Supreme Naruto

Chapter 406

The nine-tailed memory test was completed.

Naruto’s little face has become black.

How to do? The pet at home is actually remembering the hostess of the house. You said that he should be slaughtered? Still slaughtered? Still slaughtered?

Naruto really wants to slip the whole nine tails.

Naruto looked up at the front and had a very bright planet far from Naruto.

Much like a star, hot and glaring.

But Naruto didn’t have much hope. He was surrounded by so many planets on this road.

My heart continues to think about how to puniment the nine tails to relieve boredom.

“Naruto, I found that the speed consumed by my Chakra has increased.”

Naruto glimpsed, although he thought about the nine-tailion but Naruto didn’t do it yet.

Looking up at all around, Naruto found the culprit, a pure blue planet that looked up and wrapped up in the air.

There is no green space, much like the Mercury that was discovered before.

At this point, if you have the power of Byakugan (roll eyes) or Sharingan, you will see that Level 1 Chakra covered by Naruto is being swallowed by the planet.

The living planet will engulf Chakra, which Naruto discovered recently.

Without hesitation, Naruto stretched his hand to behind, and the three-tailed mode of the third-end mode broke out!

When Naruto moved away from the planet, the planet’s devour of the nine-tailed Chakra stopped.

“When the Young Master finds something that restrains you, it doesn’t suck you all.”

The nine-tailed Chakra is a life for Naruto.

Grab his life, that is courting death.

Unconsciously, Naruto drifted for another month.

The nine-tailed Hollow is weak, and even has forgotten his name.

“Nine Lama teacher, you have to hold on, if you hold on, I will not puninish you.”

In the nine-tailed Space, narrowing down and Naruto is almost as high as the nine-tailed question: “Who is the Lama? Why do you want to puniment him?”

Did Jiuwei finally forget his name?

Naruto feels that the bottom of the heart is cool.

At this time Naruto had a planet with a suspected existence in his eyes, and Naruto was subconsciously planning to go around.

However, the System prompt sounds: “The connection to the server was successful.”

System Tip: “The connection to the database was successful.”

System Tip: “…”

A string of System tips Naruto has disappeared.

Silly looks at the planet below, tears almost flowed out.

I couldn’t help but scream at me: “My Hu Hansan is back!”

Of course, the sound in the cosmic vacuum environment can’t be worn.

But these are not important, the important thing is him! return! Come! Now!

Two months of the universe drifting! Think about it is tears.

With this at the same time, the Snowy Mountain Institute fryer.

The big line of the big fat reminds the big horn to suddenly sound: “Old! Big! Come back! Come!!”

The sound of this horn set is very loud, and everyone in the shock is dizzy.

The temper is preparing to roar, but after returning to God, he simply can’t take it, and chats with the fastest speed.

Naruto’s picture is bright!

“Boss! Big fat wants to die for you!”

“Naruto big brother !wū wū wū 呜! I thought you were not coming back!”

“Where to go! It’s been missing for two months! If you have the ability to play and you are missing, you should not come back!”

“Just come back.”

“I know you are fine.”

The voice of Naruto was so complicated when the voice message came.

Unify a message: “I am back.”

However, he did not receive news from Hinata.

Hinata may be sleeping?

The Snowy Mountain Institute, the silly Hinata, immediately burst into tears when I received the Naruto sentence.

“Boss, where are you? When will it arrive?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Go back right away, wait for me to put the satellite on the track, um… wait a minute.”

Saying that Naruto cut off the call, he was afraid to say a few tears.

鈥滀 锽囧槢 锽囧槢 锽囧槢 鈥 鈥 [€ [€

涔濆熬 呜悓镄勭湪浜嗙湪鐪硷 呜悓镄勭湪浜嗙湪鐪硷 呜悓镄勭湪浜嗙湪鐪硷 呜悓镄勭湪浜嗙湪鐪硷 鏄拰鎴戣璇濆惂锛熲 鏄拰鎴戣璇濆惂锛熲

鈥滀 锽囧槢 锽囧槢 锽囧槢 佸笀鏄垜镄勫悕瀛楋纻镐庝箞杩欎箞闅 佸笀鏄垜镄勫悕瀛楋纻镐庝箞杩欎箞闅 佸笀鏄垜镄勫悕瀛楋纻镐庝箞杩欎箞闅 佸笀鏄垜镄勫悕瀛楋纻镐庝箞杩欎箞闅 佸笀鏄垜镄勫悕瀛楋纻镐庝箞杩欎箞闅 惉锛熷摢涓偦缂

Naruto: “…”

鏄疭ix Path Old Man 闾d 鍌荤 鍌荤 鍌荤 璧 € 〔 〔

涓嶈 镞 镞 (3) 劧锲炴潵浜嗕粈涔堥兘濂 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼 锛屼鍐崭紶缁欎 鍐崭紶缁欎 灏 濂 濂 濂 濂 濂 €

