Supreme Naruto

Chapter 431

Naruto left the second morning of the morning.

The canine tooth is awakened by the red pill.

This is… home?

Um… what time is it…

The dog licked his teeth and looked at the alarm clock to the bed.

After confirming that I have not slept in the meal, I feel a lot in my heart.

If I have passed the meal, I have not gone downstairs… the result will be quite terrifying…

Time is still early, but the dog’s teeth are not dare to continue to bed because of the shadow of the heart, sit up and stretch out and intend to dress and wash your face.


The dog’s fangs look back at the alarm clock.

The date on the alarm clock shows…16 number?

The alarm clock… is broken?

How did he remember yesterday that the 11 was coming.

The dog’s fangs went out of the door, and the aroma of the food came.


The dog licked his nose and walked to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, mother is cooking in an apron.

“Get up? Wash your hands and prepare to eat.”

The dog’s claws and noses shrugged, and the aging mother’s temper exploded, but the food was definitely a cure.

“Yes, yesterday, you gave the black pill with black pills, I like it very much. You can buy it back today.”


Give black pills with dog food?

Why can’t he remember having this?

The dog fangs went to find the black pill, the black pill was not at home, but the dog fangs saw the packaging of the dog food next to the rice bowl of the black pill.

Remember it.

I am going to buy it after I have finished eating it.

However, the price above surprised him.

“Three… three thousand two!”

“Is this dog food made of gold!”

Pit him! Black pill is definitely in the pit of him!

But… how is this taste so familiar?

The dog fangs shrugged his nose.

That’s right, it smells like he smells when he gets up.

Canines believe in their own sense of smell.

Then ran back to the house.

The taste is worn from the dog pot of Chimaru, and there is still a little left in it.

Both the color and the aroma are similar to the residue left in the black pill dog pot.

“What is going on here? Where is the dog food?”

Canines look at the red pills.

Chiwan licked the dog’s head, “Wang Wang!”

“ao wu… Wang!”


Chiwan said the red ball language, the dog’s fangs actually understood, and pointed at himself with amazement: “You said… is this what I bought?”

A red pill dog head is connected.

Then “Wang!” screamed, using the dog’s head to arch the sheets, revealing a pile of dog food at the bottom of the bed.

The taste is different, but there is a common feature. Each bag of dog food has a particularly cute dog.

And… the price of a shocking person.

“2000 five hundred two…”

“2000 three hundred two…”

“Three thousand three hundred two…”

The dog’s tooth decayed immediately to his bedside table to find out his passbook.

The passbook opens and sees that the money above is only relaxed.

So… Where are these dog foods coming from?

The dog’s fangs look back at the alarm clock, and the 16 number shown above is like magical magic.

It seems to be telling him concealed… something that may have happened.

At this same time, Kakashi hangs out of Lang’s home.

What are the benefits of Hokage?

Every day, it’s better than a dog to sleep earlier than a chicken…

Kakashi’s dead fish eyes are full of exhaustion, thinking about Naruto yesterday and thinking about his fault for one night.

Ok? Have a letter?

Kakashi raised his hand to pick it up, but the accident was not taken down.

Is the letter card on the mailbox?

No, it is with a chakra on it.

“Who is so boring…”

Kakashi muttered, the first person to come out of his mind was Jiraiya.

Kakashi injected Chakra into the letter and dispelled the original Chakra in the letter. The letter was finally taken down.

The cover of the letter has no stamps and no signature.

Kakashi feels that he should be inseparable from his own guess.

This letter must be that the boring guy of Jiraiya is here.

“It’s a boring guy…”

When the envelope was called, Kakashi took the letter out and took a look.

For a moment, Kakashi only felt a bang!

Blood Qi rushed up and almost died without exploding.

Take a deep breath, close the eyes and calm down, then take a look.


The bird sneaked away, as my bird came quietly, I waved my sleeves and took away what I wanted to take. (Birds are quiet, northeast, translation: quiet.)

Teacher Kakashi, it is not me who steals four generations of ashes and three generations of ashes. It is Orochimaru.

This guy actually wants to frame me, but thanks to him… um… the details are not mentioned.

Finally, I wish you a happy Tenent, early birth, ah! Haha ! Hahaha!

Teacher Kakashi don’t think too much about me, ah! Hahahaha!

Signature: Your handsome and handsome student vortex Naruto.

Inhale again…




I took it away and wanted to take it away…

Lightning Style Instant!

Kakashi disappeared in the same place and rushed toward the prison.

A few breaths of time, Kakashi appeared in front of the prison.

Then in the capacity of Hokage, the first play, the registration is not registered directly to the cells of the three girls who are involved in the detention of Naruto.

The cell is still…

The items are placed in a completely simultaneous manner. If you want to judge the best bedroom, it is definitely this one.

Because even the mattresses are stacked with a full plate of tofu.

But the most important thing is… no one inside!


Kakashi shouted a bit.

The shinobi behind is a lot of Kakashi’s intrusion, and it is relaxed after seeing Hokage.

But the gas was still not loose, and it was again scared by the shouting loudly.

Look at the front of Hokage adults… No, man?

The prisoner only feels that the brain is also “squeaky” and blushing the neck and shouted to the people around him: “People!”

On the same day, shinobi watched the liver jump like a rabbit chased by an eagle. It was called a fast, crying face: “The people were still there when they watched the night last night… this…”

Kakashi, who sees Warden, can’t say why, this mood…

Pick up the letter Naruto left for him again.

Then “pū!” smiled.

Then there is laughed heartily.

Kakashi in the past has never laughed so much.

All shinobi scared.

“Okay… let’s go down.”

Old Man quickly sighed: “That… we can start searching.”

Kakashi nodded: “Well, let’s go.”

A group of shinobi quickly dispersed.

Kakashi looked at Naruto for the fourth time.

He whispered: “Good brat, it’s a long way.”

At this moment, Kakashi raised a strong impulse in his heart.

Be sure to catch the Naruto thief back!

Must catch it back!

No matter what!

Kakashi’s gaze fell on the words of the four generations of Hokage couples that Orochimaru stole and three generations of Hokage.

“Smelly Brat, the ashes of my mother are taken away and laughed. When I catch you, I don’t smoke your ass.”

“No, it’s the death of you.”

Read it again, Kakashi suddenly got a chance.

Going back to the Hokage office to convene a group of shinobi and release the Quest to pursue the prisoners.

Then… pick up the pen and find a piece of paper to write it up.

It is a letter to Jiraiya.

The letter is even shorter than Naruto.

There is only one sentence: I am going to catch Naruto’s little bastard, and Hokage’s position is your own own at at.

You can wait for me to come back, or you can change your personal selection.

I recommend Jiraiya to be elected as the sixth generation of Hokage.

Famous: Hatake Kakashi.

At the same time Kakashi also caught Naruto’s letter.

Then pretend to follow the big forces to hunt.

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