said coldly.

“Do you really want to be an enemy of my Yunfu? Annoyed Young Marquis, even if you are a party of Aristocratic Family, you will suffer the destruction!”

He was only a servant of Yunfu, and he dared to threaten like this.

It can be seen the monstrous power of Yunfu.

“Dare to stop, kill!”

However, Lu Wenji had no nonsense at all, punched out directly, punched out, and hit the slave directly.

This servant is not weak, but he has no resistance in front of Lu Wenji. He was hit with a punch and was also seriously injured.

This scene shook the eyes of everyone at Qiaotou and was horrified.

They couldn’t believe what they saw.

This black carriage really ignored Yunfu’s monstrous forces and seriously injured the people in Yunfu, planning to take the bridge.

“Who is so bold and dare to hurt me in Yunfuzhong?”

Just at this time.

An angry rumble sounded like a thunder and blasted away.

Everyone was shocked and quickly turned around.

I saw a beautiful and luxurious carriage slowly approaching under the guard of a dozen Yunfu slaves.

At present, a young man with a slender posture, uncommon martial heroism, is wearing a cloud white costume, riding a black horse riding on flames, and is majestic.

The anger in the boy’s eyes almost condensed into substance. The low drink just now came from his mouth.

“Young Marquis, you have to decide for us!”

Seeing the young man, the two slaves on the wide bridge immediately cried directly.

But it also revealed the identity of the young man.

It is the son of Yunhou, Yunhong.

“Useless waste, can’t hold a bridge!”

Yun Hong coldly snorted, but his eyes directly crossed the crowd and landed on the black carriage.

“Beating the dog depends on the owner. I want to see who dares to fight me!”

The cold glow in Yun Hong’s eyes was sensuous, and the tone was extremely cold.

However, at this time, above the carriage, Xiao Changfeng’s voice sounded again.

“You hit it, what about you?”

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