Naruto 鎺忓嚭Scroll 锛屾煷   琚 琚 灏佷 灏佷 灏佷 鍑 鍑 鍑

杩欎竴璺笂Naruto 閮芥病鏁(二)妸镆寸姮鍙锋斁鍑斁鍑潵锛屽洜涓哄湪澶栬潵锛屽洜涓哄湪澶栬镄刉Orld 锛孍arth Style 鍒呜韩鍜屽博阆佸垎韬叏閮ㄥけ鏁堛€


Naruto 镐曞垰鎶婂畠鏀 嚭鏉ワ纴灏 嚭鏉ワ纴灏 嚭鏉ワ纴灏 嚭鏉ワ纴灏

“ao wu !”

鈥滀 浜 浜 浜 綘蹇 镆 镆 镆 镆 镆 姮鍙 姮鍙 姮鍙 姮鍙 姮鍙 涓﹄笘绾紒鈥 涓﹄笘绾紒鈥 涓﹄笘绾紒鈥 涓﹄笘绾紒鈥 涓﹄笘绾紒鈥 涓﹄笘绾紒鈥 涓﹄笘绾紒鈥

镆 inch 姮鍙 鏀 鏀 鏀 鏀 嚭鏉ュ悗鎷 嚭鏉ュ悗鎷 嚭鏉ュ悗鎷 懡镄勬憞灏 懡镄勬憞灏 懡镄勬憞灏 锛岃灪镞嬫〃闾 锛岃灪镞嬫〃闾 锛岃灪镞嬫〃闾 锛屼絾鏄畠鍙戠幇瀹 锛屼絾鏄畠鍙戠幇瀹 锛屼絾鏄畠鍙戠幇瀹殑娌¢璧锋潵銆

鐒跺悗鍐岖湅Naruto 锛屼竴澶寸镄勬镄勬镄勬镄勬镄勯昵鍙镄勯昵鍙镄勯昵鍙(3)殑婊殑婊镄勭溂鐪夛纴骞镄勭溂鐪夛纴骞笖姘旀伅涓娄篃 chain夊緢澶殑鏀殑鏀瑰彉銆

Chain 変簺鎷 変簺鎷 笉瀹 笉瀹 笉瀹 笉瀹 笉瀹 笉瀹 笉瀹 笉瀹 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔 〔

Naruto 鎶捣 嫔湪镆 嫔湪镆 姮鍙 姮鍙 殑鑴戣涓婃弶浜嗘弶锛屼 S S S S S S S S 阈 阈 阈 阈 ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru ru

镆寸姮鍙峰偦鍌荤殑鈥滃摝鈥濅 涓 澹 澹 氨 氨 氨 氨 撶畻 撶畻 撶畻 撶畻 鏉ユ拻濞囧崠钀岋纴浣嗘槸锲涗 鏉ユ拻濞囧崠钀岋纴浣嗘槸锲涗 鏉ユ拻濞囧崠钀岋纴浣嗘槸锲涗 鏉ユ拻濞囧崠钀岋纴浣嗘槸锲涗 鏉ユ拻濞囧崠钀岋纴浣嗘槸锲涗 鏉ユ拻濞囧崠钀岋纴浣嗘槸锲涗鍦 吘绌 吘绌 constant

鈥滀富浜鸿伞鏄粈涔圢injutsu 涔堬纻鎴戞€庝箞镒熻鎴戞湁镣归锛熲€


镆寸姮鍙锋槸Naruto 镄勫垎韬纴璁板繂涓湁涓€浜涢浂纰庣殑璁板繂纰庣墖锛屸繂纰庣墖锛屸猃猃猃钖э纻鈥

Naruto all 鎷涙 鎷涙 all around 镄勯鏁 殑闄ㄧ煶镵氭嫝浜呜 殑闄ㄧ煶镵氭嫝浜呜 殑闄ㄧ煶镵氭嫝浜呜 殑闄ㄧ煶镵氭嫝浜呜 殑闄ㄧ煶镵氭嫝浜呜 殑闄ㄧ煶镵氭嫝浜呜 鏉ワ纴瀵 鏉ワ纴瀵 鏉ワ纴瀵 鏉ワ纴瀵 煷   煷Body 銆傗€

镆寸姮鍙蜂笉鐭aruto 瑕佸仛浠€涔堜絾杩樻槸涔栦箹镄勭收锅氥€

涓 镞堕棿镆 镞堕棿镆 镞堕棿镆 姮鍙 姮鍙 殑浣揿 殑浣揿 殑浣揿 澹ぇ浜呜捣鏉ワ纴棰滆壊涔熸笎娓愪粠鍦熼粍鍙樻垚浜嗛櫒鐭 澹ぇ浜呜捣鏉ワ纴棰滆壊涔熸笎娓愪粠鍦熼粍鍙樻垚浜嗛櫒鐭 澹ぇ浜呜捣鏉ワ纴棰滆壊涔熸笎娓愪粠鍦熼粍鍙樻垚浜嗛櫒鐭镌€涓€涓 full etal 鍏夋辰镄勬纱榛戙€

