Supreme Naruto

Chapter 453

Remove the possibility that Tsunade has eyeliner in the Akatsuki Organization.

Then Tsunade met Orochimaru and it was reasonable to hear from Orochimaru that Hidan was not dead.

And Orochimaru was once a member of the Akatsuki Organization, and it makes sense to have eyeliner in the Akatsuki Organization.

So… Orochimaru Why do you do this?

Why does Tsunade agree?

Or, is the Tsunade in front of it a fake Tsunade?

But she appeared on that line, in theory she is Tsunade.

Unless Orochimaru is able to grasp the movements of the Akatsuki Organization like him.

Did Orochimaru also crack the Akatsuki Organization’s Spirit network?

This… looks like it is not difficult.

After all, Orochimaru is able to shield the ring between the rings and seal the ring.

This method was also used when Orochimaru was able to shield the Spirit network.

Um… So, is this Tsunade actually pretending to be Orochimaru?

If so… Is it possible that the original Tsunade found by the undead duo is Orochimaru?

If so, the logic seems to be more reasonable.

Because Orochimaru understands the characteristics of the undead duo.

And deliberately buried part of Kakuzu’s body with Hidan’s Heart?

Then… how to explain the Yin seal?

Also disguised?

How difficult is it to disguise the ability to beat the undead duo?

What is the possibility?

Or… Orochimaru added a curse to himself?

This should not be possible, Yakushi Kabuto said that Orochimaru did not study Senjutsu of Ryūchi Cave because he was afraid of death.

Although that is also a guess, Naruto feels that there is some truth.

Or… Hidan and Kakuzu in Orochimaru’s Illusion Technique?

The more you think, the more problems there are.

The question that arises is the authenticity of Tsunade.

Really, he can get in touch.

But if it is fake… his contact is completely courting death.

Therefore, the primary Quest is to determine the authenticity first.

The country of the rain, Deidara’s bedroom.

Naruto stretched out and made a sigh of relief. “It’s so boring…”

Naruto looks at Deidara, Deidara is pinching the mud.

“Hey, is that Tsunade coming? Let’s go to the door?”

Deidara made a snap and the clay figurines moved.

This scene made Naruto think of a girl who made a man.

The goddess of GodTM is a man.

Naruto was turned into a woman by her own brain, and the picture of two sacred mountains on the chest was not light.

Deidara Kaidō: “Yesterday came, um… if you remember correctly, in 309room.”

Naruto took two steps and turned and asked, “You don’t go? You are going to be moldy when you are in the house again.”

Deidara’s gaze shifted from the white clay figurine to his own two silly.

Do you dare to go to your own two stupid?

Deidara thought of herself who didn’t dare to go to the bathroom when she was a child.

That is really a green memory.

“Okay, then go to the door.”

309 number room.

Tsunade was looking out the window with a look of thought.

She has joined the Akatsuki Organization, but she has not seen Naruto.

Is it… Orochimaru lied to him?

“dāng dāng dāng !” The door knocked.

Tsunade brows and turns and turns, “Who?”

Deidara looked at his two stupid, and his second stupid was also looking at him.

Deidara gaze, meaning nothing more than you will not come to the door? Go back?

Naruto didn’t say anything when he blinked.

Helpless Deidara can only be Kaidō: “Deidara.”

Soon Tsunade opened the door.

At home, Tsunade has a simple plain coat, a chest squatting, and a sulcus that is deeper than the Mariana Trench.

But it’s not a problem, after all, Tsunade is wearing it outside in the summer.

Naruto was very calm, Deidara’s face suddenly rose red, and his eyes shunned the sin.

“what’s up?”

Tsunade asked, Deidara suddenly did not know how to answer.

Naruto has already sneaked into the house.

Observe the habit!

Naruto’s eyes, like the radar, swept through all the furnishings in the house.

The furnishings in the house are not explained, almost all standard.

However, when the clothes are finished, they can see something. One word is “chaos!”

Tsunade’s bedroom, Naruto, has also been to the same chaos.

So…a bit similar.

“Wow! What I said so incense is my favorite can!”

Naruto stepped on the can lid and licked it cutely.

Tsunade turned and looked at the silver-gray cute little squirrel. “You little guy is very lively today. You looked like you were still sleeping when I visited a house yesterday.”

Naruto replied: “Have you visited our house yesterday? Then I really missed a very important moment.”

Then fiercely said to Deidara: “Why don’t you wake me up?”

Tsunade came over. “Do you like canned hawthorn?”

Naruto grinned the shiny front teeth: “Sweet and sour is very appetizing, super delicious.”

“Oh yes, I wasn’t invited to suddenly enter the house… is it rude?”

“Would you like me to go out again and go again?”

Tsunade Byakugan (roll eyes) turned over and was about to say something, suddenly a glimpse.

The two words that the little mouse had just said were passed through the heart.

Sour sweet and sour is very appetizing super delicious?

This sentence… Naruto said that it was when the porpoises were eating canned hawthorn!

There is also a sentence, I was not invited to suddenly enter the house is not a little rude, do not go again.

That sentence is that Naruto is deliberately muted.

Is it coincidence?

Look at the little mice in front of you.

Maybe I think more about it?

How can Naruto become a mouse?

Tsunade’s current mouse is not a transformation, it is a real mouse.

“No need, Deidara, come in, um… wait for some mess in the house, I will simply clean up.”

Naruto continues to observe Tsunade.

Tsunade’s action of collecting clothes is very Tsunade, that is, no matter what clothes are taken to form a ball and thrown into the wardrobe as a whole.

Deidara walked into the house.

Naruto thought of a way to prove the identity of Tsunade.

“I heard that you also have a psychic beast? Psychic came out to show me? Maybe I can play with me.”

Tsunade has no resignation, “Yes.”

Speaking of the hand seal, a palm pressed to the ground, cursing the spider web spread.



A small Katsuyu appeared in front of her eyes.

It is true Tsunade!

Then Orochimaru found that the assumption of Tsunade was established.

But… why does Orochimaru do this?

What is the reason for Tsunade to promise?

Do you want to talk to Tsunade about the Spirit link?

Wait, wait until Orochimaru has an eyeliner in the Akatsuki Organization…

Where will it now look at the scene in front of you?

So, does Orochimaru use Tsunade to catch him?

It’s dangerous… I almost got in touch with Tsunade as Naruto.

As for him to come to Tsunade… this… should not be enough to convince Orochimaru that he is Naruto.

“Tsunade, what’s the matter?”

Do not psychic out of the small Katsuyu respectful look at Tsunade.

Tsunade said with a smile : “Well, I want to introduce you to a new friend.”

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