Supreme Naruto

Chapter 584

The three tails are missing!

Kakashi was struck by lightning at the moment of hearing the news.

To make too much preparation for capturing the three-tailed Konoha.

Jiraiya did not say it in person, and the three-tailed seal ceremony was secretly carried out at Mount Myōboku.

But now it is missing on the first day of Tenten’s return to Konoha!

The most terrifying is that Konoha didn’t know anything until the news came back.

“How is it missing?”

“Don’t you let the four of you protect in the dark?”

Kakashi’s face is ugly terrifying.

Four Anbu Ninjas stumbled over the ground.

The headed person calmly reported, “We only saw Jinchūriki’s home flashing before the disappearance of Jinchūriki. When we entered, Jinchūriki had disappeared.”

“There is a lot of white fog in the house, and the concentration of Chuck is also very high. It is presumed that it should be psychic.”


Kakashi’s heart is slightly sighed in relief.

If it is psychic, it can only be related to the 蛤蟆 of Mount Myōboku.

But isn’t Tenten just coming back from Mount Myōboku?

What about going to Mount Myōboku?

Moreover, Jiraiya should first inform him of this kind of thing.

However, thinking of Jiraiya not adjusting, the habit of to do as one pleases is not impossible.

“Go to the residence of Jiraiya, if he is there, let him come to see me immediately!”

One of the shinobi disappeared on the ground.

Soon after two minutes, Jiraiya was found.

“You are rushing to find me? What happened?”

Jiraiya frowned and didn’t want to see Kakashi.

Kakashi doesn’t talk much nonsense and asks directly: “You let Tenten go to Mount Myōboku?”

Jiraiya is worried, “Ha? Go to Mount Myōboku, aren’t you just coming back?”

“The look of absent-minded can’t be practiced. What do I let her go to Mount Myōboku?”

Kakashi’s face is not good. “Tenten is missing.”

Then I said the story of Tenten’s disappearance.

That is, the inference that the rebellious psychic has gone.

Jiraiya eyes jumped out of the window of the Hokage office.


Yu Zhong, a house-sized cockroach was suddenly summoned.

Jiraiya confessed to the scorpion and then the cockroach disappeared again.

After a few minutes Jiraiya was psychic again.

Yu Zhong: “Jiraiya adults, Mount Myōboku no one uses reverse Kuchiyose no Jutsu to summon Tenten.”

Jiraiya’s face was also ugly, and asked Kakashi, “Are you sure that Tenten was psychic by Kuchiyose no Jutsu?”

Where is Kakashi going?

It is not what he saw with his own eyes.

In the end, a few people went to the residence of Tenten.

But the fog of Kuchiyose no Jutsu has already dispersed.

But there are also new discoveries.

A few people found a letter in the room of Tenten.

A letter placed on the floor is very conspicuous.

Marked by Kakashi on the top.

The accompanying Anbu Ninja was nervous. “Hokage! Please be careful! I didn’t have this letter in the house before!”

Kakashi is going to get the letter of the hand.

Not before?

Did the prisoner have not left Konoha?

“Transfer! Call all shinobi!”

That letter…

Kakashi unveiled Sharingan.

Nothing found, no traps.

Jiraiya aimed at Kakashi and raised her hand to pick up the letter.

The envelope was taken apart and there was a sentence: “Tenten is indeed psychic.”

Jiraiya and Kakashi numb the scalp after seeing this sentence.

This feeling is like someone peeping around.

Kakashi began to confirm the identity of several people present.

Especially the Anbu Ninja with a mask.

But nothing, no problem for people.

Kakashi looks at Jiraiya.

Jiraiya shook head said: “The shackles of Mount Myōboku are impossible to lie.”

Kakashi start to talk said: “Is there a possibility… isn’t it being psychedelic?”

Jiraiya, continue to look at the head: “Tenten has signed a contract with 蛤蟆 unless…”

Halfway through, Jiraiya paused.

Going to the courtyard once again summoned Yu Zhong.

“Zhu Zhong, can the contract scroll be manned?”

蛤蟆忠 Kaidō: “If you don’t count Jiraiya, there are no outsiders.”

Jiraiya asked directly: “Show me the Scroll.”

Yan Zhong spit out the Scroll from his mouth.

Scroll expands and Tenten’s name is still at the end of the Scroll.

