Supreme Naruto

Chapter 547

The country of fire, Konoha Ninja village.

Kazekage Temari, the fifth generation of Sharon Village, and the six generations of Hokage Kakashi.

For three years, there has been an indelible mark on everyone.

Temari is more mature and sexy, and Kakashi… is even more languid.

“Gaara has been missing for three years.”

Temari started to talk to the subject.

Kakashi both hands crossed their heads, and they were weak and “hmm”.

Kakashi behind, Matt Kelly raised his eyebrows. For him, Hokage is such a shame that there is no Spirit.

He tried to make Kakashi look or gesture, and he wanted to cheer Kakashi to Kakashi, but Kakashi didn’t even bird him.

Think of him completely as air.

Temari’s face is not very good either.

On the one hand, what Galara said is her younger brother, and the younger brother is not happy.

On the other hand, Kakashi’s attitude made her feel like she was lightly watched.

“Hokage adults, please don’t forget, Sharon Village chose Konoha as the Allies. One of them is to find Gaara! If Gaara can’t find it, you should also find Shukaku!”

Kakashi raised the head Looking at Temari, but there is still not much Spirit on his face.

Gaara was kidnapped by shinobi in the village of Iwagakure Ninja, which provoked the fighting in the villages of Sharon and Iwagakure Ninja.

Subsequently, Kumo Shinobi, who was also kidnapped by Jinchūriki, took the opportunity to join forces with Sharon Village.

The two Jinchūriki villages in Iwagakure Ninja village suddenly disappeared, allowing the village of Kumo Shinobi to take advantage of the Iwagakure Ninja village.

Afterwards, Sharon Village demanded Gaara from Kumo Shinobi Village, and Kumo Shinobi Village refused the condition. Sharon Village broke with Kumo Shinobi Village.

It can be said that if it is not because of Gaara, Sharon Village will not become an ally with Konoha.

“This condition, Konoha naturally remembers.”

“Konoha has never stopped looking for Gaara.”

“This, you have to trust Konoha’s sincerity.”

“But Kumo Shinobi Village is doing this… it’s perfect… it’s perfect.”

Perfect, yes is perfect, people can’t find any clues, and Gaara seems to be directly evaporating.

Temari’s brows are wrinkled and his face is a little impatient.

Konoha’s efficiency disappointed her, but now there is no second choice.

This situation made her very depressed.

Kakashi took a deep breath and did it straight.

“According to my guess, Gaara can’t find it now. In three years, if Gaara is in the hands of Kumo Shinobi Village…”

Kakashi looked at Temari’s face.

Temari’s face is ugly, but Kakashi continues: “It should have been pulled away from Tail Beast to create a new Jinchūriki.”

“If this is the case, the next time Kumo Shinobi Village launches an attack, we will face the catastrophe.”

“What we are going to do now, compared to the return of Gaara, to get back Shukaku, more importantly, how to face that situation.”

“And, the four tails and five tails of Iwagakure Ninja Village are also missing.”

Kakashi didn’t talk anymore.

Temari understood the meaning of Kakashi, if the four tails and five tails also fell in the hands of Kumo Shinobi village.

Then Kumo Shinobi Village completely absorbed this Strength into its own Strength.

The strength of Kumo Shinobi Village will reach an unprecedented formidable.

The solution is to wait for Kumen Shinobi Village to master this Strength, and to defeat Kumo Shinobi Village in the first place.

Temari thought about it, start to talk: “The four tails and the five tails are not necessarily in the hands of Kumo Shinobi village…”

“Know that the village of Kumo Shinobi was able to kill Iwagakure Ninja village because the four tails and five tails disappeared.”

Kakashi’s finger on the desktop stopped and began to circle.

The opposite question: “So who do you think the four-tailed Jinchūriki and the five-tailed Jinchūriki might be in?”

The two were silent for a while.

Temari probed: “At Konoha?”

Kakashi shook the shook head. “I can swear in the name of Hokage for this, and the two Jinchūriki and Konoha have nothing to do with it.”