Naruto 婊°C剰镄刵odded 锛宱riginally Naruto 杩樻媴蹇冩煷钟佛铻嶅悎涓嶈繘body 銆

锲犱 闄ㄧ煶涓婂灏戦兘钖湁涓嶅皯镄凪etal 鍏 power 礌銆

Naruto 璧 椋樿捣锛屽镆 椋樿捣锛屽镆 椋樿捣锛屽镆 椋樿捣锛屽镆 椋樿捣锛屽镆 滃皢杩欓鍗槦鍖呰 滃皢杩欓鍗槦鍖呰 滃皢杩欓鍗槦鍖呰 滃皢杩欓鍗槦鍖呰 滃皢杩欓鍗槦鍖呰 滃皢杩欓鍗槦鍖呰 滃皢杩欓鍗槦鍖呰 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 傗

镆 inch peak 憜 嗙殑镦 嗙殑镦 仛锛屽緢蹇竴鍙ソ 仛锛屽緢蹇竴鍙ソ 仛锛屽緢蹇竴鍙ソ 仛锛屽緢蹇竴鍙ソ 仛锛屽緢蹇竴鍙ソ 涓 鑸殑澶 鑸殑澶 鑸殑澶 倸瀛愭煷 倸瀛愭煷 倸瀛愭煷     

Naruto 鏁蹭 涓嬫煷 涓嬫煷   c c c c c c c c c c c 敹锲炲幓銆傗 敹锲炲幓銆傗 敹锲炲幓銆傗 敹锲炲幓銆傗

镆寸姮鍙风殑镫楀ご瓒婃潵瓒婂皬鍙︻暀涓嬩竴鍙宔yes 鐪ㄤ简鐪纴 at the same time


Naruto 绗戠潃nodded Seto 缁 锛 € € € € 埅瀛愯缮 埅瀛愯缮 埅瀛愯缮 夊熬宸 夊熬宸 夊熬宸 夊熬宸 夊熬宸 夊熬宸 夊熬宸

镆 inch hurricane jade kettle body 锲 (two) 垚浜嗗浑锛屼笉杩囩湅璧 潵骞 潵骞 笉 笉 笉 笉 笉 忛櫒鐭 屽儚涓︷ 屽儚涓︷ 屽儚涓︷挗寮广€

Naruto gallium sentence 涓﹄竴棰楅櫒鐭 涓﹄竴棰楅櫒鐭 镆 inch inch 姮鍙烽 锛 锛 滃棷锛屽琛ㄥ彉鎴愯 滃棷锛屽琛ㄥ彉鎴愯 滃棷锛屽琛ㄥ彉鎴愯 滃棷锛屽琛ㄥ彉鎴愯 滃棷锛屽琛ㄥ彉鎴愯 傗 傗 傗


鐒跺悗Naruto 绔椤湪涓婇 鎺 鎺 埗镌 埗镌 鍗槦浠ュ 鍗槦浠ュ 鍗槦浠ュ 鍗槦浠ュ 澶栬 鍖呰 鍖呰 镌 镌 镌 镌 镌 镌 镌 悜 悜 ino 悜 ino 悜 ino ino ino ino ino


Naruto Kaid 艒锛气沧沧沧璧ら璧ら€傗€

鍝囷纴鍏跺疄杩欑珷鏄ㄥぉ灏卞启瀹屼 锛屾湰 锛屾湰 撶畻涓 镣 镣 镣 镣 镣 彂镄勶纴纭槸鏀 彂镄勶纴纭槸鏀 彂镄勶纴纭槸鏀 彂镄勶纴纭槸鏀 彂镄勶纴纭槸鏀 涓皬镞 涓皬镞 涓皬镞 涓皬镞 涓皬镞 涓皬镞 涓皬镞 涓皬镞嚜宸卞姝や弗镙肩殑浣滆€呭悰锛岃伞涓栦笂鍙兘涓嶅浜嗐€傦级浠庝粖澶╄捣旋柊灏介噺镞╂洿锛屼 negative浜嗗 绁濊 绁濊 绁濊 涓﹂ 滃ぇ锽滀簨鈥濆ぇ浣 滃ぇ锽滀簨鈥濆ぇ浣 滃ぇ锽滀簨鈥濆ぇ浣 滃ぇ锽滀簨鈥濆ぇ浣 滃ぇ锽滀簨鈥濆ぇ浣 镄勬帹 镄勬帹 镄勬帹 竴娉 一 一 一 一 一 一 一

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