Supreme Naruto

Chapter 569

Hinata’s death illusion!

Naruto dare to gamble, but Hinata’s…

Spirit network.

Naruto contacted Hinata: “Hinata, Shinobi of Konoha is nearby, I have a very important Quest to hand over to you.”

To break the Hinata, you must also open it.

Hinata is worried about Naruto at this time, and if she listens to Naruto, she is not sure: “What Quest?”

Naruto explained: “I want you to interfere with Hyuga Neji, and you can’t let his Byakugan (roll eyes) keep staring at me.”

Hinata didn’t want to agree. If Naruto had to go into the cave, she wanted to be with Naruto.

It’s too strange to say that the ear is dead in her behind. It’s not a very steep cliff. If you change any of the ordinary people, you can’t fall, and the foot is still the guardian of the ghost country’s witch, the basic There is still a skill, but it is still dead.

Naruto continued: “There is another point, your appearance Hyuga Neji has seen it. Although Hyuga Neji hasn’t recognized you for a while, it is inevitable to think about it in the future.”

“You didn’t say it, you started to talk and called my name, and claimed to be Hinata.”

“So, in order to get rid of this hidden danger, you have to fight with Hyuga Neji this time.”

“With a mask, without using Byakugan (roll eyes), use Ninjutsu and the opposite side to fight without using Body Technique.”

“This way Hyuga Neji will no longer associate you with Hyuga Hinata.”

Hinata is not sure: “Naruto Jun…that you…”

Naruto comforted: “I don’t know what I’m doing, don’t say anything else, the ability to escape. I said that no one in the second World would dare to recognize the first.”

Naruto continued to shift the topic: “When you go to Hyuga Neji, it is best to shoot him and then chase it all the way. It must not allow him to have a breathing time.”

“And, in order to avoid revealing your identity, you can’t say a word to him.”

“And bring a mask.”


Kaidō of Hinata: “Remember.”

Naruto is very satisfied: “Then go to Hyuga Neji.”

Naruto stood next to Hinata and pointed to the direction of Hyuga Neji’s hiding direction, saying: “Northwest, one kilometer away.”

This scene also falls in the Byakugan (roll eyes) of Hyuga Neji.

After reading the celebrity’s lips, I was shocked: “Transfer! The opposite side has found us!”

“This guy really has Byakugan (roll eyes) !”

Hyuga Neji moved, Naruto quickly shouted: “Go, opposite side to run!”

Hinata couldn’t take care of the other, and quickly followed Naruto’s words to catch up.

Spirit Network: “Naruto, you must come back alive, if you die, I will go to you!”

The language is closed, there are two curses on Hinata’s legs, the spell enforcement, and the speed of Hinata is jerk.

Look at this scene, Naruto is finally sighed in relief.

“Small nephew, this time I can’t stop you. For the safety of your younger sister, you won’t lose money.”

Naruto mourned for a second of Hyuga Neji.

Naruto has no doubt about the difference between Hinata and Hyuga Neji.

Although the first generation cells did not let Hinata turn on Tenseigan, the improvement of Hinata is absolutely comprehensive.

Moreover, Hinata can also use the curse of Strength that Naruto is very envious of.

As for the combat experience, in the past three years, Hinata has practiced with Naruto every day.

There is Naruto, the all-around shinobi, and Hinata’s combat experience is really not too much.

After Hinata went to Hyuga Neji, Naruto said to another girl: “You are waiting for this honestly, and I will bring Miss Purple to the seal.”

The girl, the female shinobi called the Bobcat, looked at Naruto with expressionless.

Then look at the purple.

The meaning is very clear, which one is your onion, my employer is not you.

Naruto licked his nose.

Zi Yan nodded: “You stay here to meet us, don’t get close to the cave.”

After the confession, Naruto directly picked up the purple sable: “It’s offended, so the speed is faster.”

Say that Naruto flew a flying sword to the hole in the seal.

There are two more avatars at the same time Naruto.

Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)

The next moment Naruto disappeared in the mountains with purple eyes.

This scene makes the female shinobi 瞪big eyes who just didn’t care about Naruto.

Panic looking at all around I wanted to find Naruto and the purple, but she didn’t find it.

With this at the same time Naruto has been holding the purple scorpion on the flying sword.

Feijian carried two people in the cave, and all around the stone wall quickly regressed in front of the eyes, looks at the dizzying.

The purple scorpion panicked and hugged Naruto.

Rushing into the cave, the eyes suddenly brightened.

The red light rose from the ground.

“You have finally arrived, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

A hot air rushed, and the roasting face was burning.

Naruto looked for the sound, the ground in front of him, under the pillar of the rock, was a bubbled Magma.

At the end of this Magma is a long-haired man sitting on the floor and covering his cheek.

This person is Huang Quan.

Naruto saw it in the memory of the four shinobi.

“Since all come, what are you doing there?”

“Come on, seal me.”

The muffled sound of the stone hits again and again.

Several stone people walked over to Naruto’s purple scorpion step by step.

Zi Yan returned to God, “put me down, let’s go.”

Naruto puts the purple scorpion on the way.

But it did not go.

Instead, I talked to the preserved egg: “Do I want to tell the sable that the bell on her body is the seal her mother gave her?”

The bell on the sable is a seal.

Seal the seal of Zi Yan Strength by absorbing the life of the people around him.

The reason why the purple scorpion can see the illusion of death, the reason why people around her will die is related to this bell.

Just because the Purple’s Strength is too forformable, the previous generation of witches worried that Purple will become the next Yellow Spring, bringing disaster to World.

This is not the information collected by Naruto.

It was because I saw the theatrical version of the Ghost Country event and knew the development of the event in advance.

Prey Kaidō: “You can’t say that things have to go with the flow. Otherwise, it’s easy to get the attention of World will.”

“You must pay attention to it. It doesn’t matter anywhere else. It’s under the eyes of World Will.”

Naruto helpless Kaidō: “Okay.”

Naruto’s flying sword passed over several stone people coming to this side.

The stone man was crushed and the Scatter (chire) became a gravel.

The sable is very nervous. After seeing the stone man being wiped out, he sighed in relief and pushed Naruto. “Let’s go, then I will come by myself.”

Huang Quan also noticed Naruto at this time.

“It seems that some unnecessary little ants have come in.”

“But since you are here, don’t leave.”

Magma suddenly stretched out a thick tentacles and suddenly stabbed Naruto.

The moment I saw the tentacle, the purple eyes big eyes.

This tentacle she has seen, in the illusion of death.

She has seen Naruto die under this tentacles.

Passed through the chest and died.

The tip of the tentacle is extremely thin and sharp, and stabs towards Naruto.

The grasshopper sword appeared in the hands of Naruto, and a sword broke out.

Sword aura became a smashing, violently compressed Chakra flow across the tentacle, and the front end of the tentacle was cut into a long section.

Naruto didn’t think it was: “Not so good.”

Magma rolled, and there seemed to be something struggling underneath, and then dozens of tentacles stretched out of Magma.

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