Supreme Naruto

Chapter 390

Want to be a glorious people teacher?

Naruto was a little moved, but after shaking the watch several times, she shook the shook head again.

The curriculum in the middle school is too simple to teach in both the life school and the combat school. This is a waste of time for him to become a dog.

After dropping the class schedule, Naruto Spirit links to Yakushi Kabuto: “Orochimaru hasn’t contacted you recently?”

Yakushi Kabuto Kaidō : “No.”

According to the transaction, Orochimaru should teach Yakushi Kabuto to curse.

But Orochimaru had no news since the last time Orochimaru asked for an early deal to be rejected by Naruto.

There is no news even with Sasuke.

What does this guy want to do?

Is it… Sasuke in advance?

Naruto shook the shook head, this should not be possible, and the reincarnation interval that is not reincarnation should be three years according to the original World intelligence.

The first year is not over yet.

“How is the growth of their cloned limbs?”

Naruto asked Yakushi Kabuto again.

The Snow Mountain Institute negative Level 1, the clone laboratory, and Yakushi Kabuto looked at the three meat balls in the culture tank.

There are two arms on one meat ball.

There are two legs on one meat ball.

A meat ball has an arm and a leg.

The three meat balls are grown by absorbing the nutrients in the medium and then transferring the nutrients to the limbs cultivated above.

This culture method has a smaller chance of rejection than a cloned organ grown on a living animal.

It is the latest research result of Yakushi Kabuto after studying from Orochimaru.

“The clonal limbs are all normal, and it is expected that there will be another month to transplant.”

One month? This is a good news.

“Right, Orochimaru didn’t touch the cloned limbs of Little Minnie?”

Orochimaru’s anomalies today make Naruto somewhat uneasy. If Orochimaru contacts Muni’s clones, Naruto should rethink whether or not to re-make things.

Yakushi Kabuto Kaidō : “No.”

No? No good.

Naruto was relaxed and then hung up the call from Yakushi Kabuto.

After half a ring, I couldn’t help but laugh at myself. “Isn’t it an Orochimaru? How suddenly I got nervous.”

Even so.

But Naruto wants to board his five-star account and take a look at the underlying links of the Orochimaru and Sasuke identity cards.

Originally, the account permission is bound to the card.

However, because Naruto often does not have special circumstances in his body, he has added an account to log in to the Function.

However, if you want to log in from a different location, you must also obtain the consent of the primary account.

Naruto has entered the account password here.

A System prompt window pops up: “Waiting for review…”

At this time, as long as you click on the agreement, Naruto will be able to get an account.


System Tip: “The account login verification failed!”

At the glance of Naruto, I contacted Jiuwei Road through the Spirit network: “What aircraft do you want? Why do you refuse my login request?”

Nine tails haha ​​apologized: “Ah…sorry, just slipped.”

Sliding a fart! This stuff is not operated by hand!

Naruto re-enter the account password.

System Tip: “Wait for review…”

System Tip: “The account login verification failed!”

Naruto’s anger “teng!” burned up and yelled at Jiuwei: “You are going to heaven!”

Nine tails continued to play haha: “Sorry, I slipped again.”

Going to the TM and slipping it, this thing can be known with the toes!

“Say! You have to do it!”

Naruto did not continue to log in, asked directly.

Nine-tailed with a smile: “Well… nothing…”

Naruto turned over Byakugan (roll eyes), “There is a fart! I still have something!”

Nine tails are not annoyed, and even some flattering words: “That… I want to eat the snacks of Xiatoutou.”


What is the reason for this?

Ok, the delicious pastry for the nine tails is the sky.

“Await another week, and after a week, get the satellite into the sky, I will ask her to give you a good meal.”

Well, it is you, there is a little monk who is waiting to be fed.

Make a promise and Naruto re-login.


System Tip: “The account is not registered in the remote location!”

System Tip: “Three consecutive logins failed, the account login permission has been locked, 24 can apply for lifting the ban…”


Naruto is furious.

To Jiuwei shouted: “Do you want to die or don’t want to live!”

When the nine tails stay, the ear sounds System prompt: “The account is locked in the function lock, and 24 hours can be applied to lift the ban.”

Nine tails knew that they should have done something wrong, and a pair of foxes fell down, but it felt like they could still save.

So pretending to be the same enemy: “Which silly B design login failure account locks the Function, this is not a set of collars for your own neck, seeking abuse?”

Naruto is not good for the whole person, his face is dark, he is hoarse and low, and he sounds very terrifying. Kaidō: “I designed…”

Nine-tailed quickly changed his mind: “Ah? You designed it, I said how this function is so good…”

Naruto is too lazy to listen to the nine-tailed flower, indifferent Kaidō: “You are finished, telling you that my raft is completely mastered, oh! Hey! Hey…”

Cut off the Spirit link with Silly Nine, Naruto found the big fat road: “Help me check the underlying links of the Orochimaru and Sasuke identity cards.”

The operation of the big fat Ma Li, and soon Kaidō: “No abnormalities, the link is still, the two accounts are in a dormant state, do you want to activate?”

Activation is to force the registration number.

After Naruto heard no abnormalities, his heart was loose.

Is he thinking more?

“no need……”

“Right, big fat, have you parsed the character of Chakra decomposition?”

The array of Chuck’s decomposition is what Naruto learned from 蝎, directly consuming the chakra instead of eating the 傀儡 kernel seal.

However, the seal is still a black box technology, and it teaches the composition and structure of the curse, but the principle does not understand.

According to 蝎, this core seal was derived from a failed experiment.

It was also because of this seal that it gave birth to the idea of ​​transforming itself into a skeleton.

Naruto’s impression of this is that the word madness can’t be described.

It is simply a madman.

Also mad is Deidara, who made two mouths on his own hands.

By the way, there is another place in the left atrium that can explode.

Dafei Kaidō: “It hasn’t been fully resolved yet. There is no such structure on the reference book, and the existing algorithms are not applicable. I want to parse… unless the algorithm is solved.”

Naruto thought for a moment, “Have you tried to reverse the complex of Chakra’s synthesis?”

Dafei nodded: “Try it, but there is an algorithmic fault in the middle, it can’t be overthrown…”

Or is it an algorithmic problem? This is hard to do.

“Is there any way to find out?”

The foundation of the original seal is good, and with the help of super brain tools, the study of the spell has progressed to a similar extent to Naruto.

After all, this kind of knowledge is difficult to develop and learn. Just remember to live, it is simple.

Dafei Kaidō: “The algorithm is also being deduced in the past few days, but the problem is the same as me.”

Not at all? Is it difficult to use it directly?

Random copying of seals that are not fully resolved is a big deal, because there are likely to be loopholes exploited by the enemy.

Dafei continued: “But the guy in the day said that he could try to find someone from the vortex family to discuss.”

Swirl family? People are dead and looking for someone…

Huh? Who said that the dead can not find!

Naruto’s eyes lit up and asked, “What did you say?”

Dafei Kaidō: “He said that his brother-in-law is a rare genius of the vortex family. At the time, he was able to develop so many Ninjutsu, and he could not help the brothers.”

Brother? Who?

Brother is Senju Hashirama, brother and sister… whirlpool water Shanghai!

Naruto start to talk said: “He said what?”

Where did Dafei remember to say anything, start the Super Brain tool to bring up the chat history of the day.

Then Kaidō: “He said that his brother’s grave is in Konoha, with his brother.”

Naruto: “Oh… at Konoha…”

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