Supreme Naruto

Chapter 449

Today’s snow country is no longer the backward country that was frozen by ice.

At a glance, the country of the snow is green.

According to the idea of ​​Chunhua Xiaoxue, when the economy of the country of snow develops, all the snow and ice in the country of the snow will be melted, bringing spring to the whole country of snow.

However, this proposal was directly rejected by Naruto.

Naruto’s proposal is that key towns and farms can use the Chakra geothermal unit to melt ice and snow, but the overall landscape of the country of snow still has to maintain the original snow and ice pattern.

Then vigorously carry out the unique ice and snow entertainment activities, such as ice lights, ice sculptures, skiing, and natural polar zoos.

Taking Hollow’s realistic movie as a knock on the door brick drives the development of the entire tourism industry.

At the same time Naruto highlights that ice and snow are not the enemy of the country of snow. Under the influence of Hollow’s realistic film, it can not only become wealth, but also protect the natural barrier of the country of snow.

Therefore, the country of snow today is like an oasis in the desert.

It is a city of miracles that blooms in the snow.

The four emperors of the clown emperor walked on the street of the country of snow.

Next to the street is a long moor.

Hu Bo is rooted in melting snow and ice. The country of snow has built a river to store water, so that it can be used for irrigation, and it can also be used to raise fish and decorate the city.

The curved vessels like the pods swayed in the water and looked like Venice of the World.

“Can you look a little unhappy?”

The president is still wearing a flaming windbreaker on his body. His face is not happy, and he is so depressed that he is extremely depressed.

“You don’t care about me, I’m fine.”

Zero five fears of raising his hand to cover his little mouth.

There is also a zero on the side of the same stinking face.

Zero five eyes turned to look at zero one.

Zero smiled and whispered: “The president is shy.”

Zero and five whispered: “What are you ashamed?”

Zero one took two steps and walked two steps. He explained in his ear: “You think, you are originally going to save the seven, but they were saved by the zero seven. Can he be shy?” ”

“And, the president has always treated the guardian of the zero-seven in the form of an adult. However, now the protected and protected character has turned around. She is in her heart… blocked.”

Nodded at zero or five: “Oh… it’s so…”

Then he asked: “Why is the zero-elder sister not happy? Is it because of this?”

I bought a piece of zero, “Zero four… She is not, she is an adult.”

Said that this one-and-a-half stunned smile.

The forehead of the two people who walked ahead jumped and jumped.

The president took out a cigarette and took a deep breath to hold it back.

Zero four did not hold back, impatient Kaidō: “You two whisper behind, I really can’t hear!”

Zero one and zero five are literally a neck.

The theme of the shift of zero five: “Zero elder sister has been happy a lot recently.”

Zero one said with a smile : “That is, I heard that my arm is very good, and after a while I can do surgery to change to a real arm, and I will be able to come out with you in the future.”

“You said this value is not worth happy?”

No. 5 and nodded: “Happy!”

The president took a deep breath and the red fire was directly drawn to the cigarette butt with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Then he spit out deeply and turned into a big circle of eyes.

“I say……”

The president will start to talk. Others seem to have passed.

“After the arm of Zero One is good… let’s leave this.”

The joy of the face on the face of zero and five on one face froze.

Zero five is uncertain: “We are… four of us?”

The president nodded: “Yes, we are four.”

Hollow’s whispered, “That’s zero, sixty-seven…they…”

The president looked calm: “They have their lives, we are different from them.”

I didn’t do anything about it. “What, when the president said that he would join the clown emperor one day, he would always be the clown emperor, even if Konoha’s shinobi would grab it back, how can it be changed now!”

The president was silent and did not answer: “I have already decided. If you do not want to leave, you will stay here and do not insist.”

The conversation reached a freezing point at a time.

The angry four-four did not dare to continue to be angry, and persuaded: “That… wasn’t it good now?”

“How come you suddenly get angry?”

The president did not answer, “bang!”, the president in front of him turned into a smoke to dissipate.

A few women glanced at each other.

I thought of the cigarette that the president just spit out.

That is, from now on, the president left. It’s just a split…

Zero five roads: “The president…has an emotion…”

“When was the last time I was emotional?”

Zero one helplessly said: “When zero two and zero three died…”

Zero five nodded: “That… this time Boss will disappear for a month?”

The women remembered that the last time Boss disappeared, it was discovered because Boss was drunk, otherwise it was hard to find.

Zero one sighed: “It seems that I have seen the incident hit the president.”

Zero five stupid question: “But… for what?”

Zero one touched his head: “Because ah… I feel too weak, don’t protect us…”

Wu 4 is uncertain: “Let’s go find her… even if she is the president, she is not obliged to take everything on her shoulders?”

Zero one shook the head: “Let her calm down, if she doesn’t want us to find it, no one can find it.”

On the corner of the house behind, the president of the red dress looked back at the backs of several women, and his face disappeared into the sea.

At this same time, Jiuwei finally arrived at the line that Naruto said to the extension of the country of fire.

“I said, how do you find it next?”

Nine tails shouted to Naruto in the Spirit network.

Naruto start to talk: “Use the perception barrier.”

Nine-tailed open perception barrier, Kaidō: “No…”

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) Turns over, “The perception barrier is a little bigger, don’t search.”

After returning to this World, the nine-tailed Chakra is recovering every day, and now the body has risen two times.

Therefore, Chakra is still quite abundant.

This is still the case where Naruto is often used, otherwise the nine tails are definitely recovering more now.

Nine-tailed helplessly injected Chakra into the identity card, and the perception barrier expanded and expanded, eventually wrapping the entire town.


Naruto Kaidō: “Don’t go straight, change a city.”

Nine tails shrugged, and Lai Lai Kaid said: “Don’t go, I am hungry, I am going to eat.”

Speaking of beckoning to the little tail around him: “Hungry is not hungry? Go, my sister takes you to dinner.”

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