Supreme Naruto

Chapter 543

The country of fire, a stronghold of the underground exchange, hung to sit with a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man’s body is a bit blessed, and the rounded body slams the chair.

“This adult, we Boss said… Although I don’t know why you are looking for him, it is good to see you in private according to the rules.”

“If you really have something to do, you can apply for a five-nation meeting.”

Hidden eyes look a glimpse.

But the opposite fat man did not see it all, and bowed his head to drink tea. It seemed that he would not be able to do anything with him.

Just install the image again, don’t care, it’s all loaded.

Humbled to see the middle-aged man’s fat oily face has begun to sweat.

And the hand holding the teacup is not very stable.

He was interested in watching the fat man in front of him.

The reason why the opposite side is still calm, can still sit in front of him, mainly in the rules of the underground exchange, there is a prohibition on the employee.

And, the opposite side represents a big man who is similar to his position to talk.

But no matter what, the weak are still weak in the face of Expert.

I am afraid that the weak will have the best respect for Expert.

Thinking like this, humbled to think of himself.

He is also very afraid of his heart now, because the Quest arranged for him is waiting to die here.

Although promised to be resurrected afterwards.

Haven’t you come yet?

There is some anxiety in waiting for you.

The fat man has finished drinking a cup of tea.

Humble, don’t talk, fat people don’t dare to go, give yourself a cup, continue to play stupid.

A few times the tea, and the tension, the fat man could not help but want to go to the bathroom.


People have three urgency, this emergency can not be him.

If you have a nervous diaper for a while, not only will you let this digest.

Going back to his own Boss has to kill him.

“That… this adult, I am going to the bathroom, you continue to think.”

Humble did not say yes, no nod.

But here is his home, after all, the country of fire.

The fat man smiled and slipped.

The fat man just walked away, humbled and stared at the wall in front of him. Start to talk: “Since it is here, come out.”

The flat wall protrudes from a human face.

The color of the earth faded, revealing a young man with a big back.

The young man was wearing a black trench coat, and the black windbreaker was able to see a bloody cloud when his chest was exposed.

Is the person of the Akatsuki Organization.

Boss let the people he waited for.

Humbled and looked at Hidan, and Hidan was also looking at the humble, and looked disbelieving.

“You really are not dead?”

Hidan walked out of the wall and scratched his head in confusion.

“its not right……”

“In other words, you won’t have any twins?”

“I remember… your head has been cut by me…”

“And the Heart of your four men… I also dug it out…”

“It’s weird… It’s hard to be done. Are you also a believer in the evil spirits?”

Humbled and depressed, the tea in the cup was drunk.

Didn’t answer Hidan’s words, he asked: “Will you want to kill me?”

Hidan’s left arm, twisted into a sickle tentacle.

“You are the Quest I picked up. Since you are not dead, naturally I want to continue to send you on the road.”

Saying, the sickle tentacles slammed into the humble.

Hurricane left a Kawarimi no Jutsu and swapped the position with the bookshelf in the house.

The bookshelf was pierced, and a book of bookshelf 哗huā lā lā was scattered all over the place.

Hidan shot again, the sickle tentacles like a sea urchin, sticking out a few spikes, filling the entire room.

This time, the humble call was hit and it was still pierced.

The slashing slasher’s tentacle slammed his hand and smashed the body of the humble.

In fact, the body that humbles is indeed shredded.

The shredded part was made into ashes, floated out, and then floated back.

Reassemble a good humble call.

“Edo Tensei?”

“You guy is dead?”

Edo Tensei, Hidan, has seen Orochimaru used.

I saw it when the Akatsuki Organization pursued Orochimaru.

There was a sudden voice from the third person in the room. “So, behind you is Orochimaru?”

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko appeared in front of the humble.

At this time, the humble call is much calmer than the fat man just now. “Continue to take the shot. I should be considered an undead body now. I can still pull a back before I disappear.”

Said, hurried to Hidan rushed over.

The scene in front of me also falls in the eyes of Naruto.

When he heard Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko start to talk to Orochimaru, Naruto’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Shabu Shabu Orochimaru!

So I quickly confessed to the singer: “No matter how Heavenly Dao Pain asks, you must insist that you are not Orochimaru.”

In this way, the Akatsuki Organization will become more and more suspected to be Orochimaru.

Oh, that’s a good idea.

Just thinking, the human road Pain suddenly appeared in the house.

When he saw Pain in the human world, Naruto knew that his thoughts might not be satisfactory.

Human Road Pain can view people’s memories!

Can the death of Edo Tensei be viewed?

Naruto didn’t want to gamble and didn’t want to try it. The first step was to finish it perfectly, and it was overfulfilled.

At the moment Naruto is directly in Kuchiyose no Jutsu style, and he will greet him.

The humble call was summoned, and when I saw Naruto, I suddenly felt a tearful feeling.

“Boss… I don’t have to die?”

I don’t want Naruto to point in one direction: “In both directions, you choose a direction to escape.”

“If you are not caught up, you don’t have to die.”

Humble: “…”

Say, Naruto rushed to the north.

In the north direction, one kilometer away, the map is marked with the location of Konan.

Naruto guessed that Nagato was there.

After Naruto left, he hugged his teeth and ran to the east.

After the singer left, the three hoes of Muni came out from the farmhouse on the side.

“Do we want to join in the fun?”

Little 咕ni is eager to look at his two elder sisters.

Muni was bright.

But Datuni looked serious: “Don’t mess around, Naruto lets us wait for his news, always on standby, have you forgotten?”

Little Muni has narrowed his neck. “I am a little curious. What is special about the enemies that came this time, so that Naruto big brother can pay so much attention.”

“That… since you can’t chase those guys, then let’s go to the Hinata elder sister?”

Little Muni will share the map.

On the shared map, Hinata and the handcuffs are not far from their location.

Muni has a second opinion.

Datuni seconded.

The figure of the three girls began to fade, and finally they were invisible.

Invisible mantra, this Naruto was invented as early as Konoha.

At that time, it was used on the body of the Rapi snake to control the Labyrinth to Orochimaru’s laboratory.

It is now used by three girls on armed armor.

With this at the same time, the Daxueshan Institute, Naruto’s two avatars are still flicking with Tsunade and two wooden people.

The reason is two, the other turned into a Hinata.

From time to time, Tsunade looks at Hinata, and today’s Hinata is more quiet than usual.

After a round in the living room, Kaid licked his room.

Tsunade frowned, and asked the two people to ask: “Since the wooden man, Hinata is now so bad outside the word?”

The two are stunned by the wooden man. “Is there a character outside the Hinata? No?”

Tsunade’s brow wrinkled deeper.

Asked: “Is Naruto walking outside the character?”

The two were made by the wooden man shook head: “No.”

Tsunade shook the shook head and didn’t think about it.

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