Supreme Naruto

Chapter 572

Quickly accelerating, smashing the body, Naruto turned into a thunder.

The dragon head meets, Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)!

Naruto disappeared in place and was transferred to the other side, maintaining the state of acceleration at the same time.

Huang Quan’s voice came from all directions. “Will you hide?”

Naruto ignored and continued to accelerate.

Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) is Space Ninjutsu to some extent should be the fastest Ninjutsu.

Because it can be transferred to another place in a flash.

But it is different from true speed.

Space transmission does not change the kinetic energy of the object.

With the rapid acceleration, as the speed of the body increases, the kinetic energy of the Naruto body is stronger.

What Naruto has to do now is to delay the time, use speed to add speed to the extreme, and then launch the strongest blow.

The second time to avoid transmission!

Naruto’s speed is no longer visible to the naked eye.

The speed at this time is faster than the full power of the storm.

The third time to avoid transmission! Naruto’s speed is still improving.

the fourth time!

The moment Naruto appeared, he smashed out to the head of the head!

The arc flashed, the thunder was like a fog, Naruto’s sword was cut into the dragon’s head, and the grasshopper sword swam in the dragon body, dragging out a long one, a sword was occupied, and the dragon body was cut in half from the middle.

The squall line was attached to the dragon, and the next moment of the two dragons was taken by Naruto with the body space.

The preserved egg feels that the huge energy in the dragon’s body is too close to the mouth. “The big harvest, the big harvest, this one is comparable to the previous ten.”

A faucet was smashed.

Other dragon heads are scarlet, and the chakra is bursting!

Seeing Chakra is like a dark smoke, the smoke is rolling, and once again attacking Naruto.

This time, there is no longer a dragon’s first order, two groups, and Ssangyong attacked Naruto.

And dozens of pieces are taken out again from Magma.

Naruto evades in succession with Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu).

Quickly accelerate, protect the body.

However, this time, the Dragon Head Attack was fierce, and the air raid was not easy to find. Naruto had to launch Attack in the first half of the acceleration.

So Naruto’s sword is only cut into scales, the sword blade can’t swim in the dragon, and the sword is stuck in the scales.

The dragon head on the side launched Attack on Naruto.

Naruto’s sword was hit by the dragon’s head and flew out.


Multiple shadows!

Naruto fast hand seal, the next moment, thousands of Naruto distributed in the hole**.

The dragon stopped.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Naruto summoned Dragon Eagle One.

Ghost Buddy!

Dragon One fits into Naruto’s body.

A pair of wings appeared behind Naruto.

Naruto slammed a wing speed burst!

Fast acceleration!

This time there was no buzzing sound and Naruto’s body was in the air.

It’s like using the Earth Style in the land.

The dragon head madly launched a storm on the all around.

Naruto’s avatar was swept away in an instant.

Only the Feijian avatar with its true form is still struggling.

On the other hand, after the purple scorpion is swallowed into the body of the magic, the purple light in the bell forms a Bell’s Hollow shadow to protect the purple scorpion.

However, Zi Yan did not see this scene because of the fear of closing the eyes.

Mōryō at At the same time of Attack Naruto, at the same time and communicating with the purple.

“What are you afraid of?”

“The purple light is in my inability to fuse you.”

“But is this really good?”

“You will see a lot of things I don’t want to see in my body.”

“Just like this, I am going to kill this person.”

“What can you do about this?”

“Goodness, like you, will you feel bad when you think about the problem from the standpoint of humanity?”

“Heartache, self-blame, remorse will always afflict you.”

“Is this really good?”

The sable opened her eyes and she saw Naruto, who was being chased by the monster.

Purple eyes are big.

The illusion of death she saw was completely coincident with the scene in front of her eyes.

It is not a tentacle, nor a snakehead, but a dragon head.

Naruto died in this scene in the illusion of death seen by the sable.

Tears once again flow out like a spring.

“it’s all my fault……”

“If it weren’t for me, Mōryō would not reproduce the control body.”

“Naruto…you are leaving home…”

“Why don’t you leave…”

Mōryō’s voice sounded: “Maybe… he is thinking about defeating me and saving you.”

“How ignorant people are.”

“You’ll look at at I destroy him, then look at me to destroy this World.”

“You just look at at, you can’t do anything.”

The purple eyes are staring at Naruto.

Zi Yan thinks of a technique that she used to protect her when she was a monarch.

It is also the only witch who can hold the mortal determination!

It is a technique that can affect time and space!

The purple body is lit with white light.

The scene in front of her eyes, the next moment, her will appeared at the moment Naruto held her into the seal.

Zi Yan returned to God and knew that he was successful.

Raise your hand and take off the bell on your body carefully. Don’t be on Naruto’s body.

“Naruto! You must live!”

The purple scorpion sends out the bell, and the purple light on the body disappears.

The strength of Mōryō is close to the sable, wrapping the sable.

Mōryō’s voice whispered in the ear of Zi Yan.

“You sent the bell out?”

“Is this all right?”

“It’s also a good choice.”

“At the very least, you no longer feel hurt.”

“Incorporate into my body and reunite with your mother.”

The strength of Mōryō completely drowned the purple.

The last moment of Zi Yan’s gaze is still at the sight at Naruto.

Hole**, Naruto’s body has a Hollow shadow of the bell.

When the dragon head hit Naruto’s body, it was blocked by the bell and could no longer cause damage to Naruto.

Naruto relaxed.

Things have finally reached this point.

If you can’t wait for it, Naruto is going to make it out of Ignatius.

Naruto doesn’t worry about sable.

The bell left the purple scorpion, and the tension of the purple scorpion sealed by the bell was lifted.

Next, it’s time for Mōryō bad luck.

The nine-tailed Seal Space, the preserved egg quickly urged: “Fast! Take advantage of this good opportunity to hurry and harvest!”

Naruto thinks the same way.

“Next, it’s full power.”

The eye mask of the left eye is taken off.

At this point Naruto has three eyes.

Two normal.

The original foxhole in the right eye, Kamui Mangekyō Sharingan in the left eye Obito.

The other one is open at the forehead.

It is the fusion of ghost buds.

The mullion is weird, and a closer look reveals that the two Sharingans are coincident.

However, the coincidence is not complete and looks like a pair of eyes.

Obito’s Mangekyō Sharingan, Kamui!

Instead of using Kamui to hit the dragon head directly, Naruto attached Kamui’s Space Rip Rule to the Grasshopper Sword!

Naruto’s new application for Kamui Rule, Hollow’s Blade!

Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)!

Naruto disappeared in place and appeared on the dragon.

On the dragon, the word “life” at the foot of Naruto is particularly conspicuous.

This is what Naruto left when he was entangled with the opposite side.

There are still a lot left.

Under the sword, there was no acceleration.

Space tearing the sword blade under the rule, as long as the object is long, the long blade swept over the dragon.

The dragon is broken.

Naruto within the body, the two eyes of the preserved egg, the arrogant urge Naruto said: “Fast! Fast! Just a little faster!”

“It’s all big, one more, one less, one less!”

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