Supreme Naruto

Chapter 411

Come to the hot spring hotel in a thousand hands.

According to Naruto’s account, he quickly got in touch with Zero.

Naruto then appeared in the face of Zero by the System’s Shadow Rental Lease.

“What about the president?”

Zero-amazed looks at Naruto who suddenly appeared in front of her.

Kaidō: “I would like to ask where you are going. Nothing says that it has disappeared for so long. You don’t know if everyone is worried about you?”

Zero-faced expressions are serious, just like reprimanding to play without a safe son, um… it can also be a younger brother.

Naruto scratched his head.

Naruto had planned to get things done in one night.

Who knows that the nine tails of the second stupidity began to sing in the sky.

“That… a little accident…”

One by one, Naruto, said ill-humoredly: “In short, nothing happens.”

At this time, I thought of another person who disappeared together. “Zero six? Is she with you?”

Naruto greeted Hinata through the Spirit network: “Come and see Zero, um… she is worried about you.”

Then Hinata’s shadow avatar also appeared in front of the zero one.

Zero and one after another strange: “You are not here? But sent the avatar? How to do it?”

Naruto waved his hand: “I will explain this later, um… I just have a lot of words to explain, and when I will explain it together, will they be the president? Are they out of Quest?”

Zero-one taunted: “At the same time, there are two members missing in the guild, and there is still a mood to be a Quest. Naturally, I am going to find you. You…there is no peace of mind.”

Looking for them?

Where to find? Arctic? impossible?

“Where are they going? Where are the specific trends?”

Zero One Kaidō: “When you go, you can go to the country of fire. You don’t know where you are now.”

The country of fire? What to do in the country of fire? Is he not in the country of fire?

Naruto has a strong face.

“Is it true that I have promised you what I promised?”

The arm of Zero One was broken when he played against Kakuzu. At that time, Naruto said that he had to send one by one to control the arm.

For this matter, the natural one is remembered, and the eyes are falling into the middle of the hand, and I am proudly said: “Bring it?”

Naruto waved his hand. “There is better news. This time I can get your hands back to life.”

The interest of Zero One was cold, and I didn’t believe Naruto’s words: “Are you teasing me?”

Naruto said seriously: “Really, I will let you around me send you to me later, I will let you see.”

Hinata does not intend to stay in the mercenary union, and Naruto will naturally not continue to be a mercenary.

So Naruto intends to bring the clown emperor mercenary to his side.

This idea is also the idea of ​​Hinata.

When I saw Naruto at zero, I had already verified my identity when I came here.

I don’t doubt that someone pretends to be Naruto. I replied simply: “Well, I will go to your lap, when will I go?”

Naruto fangs: “Now.”

The transmission aperture lights up, and the hand and the cover are covered.

Naruto warned repeatedly : “Do not move in the aperture, let alone stick out.”

The aperture rises into a light column, and the next moment, the hand will disappear with the zero in the hot spring hotel.

It was already at the Daxueshan Institute when it appeared.

“Welcome to the Daxueshan Institute, re-introduction, my name is vortex Naruto, um… let me introduce so much, and the others will be together and I will continue to introduce.”

Naruto warmly welcomes Zero One.

At this time, I only felt dizzy.

It was very difficult to stand still, and it took a long time to recover. He laughed at himself: “It seems that I haven’t been active for a long time, and even some stations are not stable.”

Naruto’s little monk said with a smile: “The zero-elder sister is very powerful, I was almost summoned to vomit for the first time.”

Looking at Xiaotunni on the first day, Naruto said: “This is called Xiaoniuni, and like you, he lost his limbs in battle.”

One by one, the whole person will look at Xiaoni.

However… she did not see that the body of Xiaoniuni was broken.

Xiao Niuni saw the doubts of Zero One and raised the prosthesis to zero one, and tapped it with his fingers, making a dull hollow sound. “This is a prosthetic limb made by Naruto big brother. Is it really like it?”

Is this a prosthetic?

If this is the case… then can she also get such a prosthesis?

Naruto stared at the face of Xiaoni Ni’s prosthetic with a look of surprise: “Let Xiaoniuni take you to this first, I will continue to find a way to find them, and the others will be explained. ”

“Right, you can go to the kitchen. Hinata is cooking now. You can be a master as a master.”

Look at the question of a stomach, and the face of the cockroach is leaving, Naruto said to the hand: “How? Bow and arrow with Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) Is it super cool?”

Shook head said: “It is very dangerous, if not I am the body of Edo Tensei, you may not have seen me.”

Say a handful of video records for Naruto.

The arrow in the picture is nailed to the tree trunk, and the body of the hand is also transferred into the tree trunk. The half body is stuck, and the face collapses toward the camera: “The 30 is stuck in the tree six times. Take a group photo.”

Another video was switched between thousands of hands, this time it was stuck in the middle of the mountain, but this time there is no language record. The head of the hand is stuck in the mountain, and I am struggling to find my way out of the head. .


Naruto couldn’t help it.

Continue to switch between thousands of hands, this time the whole person is buried in the ground, only revealing a head.

The picture in the hand is super good to the camera tsukkomi said: “Fortunately, my Earth Style Ninjutsu is also very slippery, or I don’t know how to get out of the soil.”

“There are a lot of videos like this, so travel… can be named as 1000 in a thousand hands, and there are zero deadly encounters.”

Naruto can’t hold on with a smile : “The video is pretty good, and the comedy is full. If the clip is hung up in the video area, it will be very hot.”

There is a pain in the face of a thousand hands.

“Is there any other command? If not, I want to lie in the coffin.”

Naruto nodded again and again: “Not at the moment, you go to rest, this is hard work for you.”

Nodded between the hands of the hand, stepping up is about to leave the door.

At this time, Naruto suddenly started to talk: “But… the speed of the arrow is still too slow. When the Chakra gun is made, you put the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) on the bullet… oh? I haven’t finished yet, don’t hurry.”

A Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) technique, the person disappeared directly and returned to his coffin.

In the Spirit link, Kaidō: “You have time to think about it. It’s better to find Orochimaru. The brother’s body will still be stuck for a month. When he is there, you don’t want him to do it. Something he is willing to cooperate with?”

Looking for Orochimaru?

Naruto also thought, but the key is not found!

The opportunity to team up with the original Hokage may be this time.

Naruto certainly knows that this opportunity is quite valuable.

Naruto is very honest Kaidō: “I did it on Sasuke’s identity card, but now the underlying link is broken, and the possibility of Orochimaru taking Sasuke to outer space is ruled out. The only possibility is that the guy ruined the card.”

The voice of the hand has become indifferent: “Is it self-destructive? I know that the Uchiha family has no cure, and will kill it the next time.”

Naruto: “…”

With this at the same time, Kakuzu, who is far away from the country of the land, crossed the name of the 20 mercenary union on the roster with a pen.

Kakuzu’s eyes fell to the next goal: the clown emperor.

Come here~

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