Supreme Naruto

Chapter 383

For a moment of death, look at the Cremate field.

It’s probably the state of Deidara at this time.

30 seconds ago, he was also excited to read his versatile two silly to show his talents.

After 30 seconds… he became a big fool.

“Big stupid, don’t you understand? I don’t understand the owner. How many more seals do you show?”

The perception of the barrier is criss-crossed on Naruto’s body.

That is the formation that will appear when the seal is released successfully.

It is also a high level seal that is involved in the barrier field and, of course, the lowest level in the barrier field.

“This is impossible!”

Deidara eyes is big, the electronic eyes under the bangs leaked out, and I plan to confirm the situation on Naruto again.

Naruto’s face is exactly the face of a flying squirrel.

The black and white lines on the criss-crossing, the line of characters constitutes the array, and the above can feel the breath of Chakra.

it is true.

But how does Deidara believe?

“This must not be yours!”

He turned his head and looked at him: “Is it right? It must be in the dark to help you.”

Looking at Idiot’s face, I looked at Deidara and clarified: “I can’t do anything.”

Deidara is still hard, “Impossible! It must be that you want to see my jokes, so I made this little trick!”

Deidara This is… want to pay?

How could Naruto make him want it, he was mad at the day, just wait for this moment to break out.

So I jumped from the body of the cockroach. “Then I am far from the head office? So no one will help me?”

Deidara has some heart to Hollow’s ignorance.

Naruto leaped from his shoulder and lifted his hand. “I have to re-apply, you have to look carefully.”

Naruto doesn’t say that Deidara will look very carefully.

This is a major event about the festival!

Naruto re-hand seals on the hand, because of the lack of a finger, Naruto’s hand seal looks a little different from shinobi.

But the surprise is that the hand seal has succeeded.

This scene is also very serious.

From the volatility of the perceived barrier and the structure of the spell, he can see that this is only an initial level of perceived barrier.

There is nothing in the look of the barrier’s Rank, but… the technique is obviously different from the record.

This is amazing.

I can think of Uchiha Itachi with one hand hand seal.

Is it… this little mouse and that person are a level?

It feels ridiculous to think of this kind of thought in my heart.

Naruto’s smile at the look at Deidara, who can’t speak.

“People are pets, should I call me a master now?”

Deidara’s face was red, “No one is allowed to be pampered! Or I am really angry!”

Naruto looked at him. “Hey, you are a notary. Someone is going to change in front of you. What do you say?”

Awkwardly, his face showed a smile: “No one can change in front of me unless he can beat me.”

Said, smiled and looked at Deidara.

Deidara’s eyes lit up and he was proudly said: “So, as long as I beat you, can I? To be honest, I have long wanted to spar spar with you.”

Hey and Deidara want to fight one?

It is impossible for Naruto to persuade him. He is the perfect inheritor of the big genes that are not afraid of things.

In a sarcasm, the fire is on the fire: “If you want me to see you, you can recognize it directly. You can’t be the opponent of Senior.”

Deidara really eats this set and now swears: “My art is impossible to lose to anyone!”

As he said, he reached into the pocket with clay.

With a trepidation, the Chakra line flew out of a Scroll, and the Scroll was unsealed. “bang!”, the three generations of Kazekage appeared in the hands of the cockroach.

Directly using three generations of Kazekage?

This seems to be going to enlarge the move.

Naruto stares at the big eyes and waits for the go on stage.

However, what is more impressive is that he raised his hand to pull the zipper, and then saw a long lock sticking out of the clothes and nailing it to the ground to lift it up.

The windbreaker fell, and the sly body appeared.

Then… he touched his chest again.

Hey, this is going to be… full power shot?

Naruto remembers that the position on the chest can emit hundreds of Chakra lines, which are used to display the secret technique.

Look at Deidara again…

Huh? How is the style of painting a bit wrong?

See Deidara black face, then painful screaming… belly?


Deidara’s stomach snorted and Deidara held the body bow into a prawns.

He was preparing to twitch Scroll’s hand, full of surprises: “I haven’t shot yet… Don’t you scare you like this? If that’s the way I think I should change my partner.”

Deidara ignored it, lifted his hand and untied the clay bag, and poured all the clay inside.

Then grabbed a sniff on the nose.

Roaring: “Who did it! Who drunk in my clay!”

Naruto turned quietly, and the bird slammed his toes ready to go.

This scene was just seen by the screaming Deidara.

“Two silly! What are you doing?”

Naruto was a stiff body and then retorted: “Who is the big fool!”

Deidara shouted: “The big fool calls you!”

Naruto: “Hey…”

I shook the shook head helplessly, and the little fighting intent that had just risen was destroyed by the funny scene.

These two living treasures… can always make something ridiculous.

The chain sticking out from the abdomen seems to be retracted from the belly, and the cockroach falls down from the air, then picks up the clothes and shakes the dust on the clothes and puts it on silently.

Deidara didn’t realize Naruto’s language trap, and he said: “Why should I have a laxative in my clay!”

Naruto Kaidō: “I am very curious about how you smell it and know that I am laxative inside?”

Deidara naturally said: “A rancid breath is not what a laxative is!”


Ok, the smelly bamboo does have a bit of rotten smell.

Because there is no plan to put Deidara in the dead, Naruto’s modulation is not very hard.

Deidara asked: “Don’t shift the topic… oh…”

Halfway through the words, Deidara suddenly re-bowed into a prawns, and then ran into the woods.

“When I come back, I will find you again!”

Naruto reminded: “Go to the vent!”

Deidara turned and glanced at Naruto, but chose the lower vent.

Seven or eight minutes later, Hollow’s weak Deidara came back with a tired body, and he was weak and said: “Why… why should I give me medicine?”

Naruto is embarrassed to say “嘿嘿”, and then said with a smile: “That… I just want to try… Is the mouth in your hand the same as the one above you?”

Then there is a supplement: “Well… just curious.”

I took back three generations of Kazekage, and I looked at the interesting partner in front of my eyes.

He suddenly found that World seems to have other interesting things compared to fighting.

Just like the one in front of you.

Then I heard a “beep” and Deidara turned and got into the woods.

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