Supreme Naruto

Chapter 436

Give the whirlpool waterer a four-star identity card with the same thousand hands.

The person who confessed to the Daxueshan Institute with the whirlpool.

Finally, it is to arrange accommodation for the whirlpool.

In theory, Edo Tensei’s people only need one corpse, but Naruto’s treatment is obviously much higher.

“Well, this is your room afterwards. Lying in the corpse during the break, this will have a certain repair effect on your body and can delay the use of the body.”

In a large, well-equipped room, the whirlpools are playing with the corpses, and at the same time, the database of the Super Brain System shows information about the corpses.

“Hey, Naruto, am I going to die after three months?”

After learning that he is not really resurrecting now, there is some worry on the face of the whirlpool.

Naruto Kaidō: “In theory, this body has only about three months of use, but even if the deadline for this body is reached, I can continue to help you reincarnate.”

The whirlpool Mito has been silent for a long time.

Naruto also thought that the whirlpool waterer was in a short life of grief, but he knew that the whirlpool otter snorted: “Three months… so short will definitely not give birth to a child…”

Naruto had a big drop of cold sweat on his head.

Is this girl still thinking about the child?

Naruto’s scorpion clears the scorpion: “That, there is nothing else I have to go first. If you have something to find, they can help them. If they can’t solve it, they can find me.”

Say Naruto slid quickly.

There was something to say and stop before the door: “Whether… or will you re-enter Edo Tensei?”

Naruto looked at the hand and a smile with a smile: “I think so too, this girl is really a bit too much to eat.”

Just like Naruto just took the waterhouse to see Hinata.

The whirlpool waterer directly became the Naruto insider and made Hinata almost blackened.

But in the end, Naruto explained the problem clearly.

Um… at least it seems to be clear to Naruto.

Thousands of hands opened his mouth and shook his head again: “Forget it, it is also very good, my brother, she can forget all the troubles, and it is also her blessing to live again.”

Naruto said curiously: “She… has it been so happy?”

Shook head said: “I have never seen it. The brothers and sisters in memory are a very graceful person who pays great attention to etiquette. They are knowledgeable…”

Said half of the hand shook the shook head: “Maybe… this is what she was supposed to be…”

“Polite, etiquette originally represented a distance…”

Naruto nodded, no more questioning.

The two did not take two steps and saw the Hinata leaning against the corner.

After a thousand hands, I left and Naruto stepped forward and said with a smile: “What? Looks a little unhappy?”

Hinata stares at her toes, “Naruto Jun… you will… find a few… a few…”

The sound of Hinata is getting smaller and smaller, almost inaudible.

But Naruto guessed what Hinata was asking.

Holding Hinata’s hand, “I only want you one.”

Hinata’s face is fried red.

Heartbeat speeds up, as for other questions you want to ask.

I passed through Hinata and watched a movie with Hinata.

Then Naruto returned to his lab and continued his research yesterday.

A confrontational experiment between Naruto cells and primary cells.

Simply put, Naruto yesterday planted his cells and primary cells in a medium.

I think there should be results today.

System Tip: “Medical System senses that the barrier link is successful.”

Naruto has a lab panel in front of him.

The panel lists a list of experiments that have been done in the past.

Some are over, and some are still going on.

Among them, the experimental name of the named cell competition has been shown to be completed.

Naruto clicks into the entry.

Then I saw the very happy first-generation cells in the medium, and the cells that had died.

Click to play the playback.

Fast forward playback, double, five, ten times.

In the images recorded by the perception barrier, the red marker of Naruto cells was labeled with red cell stain, and the intercolumn cells labeled with green cell stain were suspended in the medium.

The cells between the columns are very quiet and motionless.

On the contrary, Naruto’s cells are much more pleasing, slicking Dada, which is the external manifestation of the nutrients in the fast phagocytic medium.

It’s like a game of eating beans.

Naruto’s cells split from one to two as they continue to absorb nutrients from the medium, and then the two split into four.

The Naruto cell army is growing.

The inter-column cells were quickly encountered during the process of growing up.

The cells between the columns are very quiet.

Naruto’s cell owes to the front.

Start with both things, until the nutrients in the medium are getting less and less, and Naruto cells decide to start this very quiet brother in starvation.

The latter image is a failure of a Naruto cell, and then thousands of absolutely Naruto cells stand up.

But it also failed, and eventually the final… the cells between the columns ate Naruto’s cells… sad.

This experiment proves that Naruto’s current body is strong, but it is still stronger than the original Sage (Sennin) of Hokage.

Naruto puts his hand in the medium.

The dual-nuclear decomposition matrix was launched on the hand, and the Chakra in the primary cells was extracted. The primary cell population under the barrier was dried at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time A weak vitality flows into Naruto’s body.

Naruto’s skin is more white and shiny.

Naruto is silent.

Is the decomposition matrix too forformable? Nor is it.

The last time Naruto added this core array to the death row, let the death row devour the nine-tailed Chakra, and the result… the man just hung up and hung up.

The whole body twitched, Naruto, the medical shinobi god, was rescued on the side and did not rescue.

The one who died is called a quick and easy.

Like… a white mouse that has eaten an alien fruit.

I thought of this Naruto re-adjusting the experimental video of Yakushi Kabuto.

Then I watched the video of the dead prisoner devouring the nine-tailed Chakra.

Really like, the two are hard to come by… are there any links?

This idea is somewhat far-fetched. The material in the alien fruit is not Chakra.

But it is not good to say anything.

Naruto made a small note and didn’t want to understand it.

The main reason Naruto studies his body is to understand how strong he is now.

And think about where to upgrade yourself from the next direction.

This problem has plagued Naruto for a long time.

Naruto appeared in the hands of Naruto as soon as he raised his hand.

This is the ninja sword borrowed from Sasuke and Naruto has not returned yet.

Reluctant? It’s also a bit. After all, this knife is better than the one with a blue-sleeve sword.

Naruto lifted the other hand and the blue-sleeve sword appeared in his hand.

The contrast between the two, the feeling is Naruto or like the blue sleeve sword.

Naruto waved the next two weapons.

I remembered this time back to Konoha, what Sakuragi said to him – practicing swords, because killing is simple.

Naruto frowned, “It’s a bit too light…”

In this jungle, at the same time, the country of fire and the country of ghosts.

The sky began to snow again.

Tsunade’s face is full of curses, which is the curse of the unraveling of the singer of the singer, and screams into the heart of Kakuzu.


With the sound of the mask Shatter, there is a faint “Pūchī!” sound Tsunade punches the body of the angle.

At the same time also found the same.

“What is your body?”

Tsunade was amazed.

At this time, the black tentacles came out from the back of Kakuzu and wraped around the Tsunade.

On the other side, in the snow, Hidan’s head was twisted and turned, and the “corpse” standing in the distance touched the west and touched his head.

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