“This piece is put aside in advance, and now it is important to prevent other Jinchūriki from appearing in the village of Kumo Shinobi.”

“The decision on Konoha’s side is to bring Lu Yin Village to our camp.”

“The seven-tailed Jinchūriki in the village of Lu Yin is not too small, and it should be able to be alone.”

Temari stretched his brows. “But… Lu Yin Village announced neutrality.”

Kakashi Kaidō: “It can only be done by people.”

End of the meeting.

Kakashi returned to his office.

Jiraiya was sitting in the position of Hokage with a big thorn.

Kakashi asked: “Is Quest going smoothly? Did the three-tailed track find it?”

Jiraiya did not answer directly, but praised: “Yes, I know that the seven-tailed Jinchūriki in the village of Naoyin is covered.”

Take the seven-tailed Jinchūriki to cover, and the people in Sha Ren Village will focus on the hidden village.

People in Kumo Shinobi Village will also focus their attention on the village of Lu Yin.

At this time Konoha took three tails to make his own Jinchūriki.

If it goes well, the whole layout can be said to be excellent.

Kakashi Kaidō: “Not all, if you can pull the village, it is good.”

Then I asked again: “Is there a three-tailed message?”

Jiraiya nodded.

Kakashi has a touch of complexity on his face.

Three tails, Lin… If you can’t face it, he really doesn’t want to have any relationship with the three tails.

“What about the four-tailed and five-tailed? Is it done by the Akatsuki Organization?”

Jiraiya shook the shook head. “The Akatsuki Organization has not beenhave at all in recent years. It is impossible to determine their intelligence.”

With this at the same time.

Inside the bright stone chamber, a handsome girl, with Edo Tensei psychic out two people.

If Kakashi or Temari is here, they will recognize that the two people summoned are four-tailed Jinchūriki and five-tailed Jinchūriki.

The old purple of Iwagakure Ninja village, as well as Han.

The handsome girl started to talk and asked a few words. After hearing the answer, the corner of her eyes was slight.

“Sure enough, as I guessed, the four-tailed and five-tailed have been taken away by the guys of the Akatsuki Organization.”

The handsome girl turned her head to look at the third person who failed to summon.

The person who is a sacrifice is still alive and does not summon the person she wants to summon.

“Gaara is not dead…”

“Why didn’t you die?”

Where is Gaara now?

With this at the same time, the Snowy Mountain Institute.

The headmaster of Naruto holds the transcript of the Mercenary Academy.

The changes in the Mercenary Academy in the three years are also great.

The first point is that the Sasuke classmates have graduated from the Mercenary Academy.

And served as the Armed Forces, some of Captain.

The Deputy Captain has not changed.

Changjulang, Chitose, Snow Wolf.

The armed knight 150 name.

In the same year, there were also two captains, Captain and Hinata.

Deputy Captain: Two people from Muren, Chunye Sakura, Snow Butterfly.

Not only Captain and Deputy Captain are girls, but the 150 armed knights are also girls, so they are also dubbed the Women’s Army.

Naruto’s list of assessments.

Third Division candidates: Gaara, Yugao, Fu.

That’s right, the three are a one-tailed, six-tailed, seven-tailed Jinchūriki.

When Naruto is watching the list.

Obito called Naruto’s call.

“Naruto, there is a crack on the outer golem, which is because the four tails and the five tails are sealed on the right side, breaking the balance of the outer golem.”

Naruto Kaidō : “What do you mean?”

Obito Kaidō: “Simply say that you want to seal two Tail Beasts in the other half as soon as possible. The number of tails is equal to nine.”

“One tail, eight tails, two tails, seven tails, or three tails and six tails.”

Naruto snorted, “Can’t you drag on?”

Kaidō: “When you wait, I will ask the Mito and ask about the technique of separating Jinchūriki and Tail Beast.”

As usual, Tail Beast was taken from Jinchūriki and died.

Naruto didn’t want to let some people die, so it has been dragging on this for three years.

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