The five handprints under the name are also intact.

Tenten did not agree with the agreement.

At this moment, the Anbu Ninja in the house was shouted: “Hokage! There are new letters!”

Kakashi quickly asked: “How did this letter appear?”

Anbu Ninja is busy with Kaidō: “It suddenly appeared out of thin air.”

The atmosphere in the room was even more tense. Jiraiya put down the Scroll and got it together.

No other traps were found, the letters unfolded, and there were two sentences on it.

“Want to know where Tenten is?”

“Let your right hand clench your fists high, and your left hand clenches your elbows to the left rib position, shouting in the house: Boro Polo! You will know the answer.”

Remarks: Be yelling! Shouting loudly!

Jiraiya frowned.

Kakashi was suddenly shocked.

Push Jiraiya out.

“Since the enemy has named you in the house, it is definitely a trap for you.”

Kakashi’s expression is very serious.

Jiraiya thought about the hand seal, the sky cover!

For a time, centered on Jiraiya, a sense barrier spread out in a spherical shape.

Eventually the entire room was enveloped.

“No abnormalities were found.”

Kakashi swept his eyes away. “Is it possible to launch an Attack to you after you enter the house?”

It may be.


Jiraiya Kaidō: “I was in the house just now.”


Everyone is a little confused.

Konoha’s shinobi was also called up at this time.

Kakashi ordered the blockade of Konoha.

Jiraiya start to talk said: “I will try it. I can rest assured that no one can make me yin.”

Kakashi is hesitant.

But the three tails are really important.

Then start to talk: “I am guarding you.”

After negotiating, Jiraiya read it again with the letter.

“The right hand clenches the fist.”

“The left hand clenches the elbow in the position of the left rib…”

Jiraiya made superhuman action.

Ask Kakashi: “What is this curse?”

Kakashi drives Sharingan to patrol all around.

I looked back at Jiraiya’s styling and started the Level 1 goose bumps.

Somehow, he felt that this action was very shameful.

“That…not clear…”

Jiraiya picked up the letter again and reviewed the words he had to shout.


Jiraiya’s voice is relatively small.

Shinobi on the side kindly reminded: “Jiraiya adults, said to yell.”

Jiraiya took another look and there was a note on it.

So I cleared my throat.

The right hand clenched the fist and the left hand clenched the fist and bent the elbow.


Really shouting! Super loud.

At this same time, the Tenten family’s house is centered on the ripples in the air.

A grain of golden pellets appeared out of thin air.

explosion! There is no huge sound, like a blossoming flower.

Yes, it is blooming.

The golden dust was scattered.

The blossoming golden lotus is very beautiful.

It is also accompanied by a very light and scent of flowers.

The aroma inhaled into the lungs is refreshing.

When the gold powder fell, the loyalty of Tenten’s door that had not left before was instantly dyed into gold by the gold powder.

But the heaviest place for gold powder is Tenent’s room.

“this is……”

Jiraiya looks at the gold powder.

Also dumbfounded is Kakashi.

An inexplicable familiarity with the desire to express.

This thing is very similar to something they hate.

Kakashi caught his breath.


This is the belly is calling.

To be affected.

Kakashi and Jiraiya look at each other.

Then at the same time, rushed to the toilet in the Tenten home.

Jiraiya’s speed is fast, but when Kakashi’s body shines a light, the exit is not suspenseful.

Kakashi rushed into the toilet with his own cockroach.

Then backhand closed.

Jiraiya desperately to knock on the door: “Let me in! I can’t help!”

Kakashi will inject Chakra into the door and slam the door: “You find something else!”

Jiraiya moved a step forward and his body was stiff, “Buz”.

To finish…

At this time, the sputum of the door tumbling, did not hold back the “bang!” A fart collapsed, and the stink was very incomparable. Three Anbu Ninja were directly smoked.

Did he lie down on Anbu’s shinobi?

Yan Zhongyu’s old face was red, and he apologized: “That… sorry, I seem to have a bad stomach.”

Then he panicked and relieved the psychic escaping back to Mount Myōboku.

With this at the same time, Naruto, who is far away from the Snow Country Institute of Snow Country, has already turned over.

In front of Naruto, the picture played is exactly what Konoha is doing at this time.

Naruto within the body, the preserved egg suggested: “Would you like to write a letter to them?”

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