Supreme Naruto

Chapter 441

Looking for the voice of Hidan, everyone found Hidan’s head…

This scene of the big night is really shocking.

A head squatting on the floor looks at you… still talking?

Naruto looked at Hidan’s neck and his vocal cords worked?

Isn’t the pronunciation necessary to match the airflow vibration?

The following are not even connected, let alone the lungs that provide gas…

Well, Chakra is omnipotent. Under the sense of barrier, Naruto discovers that Hidan uses Chakra to vibrate the vocal cords.

“My body was buried by the mad woman of Tsunade. Can you dig them back for me?”


Is the corpse buried?

Isn’t that too hard to do? Why don’t you bury your head… or burst?

Naruto couldn’t help but ask, “How did you survive?”

Naruto looked down at the head on the ground, and Naruto had an urge to step on the head.

Hidan eyes picked up the extreme and did not see Naruto’s mouse face.

But still proudly said: “There are evil gods, I am not dead!”

Naruto lifted his foot to Hidan’s head, and Hidan’s intact cervical spine suddenly bent and forced to escape.

Shouted: “You want to murder!”

Naruto Kaidō: “Are you not dead? I suddenly want to try to explode your head, are you still not dead?”

Hidan was frightened and said with amazement: “I will hang up when my head bursts! Stop!”

Naruto took back his ankle and said strangely: “The one who buried you in the body must know that you can fix it, but why didn’t you buried your head?”

Hidan’s head is now on the ground, and the angle is finally visible to Naruto cute.

“Crap! Of course, I pretend to be good! Otherwise, I am really smashed my head. I am not dead!”

“Don’t ask these useless questions! Help me to dig up the body!”

“Deidara! You care about your pet?”

Deidara scratched his head: “Oh… this is…”

Then Deidara didn’t have to answer, because Naruto kicked it out and shot Hidan’s head as a ball.

“Ah! Ah! Ah! I want to kill you! You are blaspheming!”

Hidan’s head flew quite far, because Naruto kicked it in accordance with the force of kicking it, but it was not difficult to hear that Hidan was not kicked from the sound of violent thunder.

“Hey… what are you doing so far? Go back and come back?”

Deidara looks at Naruto, but Naruto didn’t look at him at all.

There is no way Deidara can only go back and put Hidan’s head back.

This scene has a special taste in the eyes of the cockroach.

He thought of the game of people and dogs in the past playing the bones.

Um… this is a bit strange to the master servant…

“You are finished!”

“Wait for me to recover!”

After Hidan’s head was picked up, his mouth was still a bit unruly.

Naruto lowered his head and his tongue licked the corner of the mouth. “I don’t know if I eat you in the stomach, you can still live.”

Hidan opened his mouth and finally said honestly to Deidara: “In front of ten meters, my upper body was buried there.”

Deidara nodded.

Hand seal, soil waves rolled, not only Hidan’s half body but other parts were also turned over.

“It seems that one hand is missing?”

Look at Hidan I was surprised that I was assembled like a robot, and Deidara noticed that Hidan had one less arm.

Left hand arm.

Hidan complained: “Tsunade guy took my arm away and listened to what he said when he left… It seems to want to study…”

Deidara looked at Hidan’s empty sleeves. “Your…the ring is gone?”

Hidan grinned and put a ring on his tongue.

Then Hidan put the ring back on. “I don’t feel right, I hide the ring in my mouth, or ask for support.”

Hidan got up and walked to Kakuzu’s arm, start to talk: “Hey! Hurry and give me my Heart.”

Hidan’s start to talk, Naruto noticed that inside the arm, the black tentacles wrapped a Heart.

That is…Hidan’s Heart?

The perception barrier sweeps through Hidan, but…Hidan’s chest is empty.

Kakuzu wrote on the floor with his fingers: “Let me use it first, and I will return it to you when I find a replacement.”

Hidan is impatient: “Let’s hurry up and find it! Without Heart, I am incomplete. If it is incomplete, how can I pray to the evil spirits!”


Naruto couldn’t help but interrupt: “You still have one arm missing, so you don’t have to do that troublesome prayer in the future.”

For a time, Hidan’s body petrified, screaming: “How can I do it! How can I not pray to the evil spirits!”

Then he madly said to himself: “Big the damn woman!”

“Big damn that damn woman!”

“Big damn that damn woman!”

“arm! I want my arm!”


Naruto blinked, and Hidan wouldn’t be so crazy?

However, the development of things is beyond Naruto’s expectations!

Just as Hidan rubbed his arm, his eyes fell to Kakuzu’s arm.

Then… I took it and took it on myself!

Nest grass! What is this operation!

Kakuzu is also struggling.

Hidan suddenly went crazy and pulled his heart out of Kakuzu’s arm: “Give me back! My Heart!”

The tentacle in the arm that lost Heart Kakuzu began to wither.

Look like this, Kakuzu will die…

Kakuzu will give up? How can it be……

Don’t underestimate a guy who turns himself into a Monster.

Their sense of survival is absolutely top-notch.

It is impossible to give up life!

The black tentacles shrank into one and then slid toward the heart of Hidan.

The angle and Hidan hit, Deidara looked like: “What should we do? Do you want to help?”

蝎 Continue to look at no answer.

Naruto is also at the looks at.

Deidara can only close his mouth.

The black tentacle shot into the heart of Hidan.

Speed ​​is very fast! Hidan didn’t escape.

Shouted: “Want to take my Heart? It is absolutely impossible!”

Then I saw Hidan grabbing his arm and pressing it on his broken limb.

Is this a scorpion?

Then the two did not even fight for it.

A minute later Kakuzu’s arm… merged into Hidan’s body!

Hidan mad with a smile : “Hahahaha! Now I am complete again!”

However, what is surprising is that…

Hidan’s newly blended hand suddenly lifted up and gave Hidan a big mouth.

The mouth of the mouth was so loud that Hidan’s head was almost smashed.

“You guys dare to beat me!”

Hidan grabbed the runaway left hand with his right hand, and the left hand of time and space suddenly pulled out a black tentacle and once again gave Hidan a big mouth.

Then…Hidan and his left hand fought for an hour…

Win or lose? Does this exist?

Anyway, Hidan’s nose and face are swollen…

Deidara, 蝎, and Naruto came to the rescue to stand on the side of the look at.

Then Naruto suddenly thought of one thing: “Right? You don’t need two rings now? Give me one.”

Kakuzu and Hidan simultaneous stopped and looked at Naruto.

Attack !

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