Supreme Naruto

Chapter 476

Scythe into the flesh, blood wins!

Death Division by blood!

The tentacles behind Hidan turned into a ritual ritual, and the curse on the body appeared.

“It’s over!” Hidan loudly shouted, his right hand pierced into the atrium.

The body of the behemoth was stiff, and the big mouth of the blood sprang from the woman’s mouth.

“what have you done!”

The woman lose one’s head out of fear, the body of the behemoth disintegrates in the struggle and twists, and re-forms four people and four beasts.

One of the men twitched a few times and then died.

Others, although Hollow is weak, seem to be alive.

Hidan didn’t stop, and he continued to launch Attack with the thunder, and the sharp sickle beheaded the rest.

In the blink of an eye, two women, one man and three beasts are at the same time.

Only the devil is living.

Hidan’s sickle tentacles were blocked when they pierced the devil’s neck.

The skin of the demon is really hard.

But Hidan’s reaction was quick, changing the position of Attack and piercing the eyes of the demon king.

Demon Lord died, Hidan wins!

This is the end of a battle between the lights and stones.

The curse on Hidan faded, his face was only slightly pale.

“Hey! Your men are dead, are you looking at that?”

Humble stood on the heights and looked down at the still hot corpses.

The face was not happy because of the bandage, but it was calm from the eyes.

“It’s just some imperfect failures.”

“Like the white mice in the lab, when you die, you die.”

Hurricane call to talk, the voice is dull.

But when his eyes fell on Hidan, he got hot. “I can hear different heartbeat sounds from your body. Is this your own development?”

The figure that said that he was hurrying disappeared.

ran away?

No, humbled for a second before the cliff, the next second appeared in front of Hidan, the speed of the speed is staggering.

This is the rushing Kekkei Genkai!

This kind of speed, if he had just intentionally saved those people, he did it completely.

Hidan’s pupils spread and couldn’t help but exclaim: “Your speed is even faster than that guy!”

At the same time Hidan’s sickle tentacles poured out to protect the body.

“Here is the fastest Kekkei Genkai, and of course it’s fast.”

Hidan replied, Hidan shot instantly.

The front four knives touched the hand straight, and the back of the tentacle in the back turned into a sharp blade and stabbed to the back.

Humbled the hand seal, the body turned into a Metal shine.

“dāng dāng dāng when!”


Both the front and the beeping sneak attack are all blocked.

Humbled against the face of Metal, said with a smile: “This is the strongest steel smash.”

Is the strongest defense after the strongest?

Hurricane hand seal, Katon (Fire Release)! Hard work!

A Fireball landed on the ground, bursting into a splash and turning it into a Sea of ​​Fire.

Humbled just raised his hand and muttered! Suck hole!

The Sea of ​​Fire is swallowed up by the curse of the humble hand.

“Good enthusiasm Attack, return it to you!”

The Sea of ​​Fire, which was swallowed by the humble, was released again, but this time it was Attack Hidan.

Hidan cursed the change on his hand and resisted Attack with Suiton (Water Release).

Say with a smile: “Katon (Fire Release), Suiton (Water Release), then it seems that there are five more Hearts in order to fuse the five Chakra properties?”

“There is an idea, but in front of you, I am integrating Kekkei Genkai. Do you think you can beat me?”

Speaking of humour, the curse on the hand changes again.

Originally, the clear sky is clouded in an instant.

“I have to say that the so-called Akatsuki Organization is not that good.”

A thunder broke down.

留留岚遁岚遁secret art! 岚鬼龙!

Hidan’s reaction was quick, and a tentacle instantly plunged into the earth.

The body is wrapped in rock.

Lightning squats on the tentacles and pulls into the ground in the direction of the tentacles.

Quietly staying at Hidan, praised: “The reaction is good, but I am more curious about how you let their fusion disintegrate, tell me, I will not kill you.”

The singer quickly disappeared into the place, and the steel and iron body ignored Hidan’s tentacles and grabbed Hidan’s neck.


The rock on the surface of Hidan’s skin was shattered.

岚遁secret art! 岚鬼龙!

Lightning once again fell from the sky and smashed a solid on Hidan’s body.

The tentacles that Hidan tied up on the squatting were carbonized in Lightning, turned into ash, and the body was not much better.

The open mouth is black smoke.

“Tell me how you did it, I can spare you not to die.”

Hidan didn’t say anything.

The death of the Secretary is the last killing.

As long as he can get the blood on the opposite side, he still has a chance to kill the opposite side.

The battle between Hidan and Hurricane can be said to be fierce.

Naruto on the bald mountain in the distance on the battlefield controls the avatar start to talk: “You still don’t shoot? Hidan will not die if he doesn’t shoot.”

A Fei scratched his head. “Well, I will go.”

Said to break into the ground with Earth Style Ninjutsu.

Is this a sneak attack?

Is it better to use Kamui’s Space to send a sneak attack?

Yes, Kamui should also need Space coordinates, so it may not be because Obito did not leave a mark on the field.

So thinking about Naruto’s avatars continue to look at the battlefield.

The battle below continues.

Unilaterally screaming for the crushing of Hidan.

A minute passed and two minutes passed.

Five minutes have passed, and Hidan has been beaten to see no one, but Obito has never shot.

Naruto had a helpless guess in his heart, and Obito could… run away.

That’s the case… it’s too…

Naruto felt a bad chest.

Then he also sneaked into the ground and disappeared.

Soon after Naruto disappeared, Obito came out again.

He said: “Let me shoot, why don’t you shoot yourself?”

Then in the original look at the game below.

“That little mouse is going to save Hidan?”

Obito is waiting.

However, one minute passed and two minutes passed.

Five minutes passed…

Obito is so aggressive.

“That vain… won’t run?”

Obito shrugged his nose.

He smelled the aroma of the barbecue.

The taste comes from Hidan below.

It’s too bad…

Humble said: “Don’t say it? Then you will die.”

A thunder fell, this thunder was thicker than a house, and fell on Hidan’s body, the body of the missile was directly carbonized into slag.

Hidan… is dead.

“Akatsuki Organization, that’s just that.”

“Would you like to kill the Akatsuki Organization? These guys seem to be playing the idea of ​​an underground exchange during these days.”

“Let’s wait a little longer, wait for me to merge the fifth Kekkei Genkai.”

“At the time, this World is mine!”

Humble left to talk to himself and turned away step by step.

Space is distorted, and Obito appears behind the humble.

His arm was caught in the ashes and found a ring with the words “three.”

Then I put it on my hand.

“Hey, you seem to look down on the Akatsuki Organization.”

Obito start to talk, the body of the hungry is a stiff.

Turning around, the two looked at each other.

At the same time In the depths of the ground, a group of black tents wrapped in Hidan’s head and a heart.

The squirrel Naruto greeted him and said, “Hey, you are not dead, let’s have a good show together.”

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