Supreme Naruto

Chapter 419

Sasuke’s Spiritual Force is highly concentrated under the pressure of a thousand hands.

Will will breakthrough again at this moment.

At this same time, Chakra was affected by the Spiritual Force into the violent mode.

The whole blood of the chicken blood hits the blocked acupoint.


With a look of indifference, he now wants to solve Sasuke directly.

His original intention is to think so. For those who disobey him, he really is too lazy to educate.

Only his brother will do the trouble.

However, he also promised that Naruto would not kill Sasuke.

The pain in the hands did not turn, and the hand of the hand hit Sasuke’s lower abdomen with a bitter handle.


In the middle of the vital point.

The midline of the human body is the most vulnerable part of the human body.

Sasuke’s lower abdomen suffered a heavy blow, the body muscles were uncontrolled and violently contracted, and the lungs were unable to breathe directly at this moment because of muscle disorders.

The entire person’s impering manner is extinguished with one, and the will that is gathered together is also shattered.

There was no stoppage in the hand, and the progress was advanced. The hand was pressed on the Sasuke calf, and the palm was attached to the calf, and the palm of the hand!

The sturdy fan from the bottom to the top of the palm directly lifted Sasuke’s body.

At the moment when the Sasuke body vacated, thousands of hands were greeted again at the 18-point abdomen of Sasuke’s abdomen.

The technique is the Body Technique of the Hyuga family.

Sasuke’s eighteen acupoints were once again sealed, and the instigating Chakra finally calmed down.


Sasuke’s body seemed to be thrown to the ground with a broken sack.

The two arms flipped “drow” when they were dislocated because of the fact that they were dislocated. (Dialect: Randomly hung)

The shoulders are also swollen.

The second-generation Hokage pulled out a Scroll and expressionless walked toward Sasuke. “I don’t agree? This can’t be you.”

Sasuke sighed on the floor for a long while.

Seeing a thousand hands, the Scroll was covered on his face and suddenly became uneasy.

Drink and ask: “What are you doing!”

Kaidō calmly in a thousand hands: “My original intention is to dig up your eyes and put them on ordinary eyes.”

“But Naruto said that he hadn’t done eye removal surgery, afraid of getting rid of you.”

“So I have to retreat to the next… Seal your Sharingan.”

Saying that Sasuke was going to bite Scroll’s chin and unloaded it directly, and then a little bit, Sasuke’s neck couldn’t move.

After the completion, do not rush to take out a small bottle filled with blood, low on the Scroll, hand seal, symbol trigger.

“This technique is a seal that I developed with the cage of the Hyuga family as a foundation.”

“originally want to imprint the Uchiha people, but that proposal was rejected by the brother.”

“I want to say that if you listen to me at that time, your Uchiha family will not be destroyed.”

In a word, the speed of the hand seal on the hand of the hand is rising rapidly.


The curse was extended from Scroll to Sasuke’s forehead, and around the eyes, the spider web spread out.

For a time, Sasuke felt his eyes blurred.

The eyelids are getting more and more heavy.

Sasuke struggled for ten seconds.

But the more persistence, the stronger the drowsiness.

Finally, I couldn’t hold on for thirteen seconds, and the eyes closed and went to sleep.

After doing this, the system’s call blocking status is removed.

System Tip: “You have 68 call reminders blocked.”

Sixty-eight calls?

Thousands of hands squatted, clicked on the list, and then saw a row of Chunno Sakura perfectly analogously grouped into a team.

“Sakura, that girl…”

A thousand glances at Sasuke on the ground, the tone is taunted: “Who likes the guy who likes the Uchiha family? It is a tragedy.”

There is a flaw in this sentence. I don’t know if it touches some of the memories that are not very good memories.

With this at the same time, Muni’s surgery is done.

The operation was very successful, and the bones, tendons, nervous system, and even the skin to heal were excellent.

And no rejection occurred.

But if you really want to use this both legs, you have to spend at least another month.

This is estimated based on the resilience of shinobi formidable.

If it is an ordinary person, it will take at least three months or more.

“Congratulations, the operation is more successful than expected.”

Naruto smiled very happy.

It is also a matter of heart to put the real arms of the three girls in Muni.

Muni has a big look at her own legs, a beautiful both legs, straight, slender, skin-smooth, white and sparkling.

There are also small ankles, smooth insteps and clear ankles.

Everything seems to be a work of art.

The beauty makes people forget to breathe.

But the problem is that she can’t feel her legs.

I was upset in my heart. “Really? But… but I can’t feel the existence of my legs?”

Naruto said with a smile : “Of course I can’t feel it.”

Naruto raised his finger and pointed to the Metal chain around the roots of the two big legs. “The leg is just fragile. To prevent you from affecting the wound to heal, I set up the Spirit System here. Blocked.”

After listening to Naruto’s explanation, the old stone that was hung in Muni’s heart was finally put down.

After returning to God, I finally noticed another thing…

Naruto’s gaze… is looking at her place.

The face could not help but rise a blush, and said: “That… can you not watch it…”

Naruto stunned, and the eyes groaned, only to notice that Muni was still naked, and the little butt was in front of her eyes.

So I quickly turned my head and argued: “The doctor’s parents, my eyes are absolutely colorless.”

Seeing Naruto suddenly panicked, and Nirvana laughed out: “If it is Naruto, then it would be fine to look at it, and… I just touched it.”

Touched it all?

Naruto’s face is redder.

He didn’t think so much because of the tension.

Quickly pulled out a white sheet to cover the white flower.

And transfer the topic: “That… your surgery is done, it’s time to change someone.”

Muniy looks at Naruto’s side, grinning, and then solemnly said: “Naruto, thank you.”

Such a gentle Muni is not common.

Naruto suddenly became embarrassed.

I don’t even know where to put it, don’t overdo it, and the demonstration’s scratched his head and said: “That’s a small thing, I promised you to let you have real…”

At the moment when Naruto turned her head, Muni’s face suddenly approached, and a trace of Huarun was covered on her lips.

Some are cold and wet.

The lips touched, and Muni retracted back to the head: “That… this is thank you, you are not responsible.”

who am I?

where am I?

What am I doing?

Naruto’s brain is stupid and doesn’t know anything.

Minnie pulled down Iruku of Naruto, “Get me out.”

Naruto turned back and said: “Ah? Ah…”

Then, like a robot, Muni launched the operating room.

The second operation is the little monk.

Little Muni has one arm and one foot to transplant.

The surgery started.

Naruto is also in the state of Spirit 恍惚.

Muni kissed him…

It is said that this is the second time being kissed.

The first time was a little snow.

However, the wind and snow is the cheek, and the monk is more daring than the wind and snow.

So does it mean that Johnny likes him?

What if he likes him? Continue to play stupid?

Hey… people are too good and troublesome.

I was thinking about Naruto starting surgery.

Xiao Niuni exclaimed: “Wait! Naruto big brother, do you want to put my legs on my arms?”

Naruto came back with a spirit, but he was holding the legs of Muni to the arm of Muni.

But fortunately, the arms and legs are not cut.

The uppercase is bold and there is wood.

Thanks: “Jin distance”, “Shengyang fish”, “Fog cut the ring”, “Study dignity”, “silent autumn rain does not know sorrow”, “啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒砰”, “A falling flower intention” “1 is not the same fire 1”, the big ones are rewarding ~ Xiaozhao is very happy, will write books more seriously! Being able to complete the book is the recognition of Xiaozhao. You are rewarded with the full foundation of the foundation. Thank you very much~

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