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Fifteenth Elder of dignified star fight Holy Land, powerhouse of 9th layer of Emperor Martial, was slapped by someone?

In the past ten Fifth Uncle, a trick that seriously wounded a blood-handed monster, and once defeated Nine Headed Snake, how powerful and powerful.

But at this time it is unable to stop this slap.

Who is the newcomer?

How strong is he?

Why slap Fifth Uncle?

Everyone was stunned, and quickly looked at the newcomer.

This is a middle-aged man, elegant in face, with the majesty of his superior.

He has white temples, a white patterned robe, a crown of jade, and a full body of monster qi. He is looking at Ten Fifth Uncle coldly, his eyes cold.

“This is… Lord Baidi in Baidi City!”

Suddenly, the King of Clouds exclaimed and recognized the identity of this person.


The coming person is the white emperor in the white carp river, who controls the river demon!

Hearing King Yun’s exclamation, Su Qingli and the others were stunned, and their eyes were full of shock and incredible.

Although they each and everyone have a good identity.

Or Aristocratic Family Patriarch, or Chamber of Commerce leader, or a Sect’s Master, but it is simply not comparable to Baidi.

They can only dominate one place, but the White Emperor competed for hegemony throughout the Great Martial Dynasty.

Even Martial Emperor also called him a brother and a brother, and he commanded all the river and river demon in the Great Martial Dynasty. Its power is as wide as there are many powerhouses, such as the carp crossing the river.

This is a great character.

How could he come to Azure Dragon Mountain?

And also slapped ten Fifth Uncle.

Did he ever have a grudge against Ten Fifth Uncle?

But soon, everyone was understood Baidi’s intention.

In the shocking eyes of everyone, Bai Di turned around and came to Xiao Changfeng, bowing down!

“I have seen Master Xiao!”


At this moment, the entire Azure Dragon Mountain inside and outside, the quiet terrifying.

Everyone didn’t expect that things will be reversed so much.

Dignified Bai Di actually bowed to Xiao Changfeng.

Especially the respectful look is incredible.

Ten Fifth Uncle has forgotten the pain on his face and opened his mouth wide, only to feel his head buzzing and blank.

Yun Wang and Lu Wenji and the others, the eyes almost fell out at this moment, and felt that this scene was too dreamy.

They knew that Xiao Changfeng was very difficult to deal with, but they didn’t expect it to be so good.

Even dignified Bai Di bowed to him with respect and respect.

This… this is simply a fantasy story.

You should know that Bai Di is able to sit on par with Martial Emperor.

And Xiao Changfeng is only the 9th prince. On the whole, Bai Di is the elder of Xiao Changfeng.



No one didn’t expect this scene.

However, in the face of Baidi’s respectful worship, Xiao Changfeng ignored it.

At the moment he was brows tightly frowns and walked to Lin Ruoyu, his eyes full of worry.

In the previous ten Fifth Uncle’s hand reached out and waved Lin Ruoyu, smashing it to the ground, his arm was worn, and blood was flowing out.


Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness moved the Yin and Yang Nine Palace Array, and a rich Wood Spiritual Qi quickly came in to heal Lin Ruoyu’s injury.

At this moment, the atmosphere is strange.

No one didn’t expect, Bai Di paid so much respect, but Xiao Changfeng turned a blind eye.

Even if others respect you, you can’t play such a big name!

At this time, Yun Wang and the others were all sweating for Xiao Changfeng.

A ten Fifth Uncle has been irresistible.

If Bai Di left in anger, then the situation would be really critical.

However, at this time, Bai Di was not angry. After getting up, he turned to look at Ten Fifth Uncle.

“Who is the white star golden emperor of Holy Land Holy Land, who allows you to shoot against Master Xiao?”

Bai Di looked like a sword, staring at Ten Fifth Uncle.

Suddenly, Fifth Uncle’s scalp felt numb, and his heart was unable to bear.

Although it is also the 9th layer of Emperor Martial, he is very clear that he is not an opponent of Baidi.

Behind him is the star-fighting Holy Land.

But behind Bai Di, there is a Heavenly Venerate!

It is rumored that Baidi was once just an ordinary white carp, and later was enlightened by a Heavenly Venerate, born out of cultivation, and achieved Monster Race’s Great Emperor.

The Heavenly Venerate powerhouse behind the White Emperor is full of doubts and doubts.

But no one has ever doubted this matter. After all, the White Emperor was once in a crisis of life and death. That Heavenly Venerate came from the projection, suppress and kill an Old Ancestor in Paragon.

This incident shocked the entire Eastern Territory and spread to other territories.

It has since laid the noble status of Bai Di.

Otherwise, how can the White Emperor compete with the Great Martial Dynasty comparable to Holy Land?

After all, there is Saint in the Imperial Palace of Kyoto.

Ten Fifth Uncle pretends to be out of the ordinary, and must also admit that he is not the opponent of Baidi.

Moreover, the previous slap was not because he did not hide, but it was too late to hide.

This shows that Baidi’s strength is far above himself.

Although the breakthrough Paragon has not become Old Ancestor, it is not far behind.

“Baidi, I came here just to take away Saintess from my family. I did kill 9 princes before, but this slap is also clear. Although you have a Heavenly Venerate behind you, I star Holy. Land inheritance for 1000 years, it is not without a means. Since you want to protect the 9th prince, then this matter will stop. Please let me go. I will take my family Saintess.”

Ten Fifth Uncle does not know what the relationship between Baidi and Xiao Changfeng is.

But from the respect of the Bai Emperor, and Xiao Changfeng turned a blind eye.

It can be seen that the relationship between Bai Di and Xiao Changfeng is unusual. Even if he is angry, he cannot kill Xiao Changfeng today.

In this case, he had to suppress his anger and chose to avoid it.

“Hmph, today you are lucky, you will meet again in the future, I will kill you!”

Ten Fifth Uncle’s thoughts are circling, and the threat to Xiao Changfeng is regarded as an inner shame. The killing intent in his heart has not dissipated.

Star bucket Holy Land Saintess?

At this time ten Fifth Uncle words were heard.

Bai Di brows slightly wrinkle, Yu Guang glanced at Lin Ruoyu held by Xiao Changfeng, and had clear comprehension in his heart.

But he dare not agree.

Ever since Xiao Changge spoke the dragon language last time, he has been thinking about various ways to relax the relationship with Xiao Changfeng and get the Dragon Transformation method.

This time.

It was hard to prepare properly and came to Azure Dragon Mountain, but it was exactly this scene.

In order to resolve the gap with Xiao Changfeng, he took the initiative to take the initiative to offend Star Land Holy Land, and also gave Baixing Jindi a slap.

However, he was not clear about the enmity and grievances among them, and it was not easy to make up Xiao Xiaofeng.

“This matter depends on what Master Xiao means.”

Bai Di knew in his heart that he turned his head and looked at Xiao Changfeng.

And his move also made everyone understand his attitude.

Suddenly, all eyes focused on Xiao Changfeng.

His words will determine the outcome of this matter.

at this time.

Lin Ruoyu’s injury also recovered almost, the wound healed on his arm, and became white and tender again.

“Ruoyu, I’m sorry to worry you for me.”

Xiao Changfeng helped Lin Ruoyu up.

“I assure you that from now on, I will not let you worry again, you sit here and watch me go to slaughter the dog!”

The words fall.

Turn around.

Killing intent boiling!

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